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SimeonGerginov edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 1 revision



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Server Key string The name of the Server we are trying to connect to. The Server can be a vCenter or ESXi.
Credential Mandatory PSCredential The credentials needed for connection to the specified Server.
VMHostName Key string The name of the VMHost.
Name Key string The name of the Standard Switch.
Ensure Mandatory Ensure Specifies whether the Standard Switch should be present or absent. Present, Absent
Mtu Optional int The maximum transmission unit (MTU) in bytes associated with the Standard Switch.
NicDevice Optional string[] The names of the Physical Network Adapters that are bridged to the Standard Switch.
BeaconInterval Optional int Determines how often, in seconds, a beacon should be sent.
LinkDiscoveryProtocolType Optional string The discovery protocol type. Standard Switches support only CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol). CDP
LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation Optional string Specifies whether to advertise or listen. Advertise, Both, Listen, None
AllowPromiscuous Optional bool A flag indicating whether or not all traffic is seen on the port.
ForgedTransmits Optional bool A flag indicating whether or not the Virtual Network Adapter should be allowed to send network traffic with a different MAC address.
MacChanges Optional bool A flag indicating whether or not the Media Access Control (MAC) address can be changed.
Enabled Optional bool A flag indicating whether or not traffic shaper is enabled on the port.
AverageBandwidth Optional long The average bandwidth in bits per second if shaping is enabled on the port.
PeakBandwidth Optional long The peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second if traffic shaping is enabled on the port.
BurstSize Optional long The maximum burst size allowed in bytes if shaping is enabled on the port.
CheckBeacon Optional bool A flag indicating whether or not to enable beacon probing as a method to validate the link status of a Physical Network Adapter.
ActiveNic Optional string[] List of active Network Adapters used for load balancing.
StandbyNic Optional string[] Standby Network Adapters used for failover.
NotifySwitches Optional bool A flag specifying whether or not to notify the Physical Switch if a link fails.
Policy Optional NicTeamingPolicy The Network adapter teaming policy. LoadBalance_IP, LoadBalance_SrcMAC, LoadBalance_SrcId, Failover_Explicit
RollingOrder Optional bool A flag indicating whether or not to use a rolling policy when restoring links.


The resource is used to create, modify and remove Standard Switches on the specified VMHost. The resource also modifies the different policies of the Standard Switch - Security, Shaping and Teaming policies as well as creating a bridge to connect the Standard Switch to Physical Network Adapters.


Example 1

Creates/modifies Standard Switch MyStandardSwitch with maximum transmission unit 1500 bytes. Physical Network Adapters vmnic2 and vmnic3 are bridged to Standard Switch MyStandardSwitch with configured beacon probing and link discovery protocol type CDP and operation Listen. Promiscuous mode, Forged Transmits and Mac Changes are enabled for Standard Switch MyStandardSwitch. The shaping policy for Standard Switch MyStandardSwitch is enabled with average bandwidth in bits per second 104857600000, peak bandwidth during bursts in bits per second 104857600000 and the maximum burst size allowed in bytes 107374182400. The active Nic is vmnic2, the standby Nic is vmnnic3, the Network Adapter teaming policy is LoadBalanceSrcId. The Physical Network Adapters are notified if a link fails. Rolling policy when restoring links is not used. Beacon probing as a method to validate the link status of a Physical Network Adapter is not enabled.

Configuration StandardSwitch_Config {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName VMware.vSphereDSC

    Node localhost {
        StandardSwitch StandardSwitch {
            Server = $Server
            Credential = $Credential
            VMHostName = $VMHostName
            Name = 'MyStandardSwitch'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Mtu = 1500
            NicDevice = @('vmnic2', 'vmnic3')
            BeaconInterval = 1
            LinkDiscoveryProtocolType = 'CDP'
            LinkDiscoveryProtocolOperation = 'Listen'
            AllowPromiscuous = $true
            ForgedTransmits = $true
            MacChanges = $true
            Enabled = $true
            AverageBandwidth = 104857600000
            PeakBandwidth = 104857600000
            BurstSize = 107374182400
            CheckBeacon = $false
            ActiveNic = @('vmnic2')
            StandbyNic = @('vmnic3')
            NotifySwitches = $true
            Policy = 'Loadbalance_srcid'
            RollingOrder = $false
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