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Update to Zig 0.11.0, Microzig 'gen 2' build, STM32 HAL #31

wants to merge 10 commits into
base: zig-0.11.x
Choose a base branch
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/ci-workflow.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name: Build with zig master
name: Build with zig 0.11.x

Expand All @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ jobs:
submodules: recursive
- uses: goto-bus-stop/setup-zig@v2
version: 0.11.0-dev.538+bf316e550
- run: zig build -Drelease-small=true --verbose
- run: zig fmt --check build.zig *.zig
version: 0.11.0
- run: zig build -Drelease=true --verbose
- run: zig fmt --check .
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[![Build with Zig master](](
[![Build with Zig 0.11.x](](

_This branch assumes you use Zig 0.11.0-dev.538+bf316e550 (the last post-0.10 version that supports `async`)._
_This branch assumes you use Zig 0.11.x._

# Playing around with pure-Zig STM32F3DISCOVERY

Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Since then, this project has been updated to build on top of
To build the ELF file just run:

zig build -Drelease-small=true
zig build -Drelease=true

## Flashing
Expand All @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ repos, the build system will try to use the `st-flash` program.
The command to flash the board is:

zig build flash -Drelease-small=true
zig build flash -Drelease=true

After flashing the board, as you tilt it,
Expand Down
46 changes: 20 additions & 26 deletions build.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,40 +1,34 @@
const Builder = @import("std").build.Builder;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const stm32 = @import("stm32");

const microzig = @import("libs/microzig/src/main.zig");
fn root() []const u8 {
return comptime (std.fs.path.dirname(@src().file) orelse ".");
const build_root = root();

pub fn build(b: *Builder) !void {
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const microzig = @import("microzig").init(b, "microzig");

var elf = microzig.addEmbeddedExecutable(
microzig.Backing{ .board = microzig.boards.stm32f3discovery },
elf.inner.strip = false; // we always want debug symbols, stripping brings us no benefit on embedded
const firmware = microzig.addFirmware(b, .{
.name = "zig-stm32f3discovery-play",
.target = stm32.boards.stm32f3discovery,
.optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{ .preferred_optimize_mode = .ReleaseSmall }),
.source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
std.debug.assert( == microzig); // ...just a sanity check

const bin = elf.installRaw("zig-stm32f3discovery-play.bin", .{});
const bin_step = b.step("bin", "Generate binary file to be flashed");
const install_step = microzig.addInstallFirmware(b, firmware, .{ .format = .bin });

const flash_cmd = b.addSystemCommand(&[_][]const u8{
b.getInstallPath(bin.dest_dir, bin.dest_filename),
b.getInstallPath(install_step.dir, install_step.dest_rel_path),
const flash_step = b.step("flash", "Flash and run the app on your STM32F3Discovery");

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions build.zig.zon
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.name = "zig-stm32f3discovery-play",
.version = "0.1.0",
.dependencies = .{
.microzig = .{
.url = "",
.hash = "12205afa78531c7ef1598ccaaaa2c5548966b58a3c0972ca8224d1f3d7b89a1b0651",
.stm32 = .{
.url = "",
.hash = "1220cf19944dc3590501d64aa727de8a1a58cba88484a621be8fffab232df45ea648",
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion libs/microzig
Submodule microzig deleted from 28692f
108 changes: 63 additions & 45 deletions src/main.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
const std = @import("std");
const microzig = @import("microzig");
const regs = microzig.chip.registers;

const abs = std.math.absCast;
const regs = microzig.chip.peripherals;
const uart = microzig.core.experimental.uart;
const spi = microzig.core.experimental.spi;

pub const TIM6Timer = struct {
pub fn init() @This() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ const Leds = struct {

pub fn update(self: *@This()) void {
for (self._leds) |n, nr| {
for (self._leds, 0..) |n, nr| {
if (n > 0) {
switch (nr) {
0 => regs.GPIOE.BSRR.modify(.{ .BS8 = 1 }),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,28 +133,44 @@ const Leds = struct {

const System = struct {
leds: *Leds,
timer: *TIM6Timer,
debug_writer: microzig.Uart(1, .{}).Writer = undefined,
timer: TIM6Timer,
debug_writer: ?uart.Uart(1, .{}).Writer = null,

pub fn sleep(self: *@This(), ms: u16) void {

pub fn debug(self: *@This(), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) !void {
try self.debug_writer.print(format, args);
if (self.debug_writer) |w| try w.print(format, args);

pub fn main() !void {
// Enable both CP10 and CP11 FPU co-processors on Cortex-M4.
// (See PM0214 Programming Manual (Revision 10),
// section 4.6.6 "Enabling the FPU".)
regs.FPU_CPACR.CPACR.modify(.{ .CP = 0b11_11 }); // CP11 and CP10

const timer = TIM6Timer.init();
var leds = Leds.init();
const uart1 = try microzig.Uart(1, .{}).init(.{ .baud_rate = 460800 });
const uart1 = try uart.Uart(1, .{}).init(.{ .baud_rate = 460800 });
var system = System{
.leds = &leds,
.timer = timer,
.debug_writer = uart1.writer(),
try system.debug("\r\nMAIN START\r\n", .{});
try system.debug("tau={}.\r\n", .{comptime std.math.tau});
try system.debug("0={}.\r\n", .{comptime std.math.sin(std.math.tau)});
var x: f64 = std.math.tau;
try system.debug("tau={}.\r\n", .{x});
x = std.math.sin(x);
try system.debug("0={}.\r\n", .{x});
// try system.debug("1={}.\r\n", .{comptime std.math.cos(std.math.tau)});
// try system.debug("0={}.\r\n", .{comptime std.math.tan(std.math.tau)});
// try system.debug("+/-oo={}.\r\n", .{comptime std.math.tan(std.math.tau / 4.0)});

try slowLed(&system);
// try heavyLed(&system);
Expand All @@ -172,70 +189,69 @@ pub fn main() !void {
/// it sends the response back on the same SPI bus MOSI line
/// that the SPI bus used to send the 'read register 0x0F' request.
/// So reading a non-bidi response sent by a bidi device,
/// or reading a bidi response sent by a non-bidi device,
/// will both result in garbage that is very unlikely to be exactly 0xD3.
fn probeGyroBidiMode(gyro: anytype) !u1 {
var who_am_is: [2]u8 = undefined;
var spi1_bidi_mode =;
for ([_]u1{ 0, 1 }) |_| {
who_am_is[spi1_bidi_mode] = try gyro.readRegister(0x0F);
spi1_bidi_mode = 1 - spi1_bidi_mode;
regs.SPI1.CR1.modify(.{ .BIDIMODE = spi1_bidi_mode });
// TODO: check that exactly one of who_am_is is 0xD3.
return @boolToInt(who_am_is[1] == 0xD3);
/// So reading a non-bidi response from the MISO line, sent by a bidi device on the MOSI line,
/// or reading a bidi response from the MOSI line, sent by a non-bidi device on the MISO line,,
/// will both read garbage that is very unlikely to be exactly 0xD3.
fn probeGyroBidiMode(spi_bus: anytype, gyro_cs_pin: anytype) !bool {
const gyro_bidi_true = spi_bus.device(gyro_cs_pin, .{ .bidi = true });
const who_am_i_bidi_true = try gyro_bidi_true.read_register(0x0F);

const gyro_bidi_false = spi_bus.device(gyro_cs_pin, .{ .bidi = false });
const who_am_i_bidi_false = try gyro_bidi_false.read_register(0x0F);
_ = who_am_i_bidi_false; // TODO: check that exactly one of who_am_i's is 0xD3.

return (who_am_i_bidi_true == 0xD3);

fn slowLed(system: *System) !void {
const leds = system.leds;

const spi1 = try microzig.SpiBus(1).init(.{});
var gyro = spi1.device(microzig.chip.parsePin("PE3"), .{});

try system.debug("--- switch SPI1 to the gyro's BIDI mode:\r\n", .{});
const gyro_bidi_mode = try probeGyroBidiMode(gyro);
try system.debug("setting SPI1 BIDIMODE={d} <= gyro SIM={d} <= gyro responses\r\n", .{ gyro_bidi_mode, gyro_bidi_mode });
regs.SPI1.CR1.modify(.{ .BIDIMODE = gyro_bidi_mode });
const spi1 = try spi.SpiBus(1).init(.{});
const gyro_cs_pin = microzig.hal.parse_pin("PE3");
const gyro_bidi_mode = try probeGyroBidiMode(spi1, gyro_cs_pin);
try system.debug("using SPI1 BIDIMODE={} <= gyro SIM={} <= gyro responses\r\n", .{ gyro_bidi_mode, gyro_bidi_mode });
if (gyro_bidi_mode != true) return;
const gyro = spi1.device(microzig.hal.parse_pin("PE3"), .{ .bidi = true });

var gyro_id = try gyro.readRegister(0x0F); // WHO_AM_I
var gyro_id = try gyro.read_register(0x0F); // WHO_AM_I
try system.debug("WHO_AM_I of gyroscope is {X:2}, should be D3.\r\n", .{gyro_id});

if (gyro_id != 0xD3) return;

const use_bidi_mode = true;

try system.debug("--- set SPI1 and gyro to BIDI mode? {}\r\n", .{use_bidi_mode});
try system.debug("--- set gyro and then SPI1 to BIDI mode? {}\r\n", .{use_bidi_mode});
const desired_mode = @boolToInt(use_bidi_mode);
const desired_mode = @intFromBool(use_bidi_mode);

try system.debug("setting gyro SIM={d}\r\n", .{desired_mode});
try gyro.writeRegister(0x23, (0x00 & 0xFE) | desired_mode);
try gyro.write_register(0x23, (0x00 & 0xFE) | desired_mode);
// ...and now we must start to talk to the gyro in the correct mode
try system.debug("setting SPI1 BIDIMODE={d}\r\n", .{desired_mode});
regs.SPI1.CR1.modify(.{ .BIDIMODE = desired_mode });

try system.debug("BIDIMODE = {d}\r\n", .{});
try system.debug("gyro SIM mode = {d}\r\n", .{(try gyro.readRegister(0x23)) & 0b1});
try system.debug("gyro SIM mode = {d}\r\n", .{(try gyro.read_register(0x23)) & 0b1});

gyro_id = try gyro.readRegister(0x0F); // WHO_AM_I
gyro_id = try gyro.read_register(0x0F); // WHO_AM_I
try system.debug("WHO_AM_I of gyroscope is {X:2}, should be D3.\r\n", .{gyro_id});

if (gyro_id != 0xD3) return;

// set CTRL_REG1 (0x20) to 100 Hz with cutoff 12.5 (.DR==0b00, .BW=0b00),
// power on (.PD==0b1),
// Z/Y/X all enabled (.Zen==0, .Yen==.Xen==1)
try gyro.writeRegister(0x20, 0b00_00_1_011);
try gyro.write_register(0x20, 0b00_00_1_011);

var current_led: ?u3 = null; // led initially off

while (true) {
// get gyroscope X / Y data:
// read OUT_* registers: 4 registers starting with OUT_X_L (0x28)
var out: [4]u8 = undefined;
try gyro.readRegisters(0x28, &out);
try gyro.read_registers(0x28, &out);
const x: i16 = @as(i16, out[1]) << 8 | out[0];
const y: i16 = @as(i16, out[3]) << 8 | out[2];
if (false) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,22 +301,22 @@ fn slowLed(system: *System) !void {
fn heavyLed(system: *System) !void {
const leds = system.leds;

const i2c1 = try microzig.I2CController(1, .{}).init(.{ .target_speed = 100_000 });
const i2c1 = try microzig.core.experimental.i2c.I2CController(1, .{}).init(.{ .target_speed = 100_000 });
// STM32F3DISCOVERY board LSM303AGR accelerometer (I2C address 0b0011001)
const xl = i2c1.device(0b0011001);

// set CTRL_REG1 (0x20) to 100 Hz (.ODR==0b0101),
// normal power mode (.LPen==1),
// Y/X both enabled (.Zen==0, .Yen==.Xen==1)
try xl.writeRegister(0x20, 0b01010011);
try xl.write_register(0x20, 0b01010011);

var current_led: ?u3 = null; // led initially off

while (true) {
// get accelerometer X / Y data:
// read OUT_* registers: 4 registers starting with OUT_X_L (0x28)
var out: [4]u8 = undefined;
try xl.readRegisters(0x28, &out);
try xl.read_registers(0x28, &out);

const x: i16 = @as(i16, out[1]) << 8 | out[0];
const y: i16 = @as(i16, out[3]) << 8 | out[2];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,7 +356,8 @@ fn heavyLed(system: *System) !void {

fn randomCompass(system: *System) void {
const leds = system.leds;
var rng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(42).random();
var pqr = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(42);
var rng = pqr.random();

const D = 24 + 1 * 16;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,7 +386,7 @@ fn randomCompass(system: *System) void {

fn distance(a: anytype, b: @TypeOf(a)) @TypeOf(a) {
return std.math.min(b -% a, a -% b);
return @min(b -% a, a -% b);

fn twoBumpingLeds(system: *System) !void {
Expand All @@ -380,24 +397,25 @@ fn twoBumpingLeds(system: *System) !void {

const i2c1 = try microzig.I2CController(1, .{}).init(.{ .target_speed = 100_000 });
const i2c1 = try microzig.core.experimental.i2c.I2CController(1, .{}).init(.{ .target_speed = 100_000 });
// STM32F3DISCOVERY board LSM303AGR accelerometer (I2C address 0b0011001)
const xl = i2c1.device(0b0011001);
// read device ID (0x33 == 51) from "register" WHO_AM_I_A (0x0F)
const accelerometer_device_id = xl.readRegister(0x0F);
const accelerometer_device_id = xl.read_register(0x0F);
try system.debug("I2C1 device 0b0011001 device ID: {any} == 51 == 0x33\r\n", .{accelerometer_device_id});
// set CTRL_REG1 (0x20) to 100 Hz (.ODR==0b0101),
// normal power mode (.LPen==1),
// Z/Y/X all enabled (.Zen==.Yen==.Xen==1)
var wt = try xl.startTransfer(.write);
var wt = try xl.start_transfer(.write);
defer wt.stop() catch {};
try wt.writer().writeAll(&.{ 0x20, 0b01010111 });

var rng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(42).random();
var pqr = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(42);
var rng = pqr.random();
while (true) {
if (rng.boolean()) {
Expand All @@ -419,7 +437,7 @@ fn twoBumpingLeds(system: *System) !void {
// get accelerometer X / Y / Z data:
// read OUT_* registers: 6 registers starting with OUT_X_L (0x28)
var out: [6]u8 = undefined;
try xl.readRegisters(0x28, &out);
try xl.read_registers(0x28, &out);
try system.debug("I2C1 device 0b0011001 output: {any}\r\n", .{out});

const ms = rng.uintLessThan(u16, 400);
Expand Down