Releases: pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api
Releases · pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api
Bot API 4.4
Bot API 4.4 changes #176
- Added support for animated stickers. New field is_animated in Sticker and StickerSet objects
- Added support for default permissions in groups. New object ChatPermissions, containing actions which a member can take in a chat. New field permissions in the Chat object; new method setChatPermissions
- Added support for more permissions for group and supergroup members: added the new field can_send_polls to ChatMember object
- The method restrictChatMember now takes the new user permissions in a single argument of the type ChatPermissions
Bot API 4.3
- Added the new object LoginUrl and the new field login_url to the InlineKeyboardButton object
- Added the field reply_markup to the Message object, containing the inline keyboard attached to the message
Library changes:
- Log response errors and failures in UpdateHandler. Closes #161
- Stop catching client onResponse exceptions in network callback. This will prevent delivering client exceptions into onFailure callback, which is supposed to handle network or library errors only
- Change Base64 implementation (used in Passport decrypt) to AOSP, remove encoding methods
- Remove deprecated code. #165
Remove TelegramBotAdapter class, use TelegramBot.Builder.
Remove ReplyKeyboardHide class, use ReplyKeyboardRemove.
Remove EditMessageReplyMarkup constructor with text.
Remove EditMessageCaption constructor with text.
Remove Message.newChatMember, use newChatMembers.
Remove Credentials.payload, use nonce.
Remove SetGameScore.editMessage(), use disableEditMessage.
Bot API 4.2
- Added support for native polls: added the object Poll, the methods sendPoll and stopPoll and the field poll in the Message and Update objects
- Added the field is_member to the ChatMember object, which can be used to find whether a restricted user is a member of the chat
- Added the field forward_sender_name to the Message object, containing name of the sender who has opted to hide their account
Bot API 4.1
- Added support for translated versions of documents in Telegram Passport. New field translation in EncryptedPassportElement and in SecureValue
- Added field nonce in Credentials
- Added support for middle names and requesting names in the language of the user country of residence. New fields middle_name, first_name_native, last_name_native and middle_name_native added to the PersonalDetails object
- Added all passport error types - PassportElementErrorFrontSide, PassportElementErrorReverseSide, PassportElementErrorSelfie, PassportElementErrorFile, PassportElementErrorFiles, PassportElementErrorTranslationFile, PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles, PassportElementErrorUnspecified
Bot API 4.0
- Added support for Telegram Passport + Decryption API
- Added the method editMessageMedia and new types inputMediaAnimation, inputMediaAudio, and inputMediaDocument
- Added support for attaching custom thumbnails to uploaded files in SendAudio, SendDocument, SendVideo, SendVideoNote
- Added the field thumb to the Audio object
- Added two new MessageEntity types: cashtag and phone_number
- Added width, height, duration to Animation object
- Added the field animation to the Message object
- Added the method sendAnimation
- Added support for Foursquare venues: added the new field foursquare_type to the objects Venue, InlineQueryResultVenue and InputVenueMessageContent, and the parameter foursquare_type to the sendVenue method
- Added vCard support when sharing contacts: added the field vcard to the objects Contact, InlineQueryResultContact, InputContactMessageContent and the method sendContact
Bot API 3.6
- Support text formatting in media captions. Add parse_mode to every method with caption
- Add the new parameter supports_streaming to the SendVideo method and to the InputMediaVideo object
- Add new field connected_website to Message
- Add field media_group_id to Message