Releases: webrpc/gen-golang
Releases · webrpc/gen-golang
What's Changed
- Opinionated config for -json=sonic by @VojtechVitek in #84
- Opinionated config for -json=jsoniter by @VojtechVitek in #85
- Improve import compatibility for sonic and jsoniter by @VojtechVitek in #86
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.18.2
What's Changed
- Opinionated config for -json=sonic by @VojtechVitek in #84
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.18.1
What's Changed
- Update to Go 1.22, use go get -tool by @VojtechVitek in #82
- Support drop-in replacement JSON encoding pkgs, e.g. bytedance/sonic by @VojtechVitek in #83
Full Changelog: v0.17.1...v0.18.0
What's Changed
- Upgrade CI to Go 1.23, require Go 1.22+ by @VojtechVitek in #80
- Update webrpc & fix import by @VojtechVitek in #81
Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.17.1
What's Changed
- Remove support for legacy errors by @VojtechVitek in #78
Full Changelog: v0.16.2...v0.17.0
What's Changed
- Update examples to latest webrpc, use tools submodule by @VojtechVitek in #76
- WebrpcMethods(), var methods indentation by @david-littlefarmer in #77
New Contributors
- @david-littlefarmer made their first contribution in #77
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.16.1
What's Changed
- Replace WithCause with WithCausef by @klaidliadon in #73
- Add client and server versions of generators (webrpc, schema and ridl schema) by @LukasJenicek in #72
- Mark deprecated methods and print which method use instead by @LukasJenicek in #74
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0
What's Changed
- Improve error BadRequest messages by @VojtechVitek in #70
- Render annotations map for request paths and call onRequest hook if defined by @LukasJenicek in #71
This ridl definition:
service ExampleService
- Ping()
# Status endpoint
# gives you current status of running application
- Status() => (status: bool)
- Version() => (version: Version)
Rendered service.gen.go
var (
methods = map[string]method{
"/rpc/ExampleService/Status": {
Name: "Status",
Service: "ExampleService",
Annotations: map[string]string{"internal": ""},
"/rpc/ExampleService/Version": {
Name: "Version",
Service: "ExampleService",
Annotations: map[string]string{},
Full Changelog: v0.14.8...v0.15.0
What's Changed
- render comments in webrpc methods by @LukasJenicek in #67
Full Changelog: v0.14.7...v0.14.8