Releases: pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api
Releases · pengrad/java-telegram-bot-api
Bot API 3.5
- Added the new method sendMediaGroup and two kinds of InputMedia objects to support the new albums feature
- Added the new field provider_data to sendInvoice for sharing information about the invoice with the payment provider
Bot API 3.4
- Added new field live_period to the sendLocation method and the editMessageLiveLocation and stopMessageLiveLocation methods
- Added setChatStickerSet and deleteChatStickerSet methods to manage group sticker sets
- Added sticker_set_name and can_set_sticker_set in Chat
- Added caption_entities in Message
- Add sleep for UpdatesListener in case failure or empty response #107
- TelegramBot.Builder instead of TelegramBotAdapter
- Update Gson 2.8.2, OkHttp 3.9.0
Bot API 3.3
Bot API 3.2
- Added new methods for working with stickers: getStickerSet, uploadStickerFile, createNewStickerSet, addStickerToSet, setStickerPositionInSet, and deleteStickerFromSet.
- Added the fields set_name and mask_position to the Sticker object, plus two new objects, StickerSet, and MaskPosition.
- Handle all GetUpdate fields in UpdatesHandler #105. Thanks @theskylineguy
Bot API 3.1
- Added new methods restrictChatMember and promoteChatMember to manage users and admins, added new parameter until_date to kickChatMember for temporary bans.
- Added new methods exportChatInviteLink, setChatPhoto, deleteChatPhoto, setChatTitle, setChatDescription, pinChatMessage and unpinChatMessage to manage groups and channels.
- Added the new fields photo, description and invite_link to the Chat object.
- Added the new fields until_date, can_be_edited, can_change_info, can_post_messages, can_edit_messages, can_delete_messages, can_invite_users, can_restrict_members, can_pin_messages, can_promote_members, can_send_messages, can_send_media_messages, can_send_other_messages and can_add_web_page_previews to the ChatMember object.
- Update Gson 2.8.1, OkHttp 3.8.1
Bot API 3.0
Payment platform and video messages
- Added new kinds of updates, shipping_query and pre_checkout_query, and new types of message content, invoice and successful_payment.
- Added new methods for payments: sendInvoice, answerShippingQuery, and answerPreCheckoutQuery.
- Added a new type of button, the pay button to InlineKeyboardButton.
- Added the sendVideoNote method, the new field video_note to Message, the fields record_video_note or upload_video_note to sendChatAction
- User object now may have a language_code field
- New method deleteMessage
- New fields gif_duration in InlineQueryResultGif and mpeg4_duration in InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
- Replaced the field new_chat_member in Message with new_chat_members
- OkHttp 3.8.0