This is the marker server node for RVIZ. It subscribes user mouse clicks from ud_cursor and pointcloud2 data, performs user-assisted pointcloud processing, then publishes marker/processed point cloud back to RVIZ to highlight the region of interest, or transfer user-edited data to other ROS nodes.
To install: You also need to download ud_cursor and ud_measurement_panel in order to compile the code. Git clone the following repositories in your catkin workspace src directory:
git clone & git clone & git clone
Then do a catkin_make to compile the code and install the rviz plugin.
To use: Press the + symbol in rviz to insert UD_cursor. When using the ud_imarker tool, press i for menu/mode selection, m for changing viewpoints, u for adding/moving points.
Contact Info: Qiaosong Wang [email protected]