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WebHook Templates : Creating, Reading, Editing, Deleting

netwolfuk edited this page May 4, 2018 · 4 revisions

There are four ways to create, read, edit or delete a webhook template.

From most convenient to least convenient:

  1. Use the Web UI located at /webhooks/templates.html since 1.1-alpha11.180.231 (requires tcWebHooks-REST-API plugin installed).
  2. Use the REST API located at /app/rest/webhooks/templates since 1.1-alpha11.180.231 (requires tcWebHooks-REST-API plugin installed).
  3. Edit the webhook-templates.xml file stored in BuildServer/config/ using the TeamCity admin GUI.
  4. Edit the webhook-templates.xml file stored in BuildServer/config/ using a text editor.

More information about the webhook-templates.xml file is on its own page

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