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SimeonGerginov edited this page Oct 30, 2019 · 4 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
SettingsScope Key PowerCLISettingsScope Specifies the scope on which the PowerCLI Settings will be applied. LCM
CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy Optional ProxyPolicy Specifies the proxy policy for the connection through which Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) data is sent to VMware. NoProxy, UseSystemProxy, Unset
DefaultVIServerMode Optional DefaultVIServerMode Specifies the server connection mode. Single, Multiple, Unset
DisplayDeprecationWarnings Optional bool Indicates whether you want to see warnings about deprecated elements.
InvalidCertificateAction Optional BadCertificateAction Define the action to take when an attempted connection to a server fails due to a certificate error. Ignore, Warn, Prompt, Fail, Unset
ParticipateInCeip Optional bool Specifies if PowerCLI should send anonymous usage information to VMware.
ProxyPolicy Optional ProxyPolicy Specifies whether VMware PowerCLI uses a system proxy server to connect to the vCenter Server system. NoProxy, UseSystemProxy, Unset
WebOperationTimeoutSeconds Optional int Defines the timeout for Web operations. The default value is 300 sec.


The resource is used to Update the PowerCLI Configuration settings of the LCM. User Scope PowerCLI Configuration settings are updated with this resource. The LCM runs with Windows System account, so the settings will be stored for the user that runs LCM PowerShell. If a user runs a Configuration with this resource, the settings will be preserved for all future Configurations that run on that LCM.


Example 1

Updates the ParticipateInCeip, InvalidCertificateAction, DefaultVIServerMode and DisplayDeprecationWarnings PowerCLI Configuration settings.

Configuration PowerCLISettings_Config {
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName VMware.vSphereDSC

    Node localhost {
        PowerCLISettings powerCLISettings {
            SettingsScope = 'LCM'
            ParticipateInCeip = $false
            InvalidCertificateAction = 'Warn'
            DefaultVIServerMode = 'Multiple'
            DisplayDeprecationWarnings = $false
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