Team Members: Sameer Bhatti, Jordan Gittleman, Nathaniel Gordon, Shoghair Manjikian
Beyond ROS Melodic and Turtlebot3, the project includes the following packages:
Begin by navigating to the /guide
package, our primary package directory:
$ cd src/guide/
Download the necessary apriltag meshes:
$ git clone
$ cd ~/apriltag_gazebo_model_generator/ar_tags/scripts
$ ./ -i ../36h11_sample -s 200 -w 50
Re-build the packages to configure the workspace:
$ catkin_make
Add the workspace to your ROS environment:
$ . ~/guide/devel/setup.bash
To generate a map file of the hospital world using the hector_slam
$ roslaunch guide world.launch
To autonomously generate a map of the hospital using the explore_lite
$ roslaunch guide autoSlam.launch
You can bring up the hospital world and robot travelling to requested SOI with the following command:
$ roslaunch guide nav.launch
This will also launch an instance of RViz and Gazebo.
In a new terminal, you can send commands directly to the /target
channel using the following script:
$ rosrun guide
When prompted, enter an integer 0-6. You can enter multiple numbers in succession to fill the master robot's destination queue.