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SimeonGerginov edited this page Feb 12, 2020 · 1 revision



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Server Key string The name of the Server we are trying to connect to. The Server can be a vCenter or ESXi.
Credential Mandatory PSCredential The credentials needed for connection to the specified Server.
Name Key string The name of the VMHost.
DatastoreEnabled Optional bool Specifies if the Datastore option should be enabled or not.
DatastoreName Optional string The name of the Datastore used by the Datastore option.
DatastoreOrder Optional long The order of the Datastore option in the preference of the options of the system-wide shared swap space.
HostCacheEnabled Optional bool Specifies if the host cache option should be enabled or not.
HostCacheOrder Optional long The order of the host cache option in the preference of the options of the system-wide shared swap space.
HostLocalSwapEnabled Optional bool Specifies if the host local swap option should be enabled or not.
HostLocalSwapOrder Optional long The order of the host local swap option in the preference of the options of the system-wide shared swap space.


The resource is used to modify the configuration of system-wide shared swap space on the specified VMHost.


Example 1

Enables the Datastore option and uses the Datastore with the specified name. Disables the host cache option. Disabled the host local swap option. The preference of the options is: 0. host local swap option, 1. Datastore option, 2. host cache option.

Configuration VMHostSharedSwapSpace_ModifySharedSwapSpaceConfiguration_Config {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Import-DscResource -ModuleName VMware.vSphereDSC

    Node localhost {
        VMHostSharedSwapSpace VMHostSharedSwapSpace {
            Server = $Server
            Credential = $Credential
            Name = $Name
            DatastoreEnabled = $true
            DatastoreName = $DatastoreName
            DatastoreOrder = 1
            HostCacheEnabled = $false
            HostCacheOrder = 2
            HostLocalSwapEnabled = $false
            HostLocalSwapOrder = 0
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