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Project Description

Héctor Bonada Moreno edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 14 revisions

Context, Setting and Objectives of the game

You are a soldier and you team has been send to a robotic laboratory to stop a robotic rebellion that could be dangerous if it scapes. But you lose your team in an accident and now you are alone. Your armor is damaged but you make it work again. The AI of the armor reconnects and tells you that you already have some functions like the radar, your localization, some armor energy, a torch and a functional weapon. From there you must move along and scape. Throw the path you will find some of the rebel robots and they will try to kill you, so you must be cautious and think very well which path will you take.

Gameplay commentary based on the AGE framework

The main emotion that the player will feel is the fear, that causes a survival instinct. The player could feel tempted to explore, but the more he explores more dangerous can be the path, and higher can be the reward.

Types of decisions

The player has total freedom of move, although the global path is linear. There aren’t social decisions. There are exchanges of resources, energy for light and survival capacity. Risk vs Rewards. The player can find optional paths and rooms where he can find enemies, resources or nothing. The decision is based on taking the risk of getting new resources but having to fight or even die, or simply keep moving alone.

What makes our game unique

  • Futuristic and dark ambience.
  • Half organic enemies half robots.
  • Action and fear alike.
  • Integrated HUD in the world.

Core Gameplay Mechanics

The main objective of the game is to go from the point A to the point B without dying. To make that possible is necessary to be able to administrate the resources to survive. All the resources all focus on the energy and the ammo.

The energy works as a battery and as an HP bar. Using the torch of the armor will consume energy. Receiving damage from the enemies will consume energy. If the energy goes to 0, the player will die on the next hit and won't be able to use the armor functions (Torch, HUD, AI…)

Shooting with the weapon consume ammo. If the ammo goes out the player won’t be able to shoot. The ammo can be regenerated with ammo packages located around the map. The energy can also be regenerated with energy packages located around the map.

Camera, character, control

  • Camera: As the game is a first person shooter, the camera shows us the vision of the player inside the game. It can be moved with the mouse, but is limited to certain rotation in the Y axis. If some enemy hits the player, the camera must react with a shake. If some enemy hits the player from a blind point, the camera must shake starting from where the hit comes.

  • Character: The character can walk, run and move stealthy. The character can also jump. While he does this action, he can shoot. The shoot can be from the initial weapon state (from the hip), or can be while the character is aiming. The character can reload the weapon if he has ammunition packs. He can also turn on/off a torch.

  • Control: The player can interact with the game through a keyboard.

    • Camera controls: Mouse Axis.
    • Moving the character: "W,A,S,D" as Axis.
    • Running: "W,A,S,D" + "Shift".
    • Stealthy: "W,A,S,D" + "Control".
    • Shoot: Mouse button 1.
    • Aim: Mouse button 2.
    • Reload: "R".
    • Jump: "Space".
    • Lantern On/Off: "F".


Our HUD simulates a the inside of a futuristic helmet.

The most important information for the player is his energy level. Therefore the energy level is represented as an horizontal bar situated in the top zone of the HUD.

As the most important information for the player is his energy, the way to recover energy is also important, thats why the radar, the tool that the player has for know where to pick energy, is located on the top left side of the screen.

There is only one more resource for the player, and that is his ammunition. Since we want a diegetic interface, the ammunition is directly in the weapon. But as the player can not see the ammunition while aiming, if the is aiming the ammunition appears as an element of the sight.

Types of fun

  • Discovery / Narrative: The game has a hidden story that the player can discover if he investigates the level. It is not necessary to understand or discover the story to advance, but it helps the player to understand what is happening.

  • Challenge: The game is not easy, so reaching a safe area the player will be gratified knowing that he has overcome a challenge.

  • Triumph | Wild: If the player manages to advance he will have killed certain dangerous enemies and, in case of completing the game, he will have defeated a really powerful enemy, so he will feel a triumphant.


  • Standard Enemy: Standard enemy of the game, neither too fast nor too slow, with melee attacks. It doesn’t die with one hit but it’s not a tank. It detects the player with his vision. He can be on a lay off mode where he won’t attack anyone but he can reactivate in any time.

  • Distance Enemy: Distance enemy of the game. It uses his eye to shoot a kind of ray. It is small with crabs paws, he runs if it feels danger looking for help. It is weak to damage so it’s easy to kill. It detects the light, so is a good idea to try to kill it with the torch off.

  • Dog enemy: Agile enemy of the game. He runs to the player when he detects him. He attacks jumping towards the player and biting. He is fast, so it’s difficult to shoot him but he dies easily. He detects the player for the sound, so it’s a good idea trying to get close slowly.


The boss is like a giant robotic bear.

  • Phase 1: The boss tends to run around the room, after some seconds he attacks charging the player in a tackle. The player can protect himself by putting himself behind a wall, but the wall breaks after the tackle.

  • Phase 2: The boss detaches his protection from the front arms and begins to attack with his claws (like a bear). When he is attacking with the arms the boss leaves his chest exposed and can be attacked more easily. As he is more aggressive the player must maintain distances and protect himself with the remaining walls.

  • Phase 3: The boss detaches his pectoral protection. He becomes even more aggressive and charges against the player more often. As the boss is in his last phase he combines his charges and his claws. The player will not be able to flee so he must shoot the exposed chest to do the maximum damage possible, stop the boss and gain distance for another charge.

Flow and Microflow

The ambient of the game will immerse the player into the game. As this is not an easy game, the hardcore players will find it more immersive and they will enter in the flow area more easily. The game will give to the player some control zones to relax, but after the player will enter in an arousal zone where the payer must play the best he can.

Is in that arousal zone where the game will offer to the player microflow zones, making the player kill or avoid dangerous enemies to survive, raising the tension of the gameplay right before giving the player another control state.


The torch give you vision. The energy bar goes down with the torch.
You can receive various hits and don’t die. The energy bar goes down if you get hit.
You can always see the energy packages distinguished from the environment. If you don't have energy you don’t have HUD.
You can have unlimited ammo packages if you find them. You have limited ammo.
You can find energy packages that give you energy. The energy bar goes down easily.
You can kill the enemies easily. The enemies are dangerous.
You can kill or avoid all the enemies with different forms. There are 3 types of enemies with different intelligence.

Game Flow

Menu Flow

Image of menu flow

In Game Flow

Image of menu flow