Releases: oroinc/orocommerce-application
Releases · oroinc/orocommerce-application
Release Notes
List of new features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.6 version
- Improved CMS page performance (BB-20726)
- Added a flash message notifying customer user of the account confirmation link expiration (BB-20304)
List of fixed issues
- WYSIWYG editor allows to break CSS styles (BB-19232)
- Validation attributes for localization collection are missing (BB-20818)
- Incorrect result from website localization provider (BB-20816)
- Possible primary key overflow in oro_price_list_to_product table (BB-20805)
- Product variants are accessible through direct links and generated site map despite of "Display Simple Variations" configuration set to "Hide completely" (BB-20790)
- Values in shopping list quantity inputs are not fully displayed (BB-20789)
- Quantity, unit and price are not auto-populated in quick order form after adding previously removed product (BB-20787)
- Action buttons at the bottom of quick order form stop working after adding 20+ empty rows (BB-20782)
- Localized slug is not created automatically on web catalog content node editing (BB-20780)
- Incorrect alignment of Remove button in oro-item-collection row (BB-20779)
- Average totals and subtotals in base currency are displayed with excessive decimal places in reports and segments (BB-20775)
- "0" with any non-alphabetical or numeric symbol is not allowed as enum attribute option value (BB-20771)
- GrapesJS breaks edit page when invalid CSS is specified (BB-20769)
- Undefined method getStateUrl in NavigationItemController::putIdAction() (BB-20746)
- Datagrid filter scrollbars missing (BB-20745)
- Update of system configuration option breaks storefront search autocomplete (BB-20741)
- Impossible to update quantity in Quick Order Form when minimal tier of quantity in price is more than 1 (BB-20731)
- Validation messages break vertical grouping line next to last shopping list line item (BB-20702)
- Type error because of incorrect "merge allowed" flag in MergePricesCombiningStrategy (BB-20699)
- oro:price-lists:recalculate fails if customer has no price list assigned and fallback is set to "current customer only" (BB-20698)
- Customer assignment to customer group may be affected by web catalog storefront preview (BB-20691)
- oro.customer.calculate_owner_tree_cache always marked as failed (BB-20690)
- Missing clear address validation message in single page checkout (BB-20680)
- Empty space appears when opening grid settings in RTL mode in Microsoft Edge (BB-20671)
- Not fully loaded JS on the page leads to an error (BB-20598)
- Compare IDs instead of objects in CategoryAddOrReplaceStrategy (BB-20339)
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.5
- Implemented Taxes and Discounts configuration (comply with tax laws when giving promotional discounts)
- Implemented Export Product Listing
List of fixed issues
- Fixed Product page cannot be reached if there is a category with the same URL slug
- Disabled unused layout themes
- Fixed datetime filter variables do not apply timezone
- Fixed Last contact information is missing for Customer Users
- Fixed unnecessary call to enable DB triggers when "oro:price-lists:recalculate" is run without "disable-triggers" option
- Fixed excessive shopping lists limit verifications within single request
- Fixed updated row is not highlighted after line items merge in Shopping List
- Fixed out of memory exception during websearch reindexation of configurable products with hundreds of variants
- Fixed configurable product quantity input ignores unit precision
- Fixed date is not displayed in datepicker field in mobile view
- Fixed custom WYSIWYG product attributes prevent upgrade to version 4.2
- Fixed excessive attributes are shown in quick order form search dropdown
- Fixed impossibility to update Product translations with import
- Fixed menu item URI cached on website level is not updated after editing it on global level
- Fixed WYSIWYG editor freezes after image resize
- Fixed rule-based price list is not recalculated after product price update via API
- Fixed The ")" is shown incorrectly for English language on the phone
- Fixed product collections won't load after enabling Saved Search when using MySQL
- Fixed UpdateContentVariantSlugsWithContentVariantId migration fails if webcatalog does not have root content node
- Fixed check in installer for GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES in mysql doesn't work
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.4 version
- Added PHP 8 Support
- Added RTL support for the Management Console
- Implemented Saved Search feature
- Implemented localized canonical URLs
- Improved and optimized layout cache
- Updated documentation about creating a WYSIWYG field
List of fixed issues
- Fixed "Add" grid mass action closes popup if no products are selected when adding matching items on promotion edit page
- Fixed only base currency is available when creating order in back-office
- Fixed product description on storefront product view page has no styles after it is moved from general attribute group
- Fixed row subtotal is displayed with floating-point precision errors in quick order form
- Fixed impossible to update/edit sample data according to new WYSIWYG editor
- Made it clear that subtotals in shopping list widget do not include discounts, taxes, shipping costs or any other additional fees
- Fixed visitor cannot add Order via API due to lack of permissions
- Expanded Settings section by default in GrapesJS
- Fixed infinite loader is shown on shopping list edit page after unsaved changes cancellation
- Allowed matching SKU with hyphens in ORM search engine
- Fixed decimal field value is rounded to the third decimal place
- Fixed chilean peso currency does not show fractional digits on storefront
- Removed footer-align-view
- Fixed checkout stops working after changing permissions on its start transition
- Fixed duplicated ACL queries on storefront datagrids: PLP and homepage segments
- Fixed sync of large mapping between shards can make Elasticsearch cluster unresponsive
- Fixed impossible to hover the dropdown when entering data on the quick order forms to select an item
- Made AppliedDiscount entity available in reports
- Fixed iimpossible to import same customer address to several customers
- Fixed customer User created from storefront receives welcome email in default website localization
- Fixed filter by SKU is hidden when opening the sticky panel on the product grid
- Fixed out of memory during scheduled checkout subtotal recalculation with large number of checkouts
- Fixed impossible to edit Customer in dev mode when taxCode 'Show On Form' is set to Yes
- Fixed date filter in grids doesn't work in Arabic formatting
- Fixed product page cannot be reached if there is a category with the same URL slug
- Fixed "In Shopping List" block is shown to guest user for some products that have been removed from shopping list
- Fixed select attribute options are cached in wrong locale
- Fixed OROSFID cookie ignores "name" and "secure" config parameters
- Fixed localized slug is not created automatically on product editing
- Fixed price for non-default currency is not populated on back-office quote creation
- Fixed incorrect alignment in saved search email on mobile devices with large screen resolution
- Fixed Mailchimp sync fails if marketing list contains "Lifetime sales value" as one of the fields
- Fixed Mailchimp sync fails if contact name contains tab character
- Updated popover typography
- Fixed Quick order form row is deleted after quantity was updated with "Enter"
- Fixed Input value should be selected on focus over tab key press
- Fixed YouTube or Vimeo video cannot be added in unsecure content restrictions mode
- Fixed consent decline fails if Contact Request entity has Multiple Files field
- Fixed product name and description cannot be updated via import
- Fixed impossible to start checkout from the Shopping List with product containing shipping options Unit, Weight, Freight Class, but without Dimensions
- Fixed existing customer record may be affected by preview user cleanup
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.3 version
- Storefront adaptation for RTL languages
- Added RTL support for default theme on Storefront
- Migrated Product Attribute Boost extension to core product
List of fixed issues
- Improved information messages in Shopping List
- Fixed shipping tax does not support address resolver granularity
- Fixed incorrect redirect after customer user login if the previous page contains not-accessible image
- Fixed narrow images are cropped when resized
- Fixed "Link button" placeholder remains visible in link button element of WYSIWYG editor
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.2 version
- Updated allowed Payflow IP addresses
- Optimized WebsiteManager and getCurrentWebsite
- Improved performance of Merge by Priority pricing strategy
- Added brackets to currency value in switcher on the Storefront
- Upgraded Bump prismjs from 1.21.0 to 1.23.0
List of fixed issues
- Fixed availability of order actions does not depend on the user role permissions
- Fixed validation of spaces in Category title during import
- Fixed 500 error when using extra whitespace in Quick Order Form
- Fixed validation when adding incorrect product units in the popup on the Quick Order Form
- Fixed storefront landing page API exposes non-rendered Twig instructions and internal fields
- Fixed "Type code here" remains visible in code block of WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed impossible to add a Discount of percent type via API
- Fixed not possible to hide Multifile/Multiimage attributes on product view page
- Fixed PATCH request with incorrect data to /api/customerusers terminates /api/doc session
- Fixed Customer User cannot start checkout if Checkout VIEW permission is set to Corporate (All Levels)
- Fixed Link for product with invisible status returns 403 (login page) instead of 404
- Fixed Infinite loader is shown on shopping list edit page after unsaved changes cancellation
- Fixed Grid contents still cached after changing customer user role
- Fixed "Ship to this address" checkbox is misaligned
- Fixed Currency selector is not available on mobile devices
- Fixed Chilean peso currency does not show fractional digits on storefront
- Fixed Out of memory error in DirectUrlProcessor
- Fixed Product name link does not open PDP on Single Page Checkout
- Fixed unable to create product attribute with type "WYSIWYG" in CE version
- Fixed images are not rendered at the storefront when the application is installed in subfolder
- Fixed incorrect HTMLPurifier error collector during products import
- Fixed Price range filter swaps min and max values if min value is empty
- Fixed new customers do not see all products allowed by visibility settings of their customer group
- Fixed Out of memory error in PriceListProcessor
- Fixed missing server-side validation for precision of quantity fields in shopping lists
- Fixed Customer users with non-unique emails can be created via import
- Fixed Price list can be saved with invalid product attribute values used in price rules and conditions
- Fixed impossible to update an address from back-office customer/customer user view page in global organization
- Fixed Products with incorrect product unit disappear from grid after import via import popup in new QOF layout
- Fixed Tooltips do not show up on web catalog category content variant edit page
- Fixed Price rules are not processed when one of price lists is broken or not exists
- Fixed User input with quotes leads to JS errors
- Fixed Item Cell on Shopping List has to initialize inner components on re-render action
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.12 version
- Improved quick order form performance
- Implemented Only Country and Zip Tax Address granularity
- Implemented Shopping List Configuration
- Optimized Checkout Line Items Performance
- Increased number of products info load per request on QOF
- Improved performance of Merge by Priority pricing strategy
- Updated allowed Payflow IP addresses
- Covered new entities from CMS bundle with XSS checks
List of fixed issues
- Fixed availability of order actions does not depend on the user role permissions
- Fixed avoid repetitive redirected scope processing for deleted slugs
- Fixed landing page rendering fails with 500 error when added incorrect twig construction in content
- Fixed missing validation of spaces in Category title during import
- Fixed 500 error when using extra whitespace in Quick Order Form
- Fixed "Type code here" remains visible in code block of WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed not possible to hide Multifile/Multiimage attributes on product view page
- Fixed Customer User cannot start checkout if Checkout VIEW permission is set to Corporate (All Levels)
- Fixed Order tax is not recalculated after order shipping address was updated via API
- Fixed Country is not selectable on billing address step on mobile screens
- Fixed default file input rendered additionally to styled file upload on the storefront forms
- Fixed additional margin left applied for "Scroll to top" button when scroll to the bottom of the page
- Fixed first variant label is always used as dialog title of "In Shopping Lists" popup for configurable products
- Disabled dynamically update "id" attribute in WYSIWYG import
- Fixed content in GrapeJS unexpected trimmed when use html from import result inside import popup
- Fixed popup-gallery-widget not displayed on image click for multiple images field type on the storefront
- Fixed incorrect Color palette for new theme in style book
- Fixed content disappears after import if added after applying any styled text on first rows in the WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed Redis cache overwhelmed by segment actualization queries during website reindexation
- Fixed MacOS Safari > Incorrect rendering of the Summary block on the Shopping List view/edit page
- Fixed wrong action title in the content canvas of GrapesJS
- Fixed infinite loader is shown on shopping list edit page after unsaved changes cancellation
- Prevented removal of paid orders via PayPal Express
- Fixed product image files are not removed for any filesystem except Local
- Fixed wrong position of an info icon on a product page
- Fixed wrong position of the elevatezoom container on the product page
- Fixed unable to dump robots.txt file for default website
- Removed default shopping list sorting by SKU
- Fixed custom content restrictions work differently for backend and frontend validation
- Fixed grid contents still cached after changing customer user role
- Fixed blank break-point in the toolbar
- Fixed backend api.yml is used instead of api_frontend.yml for non JSON:API frontend API requests
- Fixed currency selector is not available on mobile devices
- Fixed Out of memory error in DirectUrlProcessor
- Fixed incorrect HTMLPurifier error collector during products import
- Fixed New customers do not see all products allowed by visibility settings of their customer group
OroCommerce 4.2 LTS version is now available
Please check the full release announcement in Oro blog.
Below are some selected (and more technical) highlights out of 500+ features, improvements and fixes included in this release. The BB- and BAP- references in parenthesis can be used to look for the related changes in the commit history (e.g.
- Minimum required PHP version for 4.2 LTS is PHP 7.4 (7.4.14 is the latest security release)
- Composer 2 is required for installation
- MySQL 8.0 is the minimum supported version
- Increased the maximum allowed field name length to 55 (BAP-19575)
- Configurable collection and display of security voter decisions in Symfony web debug toolbar (BAP-19516)
- All console commands now have full description and usage examples (BB-20228)
- More details are logged on workflow send email errors (BAP-19782)
- Dashboard entity is extendable (BAP-20031)
- Website configuration values are now resolved taking into account organization inheritance (BAP-20009)
- Permission categories for user roles are now configured via configuration files (BAP-20318)
- Javascript dependencies are not directly managed by Composer anymore, "node_modules" is now located in the application root (instead of vendor/oro/platform/build)
- symfony/symfony dependency was replaced with individual Symfony component dependencies only on the components that are actually used (BAP-20161)
- ZendFramework packages were replaced with Laminas alternatives (BAP-19880)
- "Flat" price storage for customers that do not use complex price calculations (BB-19864)
- Product image resizing and indexation have been significantly optimized (10x) (BAP-19781, BB-16788)
- Optimized performance of background jobs (removed ORM where not needed), made them less susceptible to interruptions (BAP-19826)
- Better storefront performance with large product catalogs and web-catalogs (BB-19847, BB-17769)
- Layout blocks HTML cache (BB-19226)
- Message queue messages can be filtered by feature toggle configuration (BAP-20181)
- Preloading entities through relations to reduce number of DB queries (BAP-20137) (see examples in BAP-20137, documentation on how to use will be available later)
- Sync jobs (oro_integration:sync_integration:*) are skipped for integrations without connectors (BAP-19792)
- Checkout subtotals recalculated only where necessary (BB-17958)
- Localized fallback values for product/catalog data are stored in separate tables (BB-13743)
- Frontend menu items can be configured to open in new or same browser window/tab (BB-18926)
- The current page is remembered when switching localizations on the storefront (BB-20134)
- Added support for libicu-65 (BAP-20088)
- Grid row action labels can be configured to use custom translations (BAP-19867)
- "Discounts" column in Orders grid with promotional discounts total (BAP-20181)
- All "main" back-office grids now respect "Display in Grid" setting of extended fields (BAP-18091)
- Email attachment max file size is configurable through System Configuration (BAP-19671)
- In email compose customer user with matching email is automatically selected as context (BB-19206)
- Additional configuration for Authorize.Net fraud detection integration (BB-19192)
- Improved performance of back-office datagrids (6x-10x in some scenarios) (BB-19859)
- Default application configuration allows upload of Microsoft Office files and text (BAP-20114)
- Enabled embedding video in the default secure configuration (BB-19545)
- Wirecard integration has been deprecated
- Package manager and web-installer have been finally decommissioned
- GrapesJS and TinyMCE editors were updated to the latest versions
- HTML import validation in WYSIWYG was improved to provide more detailed error descriptions to the user
- Multiple Web Content Accessibility improvements:
- same focus order regardless of browsers
- more semantic HTML structure
- form element states
- tooltips and popovers that are readable by screen readers
- keyboard navigation
- Lazy loading for images
- Configurable storefront filters panel position (sidebar or above grid)
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.11
- Improved WYSIWYG Validation
- Improved Import HTML popup in GrapesJS
- Merged Media Breakpoints in Storefront
List of fixed issues
- Fixed customer group may be duplicated on product visibility page if it was created with multiple customers and more than one consumer was running at the time
- Fixed wrong prices applied on quote create/edit page
- Fixed incorrect Fedex rates calculation
- Fixed incorrect links in notification emails in backoffice quote flow with approvals
- Fixed impossible to start single page checkout with FedEx shipping integration
- Fixed backoffice user doesn't have access to the log file of the organization to which he assigned
- Fixed Grid view is not created on Product Attributes grid in Global organization
- Fixed "Terms and Conditions", "Email subscription" consents are not accepted in the registration form
- Fixed web-catalog node canonical URLs should point to web-catalog nodes themselves
- Fixed "oro.warehouse.add_inventory_levels" message processing may run out of memory
- Fixed discounts are not updated on shopping list owner change until page reload
- Fixed customer user of global organization can create/assign customer user to any other customer
- Fixed WebCatalog content node cache recalculation job is slow having thousands of related scope records
- Fixed landing pages are shared between websites of different non-global organizations
- Fixed all simple variants prices of the configurable product are loaded when calculating shopping list total
- Replaced wysiwyg_* twig tags with URL before rendering wysiwyg
- Fixed "New Arrivals" segment is not updated at the storefront after maximum items limit change
- Fixed system product attributes are not editable in single organization setup
- Fixed completed checkout data listener may cause unnecessary DB queries
- Fixed incorrect background color of matrix form of configurable product
- Fixed two identical ajax requests are being sent when enabling datagrid column
- Fixed wrong input field size after editing on SL edit page (Mobile)
- Added quotes for variables in validation messages for GrapesJS
- Fixed country is not selectable on billing address step on mobile screens
- Fixed incorrect routing for resized images
- Fixed dataaudit produces messages with empty body after reassigning customer user with more than 100 related records to another customer
- Fixed extra line is rendered if add an empty Configurable Product on the Shopping List edit page
- Fixed excessive ContentVariant relations hydration
- Added additional guard for non-existent slugs in SyncSlugRedirectsProcessor
- Converted WYSIWYG twig tags to URLs in import editor functionality
- Fixed resize all images command generates duplicated messages
- Fixed retain web catalog node context when switching localization on product view page
- Fixed Product images are not rendered on Product listing page (Azure)
- Fixed impossible to download large export file
- Fixed AkeneoBatchBundle generates empty batch logs in default mode
- Fixed Customer addresses ACL on storefront API request
- Fixed custom fields added on the CustomerUser are reset when you submit the Form
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.10 version
- Fixed cropped "Short Description" field when adding Product page as Content Variant on "Create Content Node" page
- Fixed XSS on the Long description Category page.
- Fixed configurable product can be imported with attributes not in product family
- Fixed Layout broken on Product View Page on FronStore if attribute "Images" is not moved to a separate group of attributes
- Fixed Product in the quick order form is not searchable by the part of SKU
- Refactored Shopping List
- Stylized warning messages on Shopping List view page
- Refactored Shopping List Page Actions
- Stylized a note of entire shopping list on the view page
- Implemented Hide/Show configurable products
- Imlemented Shopping List Configuration
- Fixed shipping weight is rounded to the third decimal place
- Fixed code block attributes added after code copy-paste are not accepted by GrapeJS WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed there is no padding in the "Select Image" popup on the product edit page
- Fixed full screen popup works incorrectly in tinyMCE editor
- Fixed user doesn't see Bullet list or Numbered list on the view product page.
- Fixed validation message overlay on the storefront
- Fixed cConfigurable PDP is slow having hundreds of available variants
- Fixed shopping list line items access verification on RFQ creation
- Added Default column to Shopping Lists grid
- Fixed Tax code displayed several times
- Fixed non-unique web catalog node slugs break slug generation
- Fixed customer grid is empty after set "Yes and do not display" grid settings to payment term field of customer entity
- Fixed master catalog node title validation
- Fixed undefined method "getLineItemsCount" error on SL page when migrated to feature branch
- Fixed hint does not disappear after Select Parent button has been clicked
- Improved backend datagrid and actions rendering
- Fixed export file column names are not translated
- Fixed impossible to update products via import after creating multiple file product attribute
- Fixed OriginalDataAccessorTrait should return proper values for PersistentCollection attribute.
- Fixed Double scrolling on "Create Content Node" page
- Fixed the hint doesn't work on the product (description) edit page.
- Fixed promotions are recalculated in existing orders after unrelated field updates
- Fixed the error message should disappear after passing proper Coupon Code on Single Page checkout.
- Fixed Direct URLs of landing pages are shared between sitemaps of non-global organizations
- Fixed cannot read property 'shopping_lists' of undefined
- Fixed incorrect execution sequence of site map generation messages
- Fixed Ignore New Layout config in case when "Shopping Lists" Page In "My Account" disabled
- Fixed Datetime datagrid filters use incorrect timezone
- Fixed validation error text is not fully displayed when add to SL empty configurable product
- Fixed incorrect URL is generated for back-office WYSIWYG images
- Fixed unexpected CSS is shown in product description after image removal
Release Notes
List of fixed issues and improvements
- OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.1.9
- Fixed customer group may be duplicated on product visibility page if it was created with multiple customers and more than one consumer was running at the time
- Fixed impossible to buy a product with fractional quantity for localizations that use comma as a decimal separator
- Fixed fatal error in SlugRepository::isSlugForRouteExists
- Added layout block html cache
- Fixed "Type code here" remains visible in code block of WYSIWYG editor
- Fixed video block styles in GrapesJS on the Front Store.
- Fixed the video from YouTube and Vimeo is not autoplay in the Chrome, Opera.
- Fixed preview images with transparent background in popup
- Fixed WYSIWYG editor shows youtube/vimeo/map options for not allowed domains
- Fixed wrong 404 page is rendered for logged-in storefront user when "Show subitems in a popup" user menu template is used
- Fixed IE browser. Image not rendered on the Product view page
- Fixed JS error after saving content block with applied background color
- Fixed non-unique web catalog node slugs break slug generation
- Fixed "Required field" text is missing on customer registration form