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Adjusting HTTP timeouts on a webhook

netwolfuk edited this page May 25, 2017 · 3 revisions

This option has been available since and 1.1-alpha10.157.147

Prior to this, the timeouts were defaulting to infinity. This meant that a HTTP connection to an endpoint that never returned, would hang the build indefinitely and tie up that agent until the build was cancelled.

Since (on the 0.9 branch) and 1.1-alpha10.157.147 (on the 1.1 branch) the timeouts have been set to 120seconds. There are two timeouts.

  • Connect timeout: Determines how long tcwebhooks will wait for the endpoint to accept a connection.
  • Response timeout: Once a connection has been estiblished, how long tcwebhooks will wait to receive a response.

These values can be adjusted by editing the main-config.xml file on the TeamCity server. To set both values to 10 seconds, the following XML could be added:

	<http-timeout connect="10" response="10" />
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