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Cadair edited this page Apr 19, 2013 · 3 revisions

From the #gsoc meeting on 2013/04/19

<carols> sunpy folks <sunpy|renstar> indeed <sunpy|renstar> hello <sunpy|keith> hi <carols> i just want to start off by saying i like the sun. <carols> anyway <carols> you're ideas page looked great. <carols> loved the structure and the ideas. <sunpy|renstar> great, thanks! <sunpy|cadair> Thanks, I was worried there wasn't enough. <carols> no, that was about right. <carols> any shorter and it probably would have been a problem <carols> but anyway, you seem to be a large org, maybe you could have had even more? <sunpy|renstar> actually we are quite small <carols> ah, ok <carols> i was just going based on something from your app i saw <carols> "The SunPy project is large enough that it will not be difficult to find another mentor that is familiar with the project." <sunpy|renstar> ahhh, yeah, i see <sunpy|renstar> perhaps 'tight' is better than 'large' <carols> anyway, regardless. it would have helped you a bit to have another org vouch for you <sunpy|keith> hmm. perhaps "friends of SunPy" would have been a better phrase <carols> not the end of the world, just something to consider <sunpy|renstar> yeah, this is our first time with gsoc <sunpy|renstar> we've had other soc students from other programs last summer <sunpy|renstar> but we can definitely look for an org to vouch next year <carols> it looks like we just had a lot of space this year as well :-) <carols> i'm feeling like a broken record here. <sunpy|keith> heh <sunpy|cadair> There is an awful lot of space. <carols> i actually don't see any other problems with the app or the ideas page. <carols> indeed there is :-) <sunpy|keith> that's good to know <carols> i would encourage you to apply again next year for sure. <sunpy|cadair> very encouraging. <sunpy|keith> anything that might help set us apart in the future? <carols> a couple more ideas might help? <carols> a vouch from another organization? maybe try to find an org to umbrella you this year and then use them to vouch for you next year? <sunpy|cadair> We are under the PSF now :) <sunpy|keith> yea, we applied with the PSF this year ah, cool :-) so then work with them this summer and see if you can reapply with a vouch from them next year. everything else looks good to me <sunpy|keith> sounds good. thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, carols! <sunpy|keith> keep up the good work with GSoC of course! happy friday, and thanks for waiting <sunpy|renstar> ok, so vouch plus hope to come up on the right side of the numbers game <sunpy|renstar> thanks again! yep, indeed cheers moving along! <sunpy|cadair> yes, thanks a lot, I have driven how 50% of the Uk while this has been going on:) <sunpy|keith> cheers ``

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