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HRVA's LocalWiki

NOTE: This guide assumes that you have an S3 account with a bucket called localwiki where your backups will be stored.

Standup New Instance with Backup on S3

  1. Create an Amazon EC2 key pair and download it.

  2. Create a new Amazon EC2 micro instance of Ubuntu 12.04 using the key pair.

  3. Make sure that the Security Group being used for the instance has inbound port 80 opened.

  4. SSH into the instance

    $ ssh -i KEY_PAIR.pem ubuntu@INSTANCE_DNS
  5. Install LocalWiki

    $ sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
    $ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:localwiki
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install localwiki
  6. Install and configure S3 Tools

    $ sudo apt-get install s3cmd
    $ s3cmd --configure
  7. Copy the backup script

    timestamp=`date -u +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`
    # set stage
    mkdir $tempdir -p # make (-p) parent directories as needed
    # do the dirty work
    cp -r /usr/share/localwiki/ $tempdir/usr.share.localwiki/
    sudo -u postgres pg_dump -U postgres localwiki > $tempdir/localwiki.sql
    cp -r /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ $tempdir/etc.apache2.sites-enabled # change to sites-available if you use standard symlinks
    # wrap it up
    tar -zcf $tempdir.tar.gz $tempdir
    # ignore issue "tar: Removing leading `/' from member names"
    # we don't need absolute file names (with -P), more info:
    # clean
    rm -rf $tempdir
    s3cmd put $tempdir.tar.gz s3://localwiki/$filename.tar.gz
  8. Write the backup script to the server

    $ vi ~/
    $ chmod +x ~/ 
  9. Get the backup to restore from S3

    $ s3cmd get s3://localwiki/BACKUP_FILE ~/BACKUP_FILE
  10. Get database password from /usr/share/localwiki/conf/

  11. Restore the backup

$ cd ~
$ tar -xzvf BACKUP_FILE
$ sudo -u postgres psql
DROP DATABASE localwiki;
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -T template_postgis localwiki
$ sudo -u postgres psql
ALTER USER localwiki WITH PASSWORD '<database-password>';
$ sudo -u postgres psql localwiki < localwiki.sql
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/localwiki
$ sudo cp -R usr.share.localwiki /usr/share/localwiki

TODO: Create script that schedules daily backups


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