Releases: oroinc/orocommerce-application
OroCommerce Beta 3 Release is Now Available
We are excited to announce that we now have a new Beta version of OroCommerce available. This new Beta 3 version adds the following features and enhancements:
- New localization management interface can be used to setup content and UI translation settings and formatting options for the store frontend.
- Store frontend users can now switch between the display currencies enabled in the system configuration.
- OroCommerce translation files are available for translation on Crowdin. Please join our community localization effort to get OroCommerce translated to your language!
- New inventory management UI provides an overview of the global inventory across all warehouses and it also includes export and import functions.
- It is now possible to specify primary and additional units of quantity for products.
- New default unit settings in the system configuration and in a category's "default product options" section can be used to save time during data entry.
Catalog Management:
- It is now possible to upload multiple product images.
- SEO meta attributes can be specified for products, categories and content pages.
- New 'price attributes' allow to manage product price attributes (e.g. cost, MSRP, MAP, etc.) in multiple currencies.
- Account users can now be easily filtered by an account that they belong to.
- Account and account user views now include grids of RFQs, quotes and orders.
- It is possible to setup an advanced RFQ notification configuration (notify the assigned sales representatives, the account or user record owners, and various combinations of thereof).
- The check / money order has been added to the list of the supported payment methods.
- The allowed credit card types configuration is now strictly enforced.
- Additional payment gateway configuration options (e.g. proxy settings, CVV validation, etc.) have been implemented.
- Order payment methods and statuses are now displayed in the order grids and on the order view pages on the store frontend and in the management console.
Account Management:
- Account users can now manage their company address book on the store frontend (requires proper permissions).
- Open orders section provides an overview of all checkouts in progress, and allows to resume and complete an order submission.
- Admins can now hide selected user roles so that they are no longer visible in the account user role management UI on the store frontend.
User Experience:
- We improved navigation and accessibility of the store frontend checkout.
- Product grid and view pages now include the minimum priced quantity in the quantity input boxes based on the price list settings.
- Notification messages are now stacked and follow the page when scrolled.
Technical Improvements:
- We started to work on the frontend development guidelines. Please check the FrontendBundle documentation and provide your feedback.
- Theme assets can now be rebuild independently based on their type.
- The new layout profiler can be used to debug the generated layout of any page.
- Additional debug information (block IDs, template paths) can be injected in the page source code.
- SASS is now used as the preferred CSS pre-processor.
- DB query optimizations improved performance of selected frontend pages from 5 to 15%.
We have also included a few community contributions and more than 20 small bug fixes into this release.
Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!
OroCommerce Beta 2 Release is Now Available
We are excited to announce that we now have a new Beta version of OroCommerce available. This new Beta 2 version adds the following features and enhancements:
New Features:
- Price list management functionality has been expanded to allow for scheduling price list activation and deactivation (multiple time intervals are supported, as well as open-ended time period definitions).
- A price list can also be temporarily disabled if necessary.
- Admins can now copy entire price list (including prices) in just a single click.
- Store frontend users may now see all their incomplete orders (checkouts) in progress, and switch between them as necessary. The users with additional permissions may see, review and complete order submission on behalf of other users within the same corporate account.
- Zero amount authorization can be enabled by a merchant to validate credit cards without posting an authorization balance hold until the order submission.
- Customers may now allow their credit card to be used for subsequent orders.
- Quotes are now automatically marked as expired, and customers cannot accept a quote past its expiration date.
- Is is now possible to show products without prices on the store frontend (for example, product may have no price visible to a specific customer group, or customer account). Such products can still be added to a shopping cart, and customers will have to request a quote to see pricing and complete the order submission.
- The store frontend can now be made available to guest users. We are working on additional configuration options, feature toggles and SEO capabilities.
- It is now possible to specify shipping origin in the system configuration or for individual warehouses.
- Product shipping options (weight, dimensions, freight class) can now be configured on the product edit screen.
- It is now possible to check all available product price tiers right in the product list. The users can also see the price they will receive for the specified quantity and the selected unit of measurement without adding the product to a shopping list.
- Product listing page now also indicates quantities of the product that have already been added to the shopping list. We are working on additional configuration options and a new design of this customer time-saving functionality.
Technical Improvements:
- Delete operations are now automatically added to the main entity management grids. It is no longer necessary to write any code to implement regular deletion. Standard delete operation can be disabled for specific grids.
- Grid sorting, pagination and error handling have been improved on the product inventory management screen.
- Admin menu was rearranged to provide easier access to frequently used functions.
- Styling and handling of notifications, validation hints, error messages and other common elements have been improved to simplify their customization.
Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!
The First Beta Release of OroCommerce is Now Available
We are excited to announce that we now have the first Beta version of OroCommerce available. This new Beta 1 version contains the following features:
Corporate Customer Accounts
With OroCommerce you can easily create customer accounts and user records for your customers. The accounts can be grouped together and organized to reflect the organizational structure of your large customers. You can create as many levels of business units, teams, departments, local offices and international branches as necessary under each corporate account. Also many user management functions can be delegated to selected employees of your customers. For example, you can allow them to manage individual user records, create logins for new employees, manage roles and permissions of other users, manage global and individual address books and other information they have on file.
Price Lists
OroCommerce provides a price management tool that can be used to create and maintain multiple price lists, with a virtually unlimited number of prices points and price tiers in multiple currencies. You can make selected price lists available to individual customers, customer groups, and websites.
Catalog Management and Personalized Catalogs
With OroCommerce users can easily optimize the catalog management interface for themselves based on their daily tasks and responsibilities. They can select what information should be included in the data grids, and what attributes, price lists, currencies and prices tiers they need to see.
OroCommerce also gives users the ability to create and manage custom, personalized catalogs according to the needs of specific customer groups or even individual customers.
Quote Creation and Order Management
The built-in quote creation tool can be used by the sales personnel to create customer proposals. It allows to use custom pricing, add shipping estimates and include extra offers that are not normally available in your catalog.
The order management tool allows to see the orders submitted by your customers and create new orders. You can also edit the contents of the existing orders, override prices and shipping cost, apply different payment terms and provide additional discounts.
Store Front-end
OroCommerce features a template-based default frontend theme with a customizable design that allows to easily brand the user experience. Various self-serve functions can be enabled on the store frontend based on the merchant preferences. Multiple catalog views allow to optimize user experience for different usage scenarios.
Quick Order Form and Shopping Lists
The quick order form allows customers to work on large orders in an efficient manner using search by product SKUs and names, or import their purchase lists into the system. Customers can work on multiple orders simultaneously and they can easily switch between different shopping carts or start new orders at any time.
Payment Terms and Credit Card Processing
OroCommerce comes with a pre-built PayPal integration that allow merchants to accept all major credit and debit cards and use their own merchant accounts for payment processing if necessary. Merchants can also allow selected customers to use payment terms.
Customizable Workflows and Checkout Experience
OroCommerce checkout is a fully configurable workflow-based process that can be customized in different ways. The checkout experience can be optimized independently for B2B and B2C customers, and it can be easily augmented with additional steps based on the requirements of individual corporate customers.
Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!
OroCommerce Alpha 5 Release is Now Available
We are excited to announce that we now have a new Alpha version of OroCommerce available. This new Alpha 5 version adds the following features and enhancements:
- Added new default frontend theme and updated frontend navigation
- Sample (demo) data has been updated to include more products, images and descriptions
- Introduced new workflow-based checkout and order submission process
- Quick order page has been updated to allow for massive copy-paste and purchase list imports
- Credit and debit cards can now be accepted through PayPal Payments Pro and Payflow Gateway integrations
- Payment terms can be used by approved accounts
- Quote may include shipping estimates, and sales order shipping cost can be updated by sales personnel
- New order source document field allows to track the document chain
- Sales orders can have multiple discounts and surcharges
Technical Improvements:
- Optimized icon fonts
- Account, quote and order addresses now include the phone field
- Action configuration has been separated to allow reuse of actions in processes and workflows
- An alternative checkout workflow has been included as a working example of the checkout workflow customization
Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!
OroCommerce Alpha 4 is Now Available
We are excited to announce that we now have a new Alpha version of OroCommerce available. This new Alpha 4 version adds the following features and enhancements:
- Price list management functionality has been expanded to allow for the price lists to be assigned and configured on the level of websites, account groups and individual accounts. You may also configure price list priority, price tiers merging and fallback settings. More information about the price list management in OroCommerce is available at
- Added ability to assign quotes and RFQs to specific users and/or customers
- Modified user role management interfaces to accommodate for an arbitrary number of entity permissions
- Added ability to enter estimated cost of shipping in a quote
- Added postal codes to the tax jurisdiction view pages
Technical Improvements:
- Improved consistency and performance of the catalog visibility cache that is used to build personalized catalogs
- Fixed user export that was failing under certain conditions
- Moved all styles to preprocessor files
- Fixed a few issues related to the new actions functionality
- Fixed some product edit issues and added more functional tests
- Updated composer.json to use https URLs
Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!
OroCommerce Alpha 3 is Now Available
This new Alpha 3 version adds the following features and enhancements:
- Multiple sales representatives can be assigned to a single account user or account group.
- Personalized product catalogs can be created for individual account groups or even single accounts by manipulating category and product visibility settings.
- Product visibility on the front-end can be limited based on inventory availability.
- Data audit (change log) functions are now available to the front-office users as well.
- Back-office users can create orders directly from RFQs, skipping the quote preparation step if necessary.
- Product import has been refactored to improve performance.
- It is now possible to manage available product quantity across multiple warehouses.
- We added a UI for tax table rates management and configuration.
Technical Improvements:
We’ve introduced a highly flexible “Actions” mechanism that allows developers to describe any operations that can be performed with data entities. With this new action configuration, it is possible to configure or modify actions in many cases without writing a single line of code.
The actions can request additional information from the user, show modal dialog windows or lead directly to other pages. Actions can be customized easily by extending or overriding their configuration from other bundles. Actions can be made available on the entity view and edit pages, and in the datagrids, and can be executed by Processes.
Here are a few examples of both simple and more complex actions included in this release:
- Adding products (single or multiple) to the user’s shopping list(s)
- Accepting and submitting a quote to an order
- Adding products to a shopping list, order or an RFQ from the quick order page
- Submitting an RFQ or creating an order from a shopping list view page
- Adding prices to price lists
- Toggling account user status
- Duplicating products
- Creating a quote for an RFQ
- Changing RFQ statuses
Other Changes:
- It is now possible to attach additional images to the Master Catalog categories.
- Users can now provide their company name during self-registration, which is used as an account name for the new account.
- Sample data has been updated to include additional products and categories. Sample user account passwords are the same as their email addresses.
- Unification of handling values and their precision in various quantity inputs.
- Price list configuration settings have been expanded with additional options.
- A number of minor bug fixes, additional tests and improvements.
Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.
If you are upgrading from the previous release, do not forget to run composer update
and php app/console oro:platform:update
after you have downloaded the new version.
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!
OroCommerce Alpha 2 is Now Available
This new Alpha 2 version adds the following features and enhancements:
- It is now possible to create custom category trees for different customer groups, and even individual customers.
- We added configuration options to manage product visibility, and allow actions on the store front-end and the management interface based on product status and inventory availability.
- We also added product import and export functions.
- Support of free-form data entry and helpful price configuration hints have been enabled on the quote preparation screen.
- The quick order page has been enhanced with autocomplete functionality, and it now performs immediate validation of user-entered data.
- Additional price information is now available in the form of separate columns that can be added to and displayed in the product grid. This functionality is accompanied by additional filtering options, which we included in the price filters.
Technical Improvements:
- We’ve implemented a number of small performance optimizations, UI enhancements, and various small fixes in the sample data, and added a few minor Symfony 2.7 compatibility improvements.
- We also added more strict server-side validation, and fixed browser and server-side validation errors for price inputs, unit selectors, and quantity inputs on various pages.
- In addition to command line installation, it is now possible to specify the URL path for the management console in the web installer as well.
- Application security configuration has been unified across all our products (learn more about OroCRM and OroPlatform).
- We added a store front-end theme selection in the system configuration. Even though the new, branded front-end theme is still a work in progress, you can take a glimpse into what our designers and developers are doing via our “Show Me the Theme” blog series (Part 1 & Part 2) and providing your feedback.
Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!
The first Alpha release of OroCommerce
The first Alpha release includes the following tools and features:
Corporate Customer Account Management
With OroCommerce, you can easily create customer accounts and user records for your customers. The accounts can be grouped together and organized to reflect organizational structures of your large enterprise clients. You can specify as many levels of business units, subsidiaries, or international offices as necessary under each corporate account, then configure permissions of individual customer account users depending on their role in their organization. You can also appoint selected employees of your customers to perform user management functions within their organizations.
Product Information Management and Personalized Catalogs
OroCommerce comes with a product information management tool that gives users the ability to personalize product catalogs according to the needs of specific customer groups or even individual customers.
Multiple Price Lists
Planning and setting prices, enforcing them, and managing the hassles of contracts are the daily duties of any B2B company. With OroCommerce, you can create and maintain multiple price lists, even if they are in multiple currencies. You can also assign selected price lists to individual customers, customer groups, and websites.
Reports and Segmentation Engine
The power and flexibility of OroPlatform allows you to build custom reports and create customer segments with any data stored in the system.
Other features:
- Quote-to-Order flow
- Quick order form
- Configurable payment term levels
- Configurable order submission process
- Flexible, configurable, and convenient productivity features
Please follow these instructions to install OroCommerce or try the public demo.
More information for developers is available on following links:
As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.
Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!