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Active Intel function

scooby78 edited this page May 20, 2017 · 11 revisions

Self Destructing Intel script

by Scooby


This is optimised for both SP and MP gameplay.

It will create a dialog for players to interact with (up to 3 intel objects) and deliver 8 point grid coordinate intel as a hint based on an empty marker placed on the map in editor mode.


Explosion_type uses a number value from 0-2

0 = no bomb and no timer

1 = R_60mm_HE with 15 sec fuse

2 = FIR_GBU31 with 40 sec fuse

Number_of_intel_pieces uses a number value from 1-3

(This represents the number of intel objects placed.)

Each object requires a name Intel1 through 3 AND requires a map marker (preferably empty) using the naming style SOR_intel1 through 3.

Note: If the marker is not an "empty" type, players will be able to see it.

Each object can be interacted with independently of each other.


nul = ['Explosion_type',Number_of_intel_pieces] spawn SOR_fnc_intelAction;

nul = ['1',2] spawn SOR_fnc_intelAction;

Will use a R_60mm_HE explosive to destroy 2 pieces of intel (Intel1,Intel2) when they are interacted with.

The player will receive 8 point grid coordinates for intel (SOR_intel1 & SOR_intel2) respectively.