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09: Process an image object with a simple function

jaywarrick edited this page Apr 30, 2015 · 1 revision

Select "Process" tab (tab #5).

Make sure the correct entry has been selected, it will be highlighted in red in the grid display in the upper-left of the window.

Functions can be selected from the “FUNCTION LIBRARY” on the right hand side of the window by double-clicking any folder to open the folder, and double-clicking any function name to load that function. Mouse-over functions to get a very brief description of what the function does.

Most basic image processing functions can be found under folder “Image processing” or "JEX/Image Processing".

General Instructions to use those functions:

  1. Under the expanded list, double click on the function name you will use

  2. The selected function window will appear in the middle top

  3. Define input by dragging the corresponding object icon under “BROWSE/SELECT OBJECTS” to the red box under the "Inputs" heading of the function panel. This should cause the red box to turn green.

  4. Provide more information or parameters to the window in the middle lower right

  5. Click RUN (the RUN button on the “Measure Roi Region to ARFF” window to run only this function or the larger button on the side which will run all the functions and save the workflow)

You will see icons for the output objects in the lower-left panel of the window under “BROWSE/SELECT OBJECTS”.