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Releases: kids-first/kf-germline-workflow

Genotyping Workflow and AnnotSV Updates

23 Jan 16:48
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GATK Genotyping Workflow Update

This release updates the GATK Genotyping portion of our germline variant workflow. Previously the workflow had been written only with WGS samples in mind. This release updates the workflow so it can handle WXS and Targeted Sequencing inputs. The key difference between WGS and WXS/Targeted calling is in the variant filtration process. WGS samples will be processed using VQSR; WXS/Targeted samples will be processed using HardFiltering. Users can now specify the experiment_type of the input and the workflow will perform the appropriate filtration.

Accompanying this update, we've also added a new output called gatk_annotation_plots. This TAR.GZ file contains a series of plots of the key genotying annotations used for the HardFiltering process. As it is associated with HardFiltering, this output will only be created if the sample is WXS/Targeted.

We've also updated the GATK dockers used for a number of the utility functions used in the genotyping workflow. These functions include gathering VCFs, tranches, etc and should have no impact on the final outputs.

Other Functional Updates

  • Two new outputs to the germline workflow:
    • AnnotSV-annotated version of CNVnator's cnvnator_vcf output
    • AnnotSV-annotated version of GATK's gatk_gcnv_genotyped_segments_vcfs output
  • Adjustments were made to the germline workflow to make some inputs no longer required; since pretty much everything can be turned off/on, requirements mostly depend on what you are trying to do
  • Opened extra argument ports for various tools in the workflow. Gives the user more control of the run

Documentation Updates

This release also contains a series of documentation updates:

  • Fixing the Broad GCP links in the docs
  • Updated docs to include new outputs

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0

🧹 Input and submodule cleanup

23 May 20:18
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Removed a ClinVar suggested file as it's no longer KF SOP to run in prod.
Point to latest annotation submodule to incorporate latest changes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1

Annotation Refactor

15 Feb 15:40
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0

KFDRC Germline Variant Worklfows

23 Aug 21:25
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New All-in-one Workflow!

This release introduces the first all-in-one germline variant workflow for Kids First. The workflow wraps callers for CNV, SNV, and SV into a comprehensive production workflow. Please see the primary workflow documentation for information about the callers and methods.

Additional Fixes

We have updated the ClinVar reference. The old reference was missing several records and should not be used. Please delete it if you still have it.


  • Most tools and workflows received upgrades to cwl 1.2
  • Outputs were simplified and renamed for clarity

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.4...v1.0.0

📖 Updated Default Cavatica Refs

01 Feb 18:41
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We recently exported our files to a bucket. This update points the default file pulled to the new location. Functionality is unchanged, but a couple files may not auto-populate if a user uses an older version.

What's Changed

  • 📖 Changed Default Ref Location After Export by @migbro in #28

Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.4.4

✏️ Set new default for tool name

07 Dec 18:18
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Mostly for ops purposes, added clarity by updating the default tool name. The previous tool name default implied certain tools not used in this workflow.

What's Changed

  • 🔧 Update file ext default to new spec by @migbro in #27

Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3

🤏 Minor file naming update

30 Sep 15:16
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Satisfies an Ops request to allow the tool_name input to determine the suffix and drop the default suffix added by the annotation workflow

What's Changed

  • ✏️ allow tool_name to do the heavy lifting by @migbro in #26

Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2

🐛 Fixed default file reference

29 Sep 19:13
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A small update that addresses the following:

  • Corrected the default secondaryFile for the CADD SNV input
  • Added a default value for tool name for ease of use

What's Changed

  • 🔧 Bug/fix secondary file ref by @migbro in #25

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1

Annotation Upgrade

28 Sep 13:45
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In an effort to standardize annotation for both DNA and RNA, this adds a new annotation workflow.

  • Added standalone wf with ability to strip old annotations to avoid conflicts and re-use old calls
  • Upgraded from VEP 93 to VEP 105
  • Incorporated workflow into single sample calling
  • Added updated gnomad, clinvar, and dbsnsfp and intervar references to enhance "off-the-shelf" usability for downstream germline users

What's Changed

  • 🚀 Add germline SNV Workflow by @migbro in #23
  • 💪 Add annotation workflow and upgrade by @migbro in #24

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0

KFDRC Germline Structural Variant Workflow

08 Sep 18:46
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KFDRC Germline Structural Variant Workflow

The primary focus of this release if the creation of a preliminary Germline Structural Sariant (SV) workflow. The workflow is runs two callers: Manta and SVaba. Both callers report two VCFs: one containing the smaller indels and another reporting the larger structural variations. Records from the latter files that can be annotated are done so by AnnotSV and reported in separate TSVs.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0