By contrast to the small programs in the core If-T benchmark, the following examples illustrate practical uses of type narrowing.
The filter
function is a higher-order function that takes a predicate function and a list, and returns a new list that contains only the elements that satisfy the predicate function. When given a type guard function as the predicate function, the type of the elements in the returned list should be narrowed to the type that satisfies the type guard function. The following program is imperative, but implementers are free to choose a functional version instead.
define filter(predicate: (x: T) -> x is S, list: Listof(T)) -> Listof(S)
let result = []
for element in list:
if predicate(element):
result = cons(element, result)
return result
A failing example:
define filter(predicate: (x: T) -> x is S, list: Listof(T)) -> Listof(S)
let result = []
for each element in list:
if predicate(element):
result = cons(element, result)
result = cons(element, result) // Error: element might not be of type S
return result
Covered features:
, but for lists instead of tuples
The flatten
function takes anything. If it is not a list, it returns a list containing the input. If it is a list, it returns a new list that contains all the elements in the input list, recursively flattened.
define flatten(x: Any) -> Listof(Any \ Listof(Any)):
if empty?(x):
return []
else if x is Listof(Any):
return append(flatten(head(x)), flatten(tail(x)))
return [x]
A failing example:
define flatten(x: Any) -> Listof(Any \ Listof(Any)):
if empty?(x):
return []
else if x is Listof(Any):
return append(flatten(head(x)), flatten(tail(x)))
return x // Error: x is not guaranteed to be Listof(Any \ Listof(Any))
Covered features:
This is an example of recursive predicates. The TreeNode
is defined to be a recursive type, where each node is a pair of a number and a list of TreeNode
s. The IsTreeNode?
function checks if the input is a TreeNode
or not. Implementers may use a for-loop instead of foldl
type TreeNode = Pairof(Number, Listof(TreeNode))
define TreeNode?(node: Top) -> node is TreeNode
if node is not Pairof(Any, Any):
return false
if first(node) is not Number:
return false
if second(node) is not Listof(Any):
return false
return foldl(and, true, map(TreeNode?, tail))
A failing example:
type TreeNode = Pairof(Number, Listof(TreeNode))
define TreeNode?(node: Top) -> node is TreeNode
if node is not Pairof(Any, Any):
return false
if first(node) is not Number:
return false
if second(node) is not Listof(Any):
return false
return true // Error: We haven't checked if elements of tail are TreeNodes
Covered features:
This is an example of the rainfall problem, which asks for the average rainfall
from a list of unreliable weather reports. Any report that does not have a rainfall
field, or that has a malformed rainfall value (non-numeric, negative, or greater than
999) should be ignored.
define avg_rainfall(weather_reports: Listof(JSON)) -> Number:
let total = 0, count = 0
for day in weather_reports:
if day is Object and has_field(day, "rainfall"):
let val = day["rainfall"]
if val is Number and 0 <= val <= 999:
total += val // expected: no type error, right-hand expression is a number
count += 1
return (if count > 0: total / count else: 0)
A failing example:
define avg_rainfall(weather_reports: Listof(JSON)) -> Number:
let total = 0, count = 0
for day in weather_reports:
if day is Object and has_field(day, "rainfall"):
let val = day["rainfall"]
total += val // Error: val could be any JSON value, not necessarily a Number
count += 1
return (if count > 0: total / count else: 0)
Covered features: