Port Solution Integrators
- Portsmouth, VA
pcsc-sharp Public
Forked from danm-de/pcsc-sharpPC/SC wrapper classes for .NET, written in C#
C# Other UpdatedAug 20, 2024 -
ClinicCases Public
Forked from judsonmitchell/ClinicCasesClinicCases is a web-based case management system designed specifically for law school clinics
govt-urls Public
Forked from GSA/govt-urlsMost government websites end in .gov or .mil, but many do not. This repo contains USA.gov's list of public government domains and URLs that don't end in .gov or .mil.
UpdatedSep 5, 2020 -
hrt-bus-api Public
Forked from Code4HR/hrt-bus-apiPython scripts and Flask app that transform, store, and expose HRT Bus data through a RESTful API
JavaScript UpdatedMay 1, 2018 -
virginia-court-data-analysis Public
Scripts for diving into virginia court data
clean-slate Public
Forked from MissionLaunch/clean-slateA simple website for people trying to navigate the process of having records sealed in DC
HTML MIT License UpdatedNov 8, 2016 -
openelections-data-dc Public
Forked from openelections/openelections-data-dcPre-processed election results for District of Columbia elections
Python UpdatedOct 9, 2016 -
ansible-rt Public
Forked from bcduggan/ansible-rtAnsible role for Request Tracker
Perl 6 UpdatedMay 28, 2016 -
open-health-inspection-address-fixer Public
Forked from CodeforNRV/open-health-inspection-address-fixerA tool for manually setting addresses that the Open Health Inspection Scraper missed
HTML UpdatedMay 6, 2015 -
openaddresses Public
Forked from openaddresses/openaddressesA repository of address data.
leaflet-omnivore Public
Forked from mapbox/leaflet-omnivoreuniversal format parser for Leaflet & Mapbox.js
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 23, 2015 -
hrva-wiki-walking-tour Public
Web based walking tour app that uses localwiki API for data
open-health-inspection-app Public
Forked from Code4HR/open-health-inspection-appThe frontend for Code for Hampton Roads' Open Health Inspection Data.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 16, 2014 -
angular-seed Public
Forked from angular/angular-seedSeed project for angular apps.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 18, 2014 -
WkHtmlToXSharp Public
Forked from pruiz/WkHtmlToXSharpC# wrapper wrapper (using P/Invoke) for the excelent Html to PDF conversion library wkhtmltopdf library.
C# UpdatedJun 5, 2014 -
us-atlas Public
Forked from topojson/us-atlasRoll your own TopoJSON from the National Atlas and U.S. Census Bureau.
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 17, 2013 -
click-that-art Public
A game to challenges your knowledge of Norfolk's Public Art
JavaScript UpdatedAug 30, 2013 -
sf-transit-inequality Public
Forked from dangrover/sf-transit-inequalityA mashup to overlaying demographic info with the all the major mass transit routes in the Hampton Roads Area.
Python UpdatedMay 8, 2013 -
localwiki Public
Forked from localwiki/localwikiA tool for collaborating in local, geographic communities
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMar 27, 2013 -
click_that_hood Public
Forked from codeforgermany/click_that_hoodA game where users must identify a city's neighborhoods as fast as possible
JavaScript UpdatedMar 14, 2013 -
backbone-fundamentals Public
Forked from addyosmani/backbone-fundamentalsA creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 16, 2013