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0.3 Release Schedule

ehsteve edited this page Feb 25, 2013 · 2 revisions
  1. Feature Freeze (1/4/13)
    1. No more ‘Feature Request’ issues to be added to 0.3 milestone.
  2. Complete Refactoring (29/4/13)
    1. map(Stuart and Russ)
      1. map
      2. mapcube
    2. lightcurve (non-inherit already-- pandas)
    3. spectra (Florian)
      1. spectrogram
      2. spectrum
    4. ??
  3. Branch (RC1) [Feature Complete] (20/5/13)
    1. All features implemented
  4. Release (3/6/13)
    1. Documentation finished
    2. Packaged
    3. Tested
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