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khughitt edited this page Jun 18, 2012 · 6 revisions


  • planning - Plans for the component are currently being discussed. Little or no code has yet been written.
  • alpha - Initial (prototype) code written, but no final API or architecture has been chosen. The component is likely to change before being finalized, and should not be used in production code.
  • beta - Development has been started and is finished or nearing completion for most parts of the component. Some further discussion may be required before agreeing on a final API.
  • release candidate - Main pieces of the module or component have been developed, and the API has largely been decided. Although the interface and implementation may still evolve some and bugs may be worked out, the component is largely stable and ready for testing and use.
  • stable - Module work has largely been finished and the code has been extensively tested to ensure that no bugs are present. Although changes may still be required to the implementation or API in the future, this is not done lightly and a deprecation process should be used whereby the old method is supported for 6-12 months to enable users to update their code.

SunPy Modules/Components

Component Status References
cm beta
coords planning
gui alpha [1]
image alpha
instr alpha
io alpha
LightCurve planning
map (BaseMap) beta
map (MapCube) alpha [1]
map (CompositeMap) alpha [1]
net.hek beta [1]
net.vso beta
net.helioviewer alpha
Spectrum planning
ssw planning
sun beta
time alpha
units planning
net.vso beta
util alpha
wcs alpha
RGB Composite Example alpha
time_test3 alpha

Last update: 2012/06/13

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