Releases: webrpc/gen-golang
Releases · webrpc/gen-golang
v0.14.7: Add .WithCausef() shorthand for defining error cause
What's Changed
- Fix .Causef() syntax error (shadowed fmt pkg name) by @VojtechVitek in #66
- Error shorthand WithCausef (e.WithCause + fmt.Errof) by @klaidliadon in #65
Full Changelog: v0.14.5...v0.14.7
Supersedes v0.14.6, which contained a syntax error.
v0.14.6: Add .WithCausef() shorthand for defining error cause
- Removes unused JSON decoder
v0.14.2: Expose as Go module
Expose as Go module with //go:embed FS
Fixes context propagation to HTTP requests.
What's Changed
- Support enum strings by @LukasJenicek in #53
- Fix potential panic on multiple return values by @VojtechVitek in #55
- Add an extra condition in WebRPCError.Is to check against target nil … by @alinz in #54
- Regenerate examples by @VojtechVitek in #56
- Support webrpc SSE streaming by @VojtechVitek in #52
- Render godocs from parsed comments by @LukasJenicek in #57
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.13.7...v0.14.0
v0.13.7: Introduce .Is() method on enums
v0.13.5: Add missing reflect import when -fixEmptyArrays is used
- Add missing reflect import when -fixEmptyArrays is used
v0.13.4: Implement server OnError() hook
- Implement server OnError() hook (#46)
rpcServer := proto.NewVideoServer(app.Rpc)
rpcServer.OnError = func(r *http.Request, err *proto.WebRPCError) {
ctx := r.Context()
// Log error with request log
httplog.LogEntrySetField(ctx context.Context, "webrpcError", err.Error())
// Report crucial DB errors to Sentry
var pgErr *pgconn.PgError
if errors.As(err, &pgErr) {
if strings.HasPrefix(pgErr.Code, "42") {
// Add requestID to error message itself.
rpcErr.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%s (requestID: %v)", rpcErr.Message, middleware.GetReqID(ctx))
// Hide error details from users in production.
if app.Config.Environment.IsProduction() {
rpcErr.Cause = ""