Releases: oroinc/orocommerce-application
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.19 version
- Fixed product import accepts invalid fallback values of localizable fields and imported products cannot be edited
- Fixed possible to delete primary unit precision relation from product via API
- Fixed duplicated shopping list items in GTM events
- Fixed hardcoded English localization breaks import/export template when English is not present
- Implemented Menu Page Target
- Improved block view cache generation
- Enabled view source action in TinyMCE for 3.1 version
- Fixed incorrect write cache file in abstract layout loader
- Fixed wrong extended_entity_name in children-by-customer-grid
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.18 version
- Implemented hide PayPal credit card payment methods if order total is zero
- Fixed impossible to edit customer user address on storefront my profile page
- Removed insert from select in oro:price-lists:recalculate unless allowed explicitly
- Optimized price list minimal strategy
- Fixed CombinedPriceListProcessor MQ processor handles all changes within one transaction
- Fixed timeout opening content node with a lot of content variants
- Fixed combined price lists are not removed when there is scheduled price list in the chain
- Fixed any changes of Pricing configuration triggers full price lists rebuild
- Fixed Combined Price Lists are recalculated regardless of activation schedule
- Fixed Shopping list line item edit and delete permissions are not checked
- Fixed incorrect country names translation after custom report filtering
- Fixed not optimized Scope Repository result cache leads to extra write actions to cache
- Fixed category tree level resets after import them again without hierarchy changes
- Fixed disabled product does not disappear from shopping list
- Fixed Error: function lower(integer) does not exist appears in product grid when filter by category with integer value
- Fixed Fatal error when deleting non existent SL line item via rest api
- Fixed vulnerable dependencies
- Fixed all running consumers get stuck when new rule-based price list is generated
- Fixed oro:cron:price-lists:schedule skips not yet calculated price lists
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.17 version
- Optimized CombinedPriceListGarbageCollector
- Fixed schedules are created for non-schedulable CPL sub-chains
- Implemented Human-Readable Product Image filenames
- Fixed address displayed as selected during single page checkout is not actually used
- Fixed an error in shopping list when adding a comment to the line item
- Fixed issues for Resource Library
- Updated jquery-creditcardvalidator library
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.16 version
- Fixed Storefront API doesn't take into account customer user permissions
- Fixed turn off Google Maps loading if there is no configured API key
- Fixed JS error on Customer's profile page during XSS builds
- Added possibility to create included CustomerUser using Customer Rest API
- Fixed Continue button doesn't work in case of changing previously set payment method
- Fixed wrong width of "Create Order" button in shopping list when RFQ submission is disabled
- Disabled focusing in disabled quantity input on quote acceptance page
- Fixed Custom menu items are not translated
- Fixed fatal error on order form with extended field in OrderAddress entity
- Implemented shared products images cache for multi website application
- Allowed to pin long URLs
- Fixed unnecessary edit icon label on Storefront My Profile page
- Fixed fatal error on storefront product view page with non-existent id
- Fixed impossible to set preferred localization for customer users in back-office
- Fixed Contact ID displayed on grid and exported with thousands Separator
- Fixed Back-office/ On the System configuration menu in the "Page Templates" block "Use default" checkbox is located on the wrong side
- Fixed broken layout profiler
- Fixed API does not validate existing product configurable combinations via variant link endpoint
- Impossible to check out with PayPal Express when price has more than 2 digits
- Fixed Products with invisible inventory statuses do not disappear from shopping list
- Implemented Resource Library Example
- Fixed wrong product image order
- Implemented Dataaudit for Price Edits
- Fixed impossible to export products filtered by category
- Implemented additional formatting options for TinyMCE
- Fixed an error performing the requested operation occurs on the storefront in non active browser tabs
- Fixed unstable CustomerProBundle RestJsonApi CustomerUserAddressTest functional tests
- Fixed only one attribute is shown in an attribute family if two attributes have same labels
- Fixed tax totals rounding issue
- Fixed not all prices are added while importing price list using Reset and Add strategy
- Fixed broken layout of columns when creating a Marketing List
- Simplified extending list of supported tags/attributes in HtmlPurifier
- Fixed GTM integration does not work with free-form line items
- Fixed Line item quantity input in mobile version ignores unit precision
- Fixed add new address on single-page checkout erases data unexpectedly
- Fixed Back-office preview icon is not generated for new product image
- Fixed filter by segment is ignored in promotions
- Fixed sales contact info option "Allow User Configuration" is ignored when "Display" is set to "Pre-Configured"
- Enabled all sales contact options in website configuration
- Fixed incorrect handling of shopping list owner change
- Fixed Product Image not marked as "listing" during the product images import
- Fixed storefront boolean filter shows one value when all products in the result set have this value
- Fixed configuration page is broken in dev mode
- Fixed content of WYSIWYG field does not fit dedicated space
- Fixed canonical URL and metadata of the first product variant is used for configurable product when product view is set to "No matrix form"
- Fixed endless growing of categories cache during Storefront requests
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.15
- Fixed the Delete button is not active on Customer page
- Fixed Price rule API-documentation incomplete
- Fixed right column fields positioned incorrectly on narrow screens
- Fixed SEO keywords and description are not rendered at home page
- Fixed iPad Pro - landscape view / The "QTY #" placeholder does not fit in the field in the matrix form for the configurable product
- Extended html editor whitelist
- Fixed broken layout when resizing a browser window on Create Product form on Backoffice
- Fixed broken layout on the "Lead Statistics" widget when resizing a browser window
- Fixed incorrect position of New Product icon on Page View page
- Implemented Category Import
- Implemented Customer Hierarchy Navigation
- Fixed missing validation and no asterisk for required Account field of Customer entity
- Fixed broken layout in the "Due date" field if resize "Add task" popup
- Fixed Customer user email field is not configured as a contact information field
- Fixed import of product images cannot mark new product image as main
- Fixed styles broken in search result for "Email-User Relations" on Backoffice
- Fixed the long name of “Unit of quantity” on RFQ form breaks the layout of the product price container
- Fixed some products are not added to quick order form when pasting an order that contains SKU of the disabled product
- Fixed excess blank space at the import validation pop-up of the quick order form while importing 300 products
- Fixed product price value displayed with currency sign in the report
- Improved detriment inventory option labels and description
- Implemented automatically select product variant when navigating to PDP from shopping list or order
- Fixed context disappears from Task after inline editing
- Fixed Product image preview in backoffice does not work with disabled guest access
- Fixed Out of Memory Exception when reindexing product from command line
- Fixed Product image import fails with fatal error on invalid images
- Fixed Customer user birth date is displayed with extra text
- Fixed error in ImageResizeMessageProcessor::process
- Fixed incorrect price calculation for products with "kilogram" unit of quantity with quantity dependent price
- Fixed Customer parent ID not validated during import
- Fixed username is included in account registration confirmation and reset links in emails
- Fixed "removeFromCart"(GTM) event fires on the checkout when "Delete this shopping list" checked
- Fixed workflow action send emails always with type "plain/text"
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixes job for import of configurable products marked as failed and has an incorrect summary
- Fixed cloned email templates miss translated content
- Fixed "Edit Role" link overlap on the "Back" link in role page when resizing the screen
- Fixed unnecessary scroll bar on edit product family page
- Fixed broken layout in the "Create Tax Jurisdiction" form in "Zip codes ranges" block if validation message is present in the Back office
- Fixed broken layout of currency selector on product creation
- Improved request performance on order submit step
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.13 version
- Implemented PayPal Express Integration for 3.1 version
- Fixed when POST Product units via API then on UI displays key instead of Product unit code
- Fixed incorrect cache key generation in PromotionExecutor and TaxManager
- Fixed no margins in Frontend Menus on Customer Edit page
- Fixed incorrect validation when adding non-existent product SKUs in Quick Order Form
- Implemented using slashes in URL slugs of categories in Master Catalog
- Fixed validation message doesn't display correctly on "Quote" page
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- Fixed ACL owner tree metadata cache causes cache growth and failures on network-based caches with memory limits
- Fixed OAuth Application does not appear until page refresh on Tablet and Mobile devices
- Fixed import job of configurable products from CLI cannot be finished
- Fixed JS error while resizing browser window of Management Console
- Fixed UI issues in workflow management
- Fixed wrong calendar date format for pt_BR locale
- Fixed popup "grid to kanban" on the opportunities grid does not disappear after a click on the sidebar widget icons
- Fixed icons aren't displayed in the search result of "Email-User Relations" section on Back-office
- Fixed the drop-down shopping list disappears when you mouseover on tooltip area
- Fixed landing pages are included twice in sitemaps
- Fixed storefront address book actions are not visible for viewport width less than 1100px
- Fixed incorrect units measurements in shopping list popup when entering decimal values
- Fixed incorrect position of New Product icon on Page View page
- Fixed wrong height of "Organization Business Units" field on the Create User page in the back-office
- Fixed broken layout of the "Offers" block in the Create quote form if validation message is present in the back-office
- Fixed broken layout of the "Additional units" block in the Create product form if validation messages are present in the back-office
- Fixed popup of mass action option is not hidden after trying to hide it
- Fixed grid headers overlapping opening popups with filter conditions in Internet Explorer
- Fixed number filter does not filter out empty values on the store front
- Fixed clickable area of the "go to the top of page" arrow takes the full width of the page and it uses a transparent background
- Fixed filter by Price does not give access to all the units of measure
- Added the Workflow Diagram section on a workflow pages
- Added additional Product Fields
- Added export of Filtered Products
4.0.0 release is now available
4.0.0 is an unmaintained developer preview release that includes some backwards incompatible changes from the currently developed 4.0 development branch.
Please note, that 4.x series should be used only if your project is scheduled to go live after January 2020. You will have to continually upgrade to the next available 4.1.0-beta, 4.1.0-rc versions and ultimately upgrade to 4.1 LTS version prior to going live with the project.
All other projects should use 3.1 LTS, which is the latest stable version.
Majority of the bugfixes and some improvements from 4.0 branch have already been included in the last 3.1.x patch releases:
- 3.1.10 release notes (July 29, 2019)
- 3.1.9 release notes (July 2, 2019)
- 3.1.8 release notes (June 7, 2019)
We have also accepted and merged various contributions from Oro community developers and partners.
Technology updates in 4.0.0 release:
- Symfony 4:
- We've upgraded Symfony dependency to version 4.2
- The next preview release will upgrade Symfony to version 4.3
- The 4.1 LTS release in January 2020 will include Symfony 4.4 LTS dependency
- Please check the Symfony documentation, Symfony upgrade recommendation and Oro changelogs before the upgrade:
- Twig 2.9
- We have also updated various Javascript dependencies.
The full list of bug fixes included in this release is available in the wiki.
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 3.1.11 version
- Fixed runtime error for customer user without associated customer on customer roles grid
- Fixed limit filters and sorters to product attributes of product families present in the result set
- Fixed certain product attribute names break schema update
- Fixed Quick Order Form does not restrict adding products with unit of quantity from different localizations
- Extended html editor whitelist
- Fixed recalculate Product's visibility is extremely slow
- Fixed incorrect position of New Product icon on Page View page
- Fixed Shopping list button is misaligned in IE11
- Added symfony.require to composer.json in order use symfony/flex globally