This Ansible role installs Best Practical's Request Tracker (RT). It optionally installs certain RT extensions.
RT depends on many Perl modules, Apache with either mod_perl or mod_fcgid, and PostgreSQL or MySQL.
RT prefers mod_fcgid and MySQL.
This role uses MariaDB instead of MySQL.
This role assumes CentOS 7.2 with SELinux enabled or disabled.
Check defaults/main.yml.
Use rt_version to select the RT version to install. See vars/rt_versions.yml for supported versions. Use selinux to enable or disable selinux labels. Use cpanm_notest to enable or disable running tests after building Perl modules. Use perlbrew_notest to enable or disable running tests after building the desired Perl version.
- hosts: servers
- role: bcduggan.rt
rt_version: rt-4.2.12
selinux: true
cpanm_notest: false
perlbrew_notest: false
Brian Duggan