Releases: pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api
Releases · pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api
Bot API 2.3.1
- Use the new field max_connections in setWebhook to optimize your bot's server load
- Use allowed_updates in setWebhook and getUpdates to selectively subscribe to updates of a certain type. Among other things, this allows you to stop getting updates about new posts in channels where your bot is an admin.
- deleteWebhook moved out of setWebhook to get a whole separate method for itself.
Bot API 2.3
- Added new fields channel_post and edited_channel_post to Update
- Added force and disable_edit_message parameters to SetGameScore request, mark editMessage as deprecated
- Added the new field forward_from_message_id to Message
- Added the new parameter cache_time to answerCallbackQuery
- Added ReplyKeyboardRemove object, mark ReplyKeyboardHide as deprecated
- Fix UpdateListener names, mark old as deprecated
- Remove old deprecated bot
- OkHttp 3.4.2
- Gson 2.8.0
Support Gaming Platform
- New methods setGameScore and getGameHighScores
- New field callback_game in InlineKeyboardButton, new fields game_short_name and chat_instance in CallbackQuery
- Added Game, Animation objects. New method sendGame, new object InlineQueryResultGame, new field game in Message
- Optional field ‘parameters’ of the type ResponseParameters in response
- New field all_members_are_admins in the Chat object
- Added caption fields to sendAudio, sendVoice, InlineQueryResultAudio, InlineQueryResultVoice, InlineQueryResultCachedAudio, and InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
- Added new field switch_inline_query_current_chat in InlineKeyboardButton
- Use the new url parameter in answerCallbackQuery to create buttons that open your bot with user-specific parameters
- New method getWebhookInfo to check current webhook status
Bot API 2.1
- Added new methods: getChat, leaveChat, getChatAdministrators, getChatMember, getChatMembersCount.
- Added support for edited messages and new mentions from Telegram v.3.9. New fields: edited_message in Update, edit_date in Message, user in MessageEntity. New value text_mention for the type field in MessageEntity.
- OkHttp 3.3.0
- Support custom OkHttpClient
Support Bot API 2.0
- Bot API 2.0
- Changes from May 6, 2016
Added the field emoji to the Sticker object. Your bot can now know the emoji a sticker corresponds to.
Added the field forwarded_from_chat to the Message object for messages forwarded from channels.