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SimeonGerginov edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 1 revision



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Server Key string The name of the Server we are trying to connect to. The Server can be a vCenter or ESXi.
Credential Mandatory PSCredential The credentials needed for connection to the specified Server.
Name Key string The name of the VMHost.
InterfaceName Key string The name of the interface.
Ensure Mandatory Ensure Specifies whether the IP interface of the vSAN network configuration should be present or absent.
AgentMcAddr Optional string The IPv4 multicast address for the agent group.
AgentV6McAddr Optional string The IPv6 multicast address for the agent group.
AgentMcPort Optional long The multicast address port for the agent group.
HostUcPort Optional long The unicast address port for the VMHost unicast channel.
MasterMcAddr Optional string The IPv4 multicast address for the master group.
MasterV6McAddr Optional string The IPv6 multicast address for the master group.
MasterMcPort Optional long The multicast address port for the master group.
MulticastTtl Optional long The time-to-live for multicast packets.
TrafficType Optional string[] The network transmission type of the vSAN traffic through a virtual network adapter. Supported values are vsan and witness. Type vsan means general vSAN transmission, which is used for both data and witness transmission, if there is no virtual adapter configured with witness traffic type; Type witness indicates that, vSAN vmknic is used for vSAN witness transmission. Once a virtual adapter is configured with witness traffic type, vSAN witness data transmission will stop using virtual adapter with vsan traffic type, and use first dicovered virtual adapter with witness traffic type. Multiple traffic types can be provided in format -T type1 -T type2. Default value is vsan, if the property is not specified.
Force Optional bool Specifies whether to notify vSAN subsystem of the removal of the IP Interface, even if is not configured.


The resource is used to add and remove vSAN network configuration IP Interfaces on the specified VMHost.


Example 1

Adds a new vSAN network configuration IP Interface where the interface name is the specified VMKernel Network Adapter name. The time-to-live for multicast packets is 5 and the traffic type is vsan. Also specified are the settings for the Agent and Master groups as well as the unicast address port for the VMHost unicast channel: 12321.

Configuration VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration_AddVMHostvSANNetworkConfigurationIPInterface_Config {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName VMware.vSphereDSC

    Node localhost {
        VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration {
            Server = $Server
            Credential = $Credential
            Name = $Name
            InterfaceName = $VMHostVMKernelNetworkAdapterName
            Ensure = 'Present'
            AgentV6McAddr = 'ff19::2:3:4'
            AgentMcAddr = ''
            AgentMcPort = 23451
            HostUcPort = 12321
            MasterV6McAddr = 'ff19::1:2:3'
            MasterMcAddr = ''
            MasterMcPort = 12345
            MulticastTtl = 5
            TrafficType = 'vsan'

Example 2

Removes the vSAN network configuration IP Interface where the interface name is the specified VMKernel Network Adapter name. The vSAN subsystem is notified of the removal of the IP Interface.

Configuration VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration_RemoveVMHostvSANNetworkConfigurationIPInterface_Config {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName VMware.vSphereDSC

    Node localhost {
        VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration VMHostvSANNetworkConfiguration {
            Server = $Server
            Credential = $Credential
            Name = $Name
            InterfaceName = $VMHostVMKernelNetworkAdapterName
            Ensure = 'Absent'
            Force = $true
            AgentV6McAddr = 'ff19::2:3:4'
            AgentMcAddr = ''
            AgentMcPort = 23451
            HostUcPort = 12321
            MasterV6McAddr = 'ff19::1:2:3'
            MasterMcAddr = ''
            MasterMcPort = 12345
            MulticastTtl = 5
            TrafficType = 'vsan'
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