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LightCurve Refactor Proposal

wafels edited this page Feb 17, 2014 · 8 revisions

A Proposal to Refactor LightCurve


We all knew this day was coming, LightCurve cannot escape the spotlight any longer. LightCurve moves away from conditional dispatch to a Factory based creation system so that it behaves like Map.


This proposal makes an API change, which will move LightCurve to follow the API of the Map submodule. This will provide end users a consistent interface submodules and allow for cleaner and easier to read code for developers, much like the map refactor did for the map submodule.

Relevant PR’s:

PR #729 The update to the base factory class, currently used for Map.


A factory instance (as proposed in #729) called LightCurve will be available in the top level of the sunpy.lightcurve which will allow creation of all registered LightCurve subclasses with the following API:

def LightCurve(filename=None, source=None, dates=None, *kwargs):
    filename: string or File
        A file to read.
    source: string or iterable of strings
        A string identifier for a registered subclass, matched by that subclasses `_is_source_for` method.
    dates: DateTime instance or iterable of.
        The time range to create the lightcurve in between.
    All other keywords are passed to subclass


  • my_lc = LightCurve(source=’goes’, dates=[datemin,datemax])
  • my_lc = LIghtCurve(source=’goes’, dates=datetime)#Downloads a standard amount of time?
  • my_lc = LightCurve(source=’goes’, filename.csv)
  • my_lc = LightCurve(filename.fits)
  • my_lc = LightCurve(url) # autodetect
  • my_lc = LightCurve(source=’goes’, url)
  • my_lc = LightCurve(source=’lyra’, dates=[min,max], events=[x,y,z])
  • my_goes, my_lyra = LightCurve(source=[‘goes’,’lyra’], dates=[min,max])

LightCurve parsing order:

  1. URL -> resolve to file
    1. Filename:
      1. Attempt to read with (Like Map())
        1. Parse metadata to _is_source_for and find relevant subclass
        2. Create that LightCurve.
      2. Match ‘source’ flag to subclass and get subclass to read file:
        1. return data, meta pair, create instance.
      3. fail.
  2. Daterange:
    1. Match ‘source’ flag to subclass and get URI
    2. Download data (support multiple files)
    3. Attempt read with, parse (data, meta) to subclass __init__.
    4. Attempt to read with subclass.
    5. fail
  3. Other kwargs are processed and passed to subclass class method for returning (data, meta).

Required class methods:

  1. parse specific data files that cannot be read by the module, i.e. CSV or ASCII files.
  2. Parse input to the LightCurve factory such as date range and return a file download URI.
  3. Provide a _is_source_for which if possible auto detects the data type from a (data, meta) pair, and also matches string names for the subclass i.e. 'goes' or 'lyra', which will be passed into the factory to specify type for download etc.

Backwards Compatibility:

None, due to the current implementation of LightCurve it will be very hard to maintain backwards compatibility. It may be possible to implement a .create() method that calls the Factory, however I would not recommend it.


  • Make a check that the index column of the LightCurve is actually a time.
  • Since there is no standard for storing time-series data (FITS files have a standard) then we can expect that each instrument subclass will be highly tailored to however the data is stored.
  • Do we still want to use pandas time-series to store the data?
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