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If T: Type Narrowing Benchmark

Benchmark for Type Narrowing (aka Occurrence Typing, aka Type Refinement).

Type narrowing is a feature of static type systems that refines the type of a variable based on the result of type tests. Occurrences of the variable that appear after a type test have a more precise type.

The benchmark is deeply inspired by the motivating examples from the following paper, which provides a formal model for type narrowing as realized in Typed Racket:

  title = {Logical Types for Untyped Languages},
  booktitle = {{ICFP}},
  author = {Tobin--Hochstadt, Sam and Felleisen, Matthias},
  pages = {117--128},
  publisher = {{ACM}},
  doi = {10.1145/1863543.1863561},
  year = {2010}

For some instances, see

Table of Contents

How to Run the Benchmark


The Benchmark

From the examples, we can summarize the common features or "API"s that one would expect from a gradual type checker that supports occurrence typing. Each feature, with a brief description, the guarantee it provides, and the examples that demonstrate it, forms a benchmark item. All the benchmark items are listed below.

Basic Narrowing



If the predicate is true, the type of the variable is refined to a more specific type with the information that the predicate holds.

Success Expected
define f(x: Top) -> Top:
    if x is String:
        return String.length(x) // type of x is refined to String
        return x
Failure Expected
define f(x: Top) -> Top:
    if x is String:
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to String, adding a number to a string is not allowed
        return x



If the predicate is false, the type of the variable is refined to a more specific type with the information that the negation of the predicate holds.

Success Expected
define f(x: String | Number) -> Number:
    if x is String:
        return String.length(x)
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to Number, namely (String | Number) - String
Failure Expected
define f(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> Number:
    if x is String:
        return String.length(x)
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to Number | Boolean, thus not allowing addition



When a predicate is a conjunction of multiple predicates, the type of the variable is refined to the intersection of the types refined by each predicate. When a predicate is a disjunction of multiple predicates, the type of the variable is refined to the union of the types refined by each predicate. When a predicate is a negation of another predicate, the type of the variable is refined to the complement of the type refined by the negated predicate.

Success Expected
define f(x: String | Number) -> Number:
    if not (x is Number):
        return String.length(x)
        return 0

define g(x: Top) -> Number:
    if x is String or x is Number:
        return f(x) // type of x is refined to String | Number, thus allowing the call to f
        return 0

define h(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> Number:
    if not (x is Boolean) and not (x is Number):
        return String.length(x)
        return 0
Failure Expected
define f(x: String | Number) -> Number:
    if not (x is Number):
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to String, adding a number to a string is not allowed
        return 0

define g(x: Top) -> Number:
    if x is String or x is Number:
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to String | Number, thus not allowing addition
        return 0

define h(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> Number:
    if not (x is Boolean) and not (x is Number):
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to String | Boolean, thus not allowing addition
        return 0



When a conditional statement is nested inside the body of another conditional statement, the type of the variable is refined to the intersection of the types refined by each conditional statement.

Success Expected
define f(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> Number:
    if not (x is String):
        if not (x is Boolean):
            return x + 1 // type of x is refined to Number
            return 0
        return 0
Failure Expected
define f(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> Number:
    if x is String | Number:
        if x is Number | Boolean:
            return String.length(x) // type of x is Number
            return 0
        return 0

Compound Structures



Partially refine the type of a struct, that is, when the predicate is applied to an struct field, refine the type of the field.

Success Expected
struct Apple:
    a: Top

define f(x: Apple) -> Number:
    if x.a is Number:
        return x.a // type of x.a is refined to Number
        return 0
Failure Expected
struct Apple:
    a: Top

define f(x: Apple) -> Number:
    if x.a is String:
        return x.a // type of x.a is refined to String, thus not allowing the return
        return 0



When appropriate predicates are applied to the elements of a tuple, refine the type of the elements of the tuple. Note that this can be generalized to other data covariant data structures like lists, function results, etc.

Success Expected
define f(x: Tuple(Top, Top)) -> Number:
    if x[0] is Number:
        return x[0] // type of x[0] is refined to Number, type of x is refined to Tuple(Number, Top)
        return 0
Failure Expected
define f(x: Tuple(Top, Top)) -> Number:
    if x[0] is Number:
        return x[0] + x[1] // type of x[0] is refined to Number, but type of x[1] is not clear
        return 0



When refining a variable with the type as a union of tuple types, refine the type of the variable by the length of the tuple.

Success Expected
define f(x: Tuple(Number, Number) | Tuple(String, String, String)) -> Number:
    if Tuple.length(x) is 2:
        return x[0] + x[1] // type of x is refined to Tuple(Number, Number)
        return String.length(x[0]) // type of x is refined to Tuple(String, String, String)
Failure Expected
define f(x: Tuple(Number, Number) | Tuple(String, String, String)) -> Number:
    if Tuple.length(x) is 2:
        return x[0] + x[1] // type of x is refined to Tuple(Number, Number)
        return x[0] + x[1] // type of x is refined to Tuple(String, String, String), thus not allowing addition

Advanced Control Flow



When the result of a predicate test is bound to an immutable variable, that variable can also be used as a type guard. When the result of a predicate test is bound to a mutable variable, that variable can be used as a type guard only if it is not updated.

Success Expected
define f(x: Top) -> Top:
    let y = x is String
    if y:
        return String.length(x) // type of x is refined to String
        return x
Failure Expected
define f(x: Top) -> Top:
    let y = x is String
    if y:
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to String, adding a number to a string is not allowed
        return x

define g(x: Top) -> Top:
    var y = x is String // y is mutable
    y = true
    if y:
        return String.length(x) // since y is updated, type of x is not refined
        return x



When a conditional statement is nested inside the condition of another conditional statement, the type of the variable is refined to the intersection of the types refined by each conditional statement.

Success Expected
define f(x: Top, y: Top) -> Number:
    if (if x is Number: y is String else: false)
        return x + String.length(y) // type of x is refined to Number, type of y is refined to String
        return 0
Failure Expected
define f(x: Top, y: Top) -> Number:
    if (if x is Number: y is String else: y is String)
        return x + String.length(y) // type of x is not clear here, thus not allowing addition
        return 0



When multiple branches where the type of a variable is refined to different types are merged, the type of the variable is refined to the union of the types refined by each branch, instead of joining the types, that is, taking the common supertype.

Success Expected
define f(x: Top) -> String | Number:
    if x is String:
        String.append(x, "hello") // type of x is refined to String
    else if x is Number:
        x = x + 1 // type of x is refined to Number
        return 0
    return x // type of x is refined to String | Number; a bad implementation will refine to Top
Failure Expected
define f(x: Top) -> String | Number:
    if x is String:
        String.append(x, "hello") // type of x is refined to String
    else if x is Number:
        x = x + 1 // type of x is refined to Number
        return 0
    return x + 1 // type of x is refined to String | Number

Custom Predicates



When a custom predicate is true, the type of the variable is refined to a more specific type with the information that the predicate holds. When a custom predicate is false, the type of the variable is refined to a more specific type with the information that the negation of the predicate holds.

Success Expected
define f(x: String | Number) -> x is String:
    return x is String

define g(x: String | Number) -> Number:
    if f(x):
        return String.length(x) // type of x is refined to String
        return x // type of x is refined to Number, namely (String | Number) - String
Failure Expected
define f(x: String | Number) -> x is String:
    return x is String

define g(x: String | Number) -> Number:
    if f(x):
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to String, adding a number to a string is not allowed
        return x // type of x is refined to Number, namely (String | Number) - String



When a custom predicate is true, the type of the variable is refined to a more specific type with the information that the predicate holds. When a custom predicate is false, the type of the variable is not refined. This is helpful for predicates that are underapproximations.

Success Expected
define f(x: String | Number) -> implies x is Number:
    return x is Number and x > 0

define g(x: String | Number) -> Number:
    if f(x):
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to Number
        return 0
Failure Expected
define f(x: String | Number) -> implies x is Number:
    return x is Number and x > 0

define g(x: String | Number) -> Number:
    if f(x):
        return x + 1 // type of x is refined to Number
        return String.length(x) // type of x is not refined, thus not compatible with the return type



The type checker checks that the body of a custom predicate really checks the type of the variable, instead of just accepting what the programmer asserts.

Success Expected
define f(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> x is String:
    return x is String

define g(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> x is Number | Boolean:
    return not f(x)
Failure Expected
define f(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> x is String:
    return x is String or x is Number // may return true when predicate is false

define g(x: String | Number | Boolean) -> x is Number | Boolean:
    return x is Number // may return false when predicate is true

Benchmark Items Table

Below is a table for all benchmark items as a quick reference.

Benchmark Description
positive refine when condition is true
negative refine when condition is false
connectives handle logic connectives
nesting_body nested conditionals with nesting happening in body
struct_fields refine type of an element in an immutable data structure
tuple_elements refine types of tuple elements
tuple_length refine union of tuple types by their length
alias track test results assigned to variables
nesting_condition nested conditionals with nesting happening in condition
merge_with_union merge several types with union instead of joining
predicate_2way custom predicates refines both positively and negatively
predicate_1way custom predicates refines only positively
predicate_checked perform strict type checks on custom predicates

Benchmark Results

For language details:

Benchmark Typed Racket TypeScript Flow mypy Pyright
positive O O O O O
negative O O O O O
connectives O O O O O
nesting_body O O O O O
struct_fields O O O O O
tuple_elements O O O O O
tuple_length x O O O O
alias O O x x O
nesting_condition O x x x x
merge_with_union O O O x O
predicate_2way O O O O O
predicate_1way O x O O O
predicate_checked O O O O O

O means passed, x means not passed.

More Examples contains more examples that are not included in the benchmark items. Those are real-world-like examples showing the use of type narrowing in various contexts. For more details about the examples, see For more details about the results, see the file in the respective typechecker directories. The results of these examples are demonstrated below.

Benchmark Typed Racket TypeScript Flow mypy Pyright
filter O O O O O
flatten O O O O O
tree_node O x x x x
rainfall O O O O O

Other Discussions

refinement invalidation

see issue #7, also see flow document.

unknown to known length

In Typed Racket, Listof(T) has unknown length, while List(T ...) has known length. A length test should narrow Listof to List.

This does not make sense without known length types. Do any migratory languages besides TR have these?


The following is a benchmark item extracted from an example from mypy. Original code:

from typing import TypeGuard  # use `typing_extensions` for `python<3.10`

def is_set_of[T](val: set[Any], type: type[T]) -> TypeGuard[set[T]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, type) for x in val)

items: set[Any]
if is_set_of(items, str):
    reveal_type(items)  # set[str]

"Official" docs on what type(T) means as an annotation, here argument must be a class. And this pattern works because classes are values and types in Python. It may be impossible in TypeScript because types are erased before runtime.


A custom predicate can take extra arguments that are not refined, but helps in refining the type of the variable.


Success Expected

TODO: use isinstanceof(x, type(b))

define f(x: Listof(Top), t: Type) -> x is Listof(t):
    return x.all(lambda y: y is t)
Failure Expected
define f(x: Listof(Top), t: Type) -> x is Listof(t):
    return x.all(lambda y: y is Number) // should not type check


This would be a convenient feature to have, but it is not clear if any existing gradual type checker supports this.


When a custom predicate is true, the type of the variable is refined to a more specific type with the information that the predicate holds. When a custom predicate is false, the type of the variable is refined to a more specific type with the information that the negation of the predicate holds.


Success Expected
define f(x: String | Number, y: String | Number) -> x is String and y is Number:
    return x is String and y is Number

define g(x: String | Number, y: String | Number) -> Number:
    if f(x, y):
        return String.length(x) + y // type of x is refined to String, type of y is refined to Number
        return 0 // a problem would be that, here we know little about x and y
Failure Expected
define f(x: String | Number, y: String | Number) -> x is String and y is Number:
    return x is Number and y is String

define g(x: String | Number, y: String | Number) -> Number:
    if f(x, y):
        return String.length(x) + y // type of x is refined to Number, type of y is refined to String
        return 0


This seems to be too trivial to be a benchmark item. It just seems essential for a type checker that has explicitly named program constructs.


Refine supertypes to subtypes in a nominal subtyping scheme.


Success Expected
struct A:
    a: Number

struct B extends A:
    b: Number

define f(x: A) -> Number:
    if x is B:
        return x.b // type of x is refined to B
        return x.a // type of x is refined to A
Failure Expected
struct A:
    a: Number

struct B extends A:
    b: Number

define f(x: A) -> Number:
    if x is B:
        return x.a
        return x.b // type of x is refined to A which does not have a property b


Thanks to Eric Traut for pointing out an issue concerning narrowing and subclass of primitive types in Python.