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LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a low-power, long-range wireless protocol, enabling efficient communication over large distances with minimal energy usage. For more on why this is useful, see the article on the Viam blog.

This module combines the functionality of a LoRaWAN gateway and network server, enabling communication between LoRaWAN sensors and the Viam app. It handles packet forwarding, device management, and message routing to allow LoRaWAN sensor data to be viewed and managed directly in Viam. This module provides the following models:

  • sx1302-waveshare-hat: Sensor model for the waveshare loRaWAN gateway hat
  • sx1302-hat-generic: Sensor model for other SX1302 LoRaWAN concentrator hats.
  • node: Sensor model for any class A, US915/EU868 LoraWAN end device.
  • dragino-LHT65N: Sensor model for the dragino LHT65N temperature and humidity sensor.
  • milesight-ct101: Sensor model for the milesight ct101 current transformer.
  • milesight-em310-tilt: Sensor model for the milesight em310 tilt sensor.

You'll configure the sx1302-gateway model, and one or more nodes depending on how many sensors you have.

Compatible with:

  • US915 or EU868 frequency band
  • Class A Devices
  • LoraWAN MAC version 1.0.3


Hardware Required:

  • Raspberry Pi (any model with GPIO pins)
  • SX1302 Gateway HAT/concentrator board
  • LoRaWAN sensors

See Hardware Tested Section for hardware we have used this module with successfully.

Setup the viam:sensor:sx1302-gateway

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine in the Viam app and click the + button. Add sx1302-gateway to your machine.

Configure the viam:sensor:sx1302-gateway

Example gateway configuration:

    "board": "rpi",
    "spi_bus": 0,
    "reset_pin": int,
    "power_en_pin": int,
    "region_code": "US915"


The following attributes are available for viam:sensor:sx1302-gateway sensors:

Name Type Required Default Description
board string yes - Name of the board connected to the HAT. The board communicates with the gateway through SPI
reset_pin int yes - GPIO pin number for sx1302 reset pin
spi_bus int no 0 SPI bus number (0 or 1)
power_en_pin int no - GPIO pin number for the power enable pin
region_code string no US915 frequency region of your gateway (US915 or EU868)

Setup the viam:sensor:sx1302-hat-generic

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine in the Viam app and click the + button. Add sx1302-hat-generic to your machine.

Configure the viam:sensor:sx1302-hat-generic

Example gateway configuration - note - the gpio pins MUST be set to the gpio pin numbers on your board connected to the reset and power-enable pins of the sx1302 hat to avoid a 15-minute reset loop.

    "board": "rpi",
    "spi_bus": 0,
    "reset_pin": int,
    "power_en_pin": int,
    "region_code": "US915"


The following attributes are available for viam:sensor:sx1302-hat-generic sensors:

Name Type Required Default Description
board string yes - Name of the board connected to the HAT. The board communicates with the gateway through SPI
reset_pin int yes - GPIO pin number for sx1302 reset pin
spi_bus int no 0 SPI bus number
power_en_pin int no - GPIO pin number for the power enable pin
region_code string no US915 frequency region of your gateway (US915 or EU868)

Setup the viam:sensor:sx1302-waveshare-hat

Navigate to the CONFIGURE tab of your machine in the Viam app and click the + button. Add sx1302-waveshare-hat to your machine.

Configure the viam:sensor:sx1302-waveshare-hat

Example gateway configuration:

    "board": "rpi",
    "spi_bus": 0,
    "region_code": "US915"


The following attributes are available for viam:sensor:sx1302-waveshare-hat sensors:

Name Type Required Default Description
board string yes - Name of the board connected to the HAT. The board communicates with the gateway through SPI
spi_bus int no 0 SPI bus number (0 or 1 on a raspberry pi)
region_code string no US915 frequency region of your gateway (US915 or EU868)

Set up the viam:sensor:node

As when configuring the gateway, use the + button on your machine's CONFIGURE tab to add the viam:sensor:node model to your machine.

The node model supports any class A V1.0.3 device sending on EU868 or US915 frequency band. The node component supports two types of activation: OTAA (Over-the-Air Activation) and ABP (Activation by Personalization).

Configure the viam:sensor:node

Example OTAA node configuration:

  "join_type": "OTAA",
  "decoder_path": "/path/to/decoder.js",
  "dev_eui": "0123456789ABCDEF",
  "app_key": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
  "uplink_interval_mins": 10,
  "gateways": ["gateway-1"]

Example ABP node configuration:

  "join_type": "ABP",
  "decoder_path": "/path/to/decoder.js",
  "dev_addr": "01234567",
  "app_s_key": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
  "network_s_key": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
  "uplink_interval_mins": 10,
  "gateways": ["gateway-1"],
  "fport": "55"

Common Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
decoder_path string yes - Path to the payload decoder script. This must be a .js file. If the device provides multiple decoder files, use the chirpstack version.
join_type string no "OTAA" Join type ("OTAA" or "ABP").
uplink_interval_mins float64 yes - Expected interval between uplink messages sent by the node. The default can be found on the datasheet and can be modified using device specific software.
gateways []string yes - gateways the node can send data to. Can also be in the Depends on drop down.
fport string no - port (in hex) to send downlinks to the device.

The node registers itself with the gateway so the gateway will recognize messages from the node.

OTAA Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
dev_eui string yes - Device EUI (8 bytes in hex). Unique indentifer for the node. Can be found printed on your device or on the box.
app_key string yes - Application Key (16 bytes in hex). Used to securely join the network. The default can normally be found in the node's datasheet.

ABP Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
dev_addr string yes - Device Address (4 bytes in hex). Used to identify uplink messages. Can normally be found on datasheet or box.
app_s_key string yes - Application Session Key (16 bytes in hex) Used to decrypt uplink messages. Default can normally be found on the node's datasheet or box.
network_s_key string yes - Network Session Key (16 bytes in hex) Used to decypt uplink messages. Default can normally be found on the node's datasheet or box.


The sensor node model uses DoCommands to send downlinks to sensors from the gateway.

Send a downlink

This command will send a generic downlink payload to the gateway. The string is expected to be a set of bytes in hex.

  "send_downlink": "<BYTESINHEX>"

Configure your milesight sensor

Example OTAA node configuration:

  "join_type": "OTAA",
  "dev_eui": "0123456789ABCDEF",
  "gateways": ["gateway-1"]

Example ABP node configuration:

  "join_type": "ABP",
  "dev_addr": "01234567",
  "gateways": ["gateway-1"]

Common Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
join_type string no "OTTA" Join type ("OTAA" or "ABP")
uplink_interval_mins float64 no 10 for the ct101 and 1080 for the em310-tilt Desired interval between uplink messages sent by the node. The sensor will send a set interval downlink if configured.
gateways []string yes - gateways the node can send data to. Can also be in the Depends on drop down.

The node registers itself with the gateway so the gateway will recognize messages from the node.

OTAA Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
dev_eui string yes - Device EUI (8 bytes in hex). Unique indentifer for the node. Can be found printed on your device or on the box.
app_key string no 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823 Application Key (16 bytes in hex). Used to securely join the network.

ABP Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
dev_addr string yes - Device Address (4 bytes in hex). Used to identify uplink messages. Can normally be found on datasheet or box.
app_s_key string no 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823 Application Session Key (16 bytes in hex) Used to decrypt uplink messages.
network_s_key string no 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823 Network Session Key (16 bytes in hex) Used to decypt uplink messages.


The milesight models uses DoCommands to send downlinks to sensors from the gateway. A purple light will flash after the sensor sends an uplink once a downlink has been successfully sent. The sensor must already be connected for downlink requests to work.

Update the uplink interval

This command will update the interval the milesight sends data at. This can also be set via the 'uplink_interval_mins' field in the config.

  "set_interval": 1.0

Restart the device

This command will restart the milesight sensor, triggering a new join request.

  "restart_sensor": ""

Send a generic downlink

This command will send a generic downlink payload to the gateway. the string is expected to be a set of bytes in hex. See the em310 tilt sensor user guide or the ct101 user guide for their respective downlink commands.

  "send_downlink": "<BYTESINHEX>"

Configure your viam:lorawan:dragino-LHT65N

Example OTAA node configuration:

  "join_type": "OTAA",
  "dev_eui": "0123456789ABCDEF",
  "app_key": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
  "gateways": ["gateway-1"]

Example ABP node configuration:

  "join_type": "ABP",
  "dev_addr": "01234567",
  "app_s_key": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
  "network_s_key": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",
  "gateways": ["gateway-1"]

Common Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
join_type string no "OTAA" Join type ("OTAA" or "ABP")
uplink_interval_mins float64 no 20 Desired interval between uplink messages sent by the node. The sensor will send a set interval downlink if configured.
gateways []string yes - gateways the node can send data to. Can also be in the Depends on drop down.

The node registers itself with the gateway so the gateway will recognize messages from the node.

OTAA Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
dev_eui string yes - Device EUI (8 bytes in hex). Unique indentifer for the node. Can be found printed on your device or on the box.
app_key string yes - Application Key (16 bytes in hex). Used to securely join the network. Unique to the specific device, can be found on the box.

ABP Attributes

Name Type Required Default Description
dev_addr string yes - Device Address (4 bytes in hex). Used to identify uplink messages. Can normally be found on datasheet or box.
app_s_key string yes - Application Session Key (16 bytes in hex) Used to decrypt uplink messages. Default can normally be found on the node's datasheet or box.
network_s_key string yes - Network Session Key (16 bytes in hex) Used to decypt uplink messages. Default can normally be found on the node's datasheet or box.


The dragino model uses DoCommands to send downlinks to sensors from the gateway. A purple light will flash after the sensor sends an uplink once a downlink has been successfully sent. The sensor must already be connected for downlink requests to work.

Update the uplink interval

This command will update the interval the dragino sends data at. This can also be set via the 'uplink_interval_mins' field in the config.

  "set_interval": 1.0

Restart the device

This command will restart the dragino sensor, triggering a new join request.

  "restart_sensor": ""

Send a generic downlink

This command will send a generic downlink payload to the gateway. the string is expected to be a set of bytes in hex. See the LHT64 temperature sensor user guide for other downlink commands.

  "send_downlink": "<BYTESINHEX>"

Troubleshooting Notes

When the gateway is properly configured, the pwr LED will be solid red and the rx and tx LEDs will be blinking red.

It may take several minutes after starting the module to start receiving data, especially if your node transmits on more than 8 frequency channels. The gateway will log info logs when it has received a join request or data uplink.

The gateway communicates through SPI, so ensure that SPI in enabled on the Pi.

To avoid capturing duplicate data, set the data capture frequency equal to or less than the expected uplink interval.

If you see the error ERROR: Failed to set SX1250_0 in STANDBY_RC mode in logs, unplug the Raspberry Pi for a few minutes and then try again.

Hardware Tested

The sx1302-gateway model has been tested with:
Waveshare Gateway HAT

The node model has been tested with:
Milesight CT101 Smart Current Transformer
Milesight EM310 Tilt Sensor
Dragino LHT65 Temperature & Humidity Sensor