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SOCIS 2013 Tomas Meszaros

Tomas Meszaros edited this page Aug 2, 2013 · 1 revision

Personal Details

Background and Programming Experience

I've graduated this year from the Slovak University of Technology with BSc. in Applied Informatics. I'm currently enrolled in Masaryk University (CZ, Brno) and planning to continue studying computer science.

I started with programming at the high school, probably about 5 years ago. Python was my first language and I have done several projects in Python since then (my own small, but also bigger open-source projects). I like Python because of its flexibility, which is very handy. Writing in Python is always fun for me and debugging is not really that much painful (in comparison to C). I can also read/write code in other languages (Java, C++, C#, etc.), however I use mostly Python and C (sometimes Bash).

I heavily rely on Git/GitHub and vim when I'm programming. Life so is much easier with those tools and I feel very comfortable and in control when I'm using them.

I'm long time Linux user (over 5 years now) so I'm programming on my Linux box. I've got experience with every major distribution and can fix almost every problem on my own.


I would like to work on the "Improvements to Map 3D classes". Currently, mapcube object represents series of spatially aligned images, but there is requirement for additional feature development (for example: being able to sort the Maps in the cube; image registration routine able to align images in the cube to a high degree of accuracy).

Because MapCube is implemented as a list of Map object, it would be required for the further work to implement conversion between this list of Maps and a 3D map object (using np.ndarray).

Furthermore, improvements to MapCube should include the possibility to store a MapCube of CompositeMaps (CompositeMap class also requires a lot of improvement).

I'm still student and apparently got a lot of free time during this summer :-) so I'm willing to invest a lot of time into this project.

Time Line

  • Week 1-2: Research more about the problem and desired problem solution. Identify the required features and discuss with mentor/community potential approach and methods used for the development.

  • Week 3-4: Get more familiar with the MapCube code. Design and implement "sort the Maps in the cube" feature prototype.

  • Week 5-6: Get feedback from mentor and community. Fix potential bugs, write tests and documentation for written code. Discuss design/implementation for "image registration routine upgrade" feature.

  • Week 7-8: Midterm review. Design and Implement "image registration routine upgrade". Get feedback, debug written code, write tests and documentation.

  • Week 9-10: Cleanup written code. Fix potential bug or write additional requested functionality by the community. Discuss approach for implementing "list<->np.ndarray converstion".

  • Week 11-12: Implement "list<->np.ndarray conversion". Get feedback, cleanup and document implementation. Design and implement prototype for "storing MapCube of CompositeMaps" feature.

  • Week 13-14: Final review. Last code cleanup, write missing tests and documentation. Get feedback, implement missing parts or improve current code.

Experience with SunPy

I'm already familiar with the SunPy development workflow (Git/GitHub) although I'm not a long time SunPy user or developer.

I wanted to understand the SunPy code so I've gone trough the issues marked on the SunPy GitHub page and tried to fix some of them ( I think the code is pretty well written and easy to read/understand for me.

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