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m4lvin committed Feb 4, 2025
1 parent f819fc3 commit 9b8506b
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Showing 2 changed files with 103 additions and 71 deletions.
94 changes: 23 additions & 71 deletions Pdl/Beth.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,77 +4,14 @@ import Pdl.Interpolation

open vDash HasSat

def Formula.implicitlyDefines (φ : Formula) (p : Nat) : Prop :=
def Formula.impDef (φ : Formula) (p : Nat) : Prop :=
∀ p0 p1, repl_in_F p (·p0) φ ⋀ repl_in_F p (·p1) φ ⊨ (·p0) ⟷ (·p1)

def Formula.explicitlyDefines (ψ : Formula) (p : Nat) (φ : Formula) : Prop :=
def Formula.expDef (ψ : Formula) (p : Nat) (φ : Formula) : Prop :=
ψ.voc ⊆ φ.voc \ {Sum.inl p} ∧ φ ⊨ (·p) ⟷ ψ

/-- Replacing an atom in a tautology results in a tautology. -/
lemma taut_repl φ p q :
tautology φ → tautology (repl_in_F p (·q) φ) := by
intro taut_φ
intro W M w
have := repl_in_model_sat_iff p (·q) φ M w
simp [vDash,SemImplies] at this
rw [this]
apply taut_φ

/-- Replacing `p` with a fresh `q` and then replacing `q` by `p` results in the original. -/
lemma repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ p q : Sum.inl q ∉ φ.voc →
repl_in_F q (·p) (repl_in_F p (·q) φ) = φ := by
intro q_not_in_ψ
cases φ <;> simp_all
case atom_prop q =>
by_cases q = p <;> aesop
case neg φ =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ p q
case and φ1 φ2 =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ1 p q
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ2 p q
case box α φ =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ p q
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α p q
lemma repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α p q : Sum.inl q ∉ α.voc →
repl_in_P q (·p) (repl_in_P p (·q) α) = α := by
intro q_not_in_α
cases α <;> simp_all
case sequence α1 α2 =>
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α1 p q
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α2 p q
case union α1 α2 =>
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α1 p q
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α2 p q
case test τ =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ τ p q
case star α =>
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α p q

-- move to `Substitution.lean` after proving and using it
lemma non_occ_taut_then_repl_in_taut (φ ψ : Formula) (p q : ℕ) :
Sum.inl p ∉ ψ.voc → Sum.inl q ∉ ψ.voc →
tautology (φ ↣ ψ) → tautology (repl_in_F p (·q) φ ↣ ψ) := by
intro p_not_in_ψ q_not_in_ψ taut_imp
intro W M w; simp only [evaluate, not_and, not_not]; intro w_φ
have := taut_repl _ p q taut_imp W M w
clear taut_imp
simp only [repl_in_F, evaluate, not_and, not_not] at this
specialize this w_φ
clear w_φ
rw [repl_in_F_non_occ_eq] at this <;> assumption

theorem beth (φ : Formula) (h : φ.implicitlyDefines p) :
∃ (ψ : Formula), ψ.explicitlyDefines p φ := by
theorem beth (φ : Formula) (h : φ.impDef p) :
∃ (ψ : Formula), ψ.expDef p φ := by
-- Let p0 and p1 be fresh variables not in φ:
let p0 := freshVarForm φ
have p0_not_in_φ : Sum.inl p0 ∉ φ.voc := freshVarForm_is_fresh φ
Expand All @@ -99,7 +36,7 @@ theorem beth (φ : Formula) (h : φ.implicitlyDefines p) :
rcases interpolation this with ⟨ψ, ip_voc, ip_one, ip_two⟩
clear this
use ψ
unfold Formula.explicitlyDefines
unfold Formula.expDef
· clear ip_one ip_two h
-- show the vocabulary condition:
Expand All @@ -121,7 +58,7 @@ theorem beth (φ : Formula) (h : φ.implicitlyDefines p) :
· -- show the semantic condition:
have ip_one_p : tautology ((φ ⋀ ·p) ↣ ψ) := by
clear ip_two
have := non_occ_taut_then_repl_in_taut ((repl_in_F p (·p0) φ⋀·p0)) ψ p0 p
have := non_occ_taut_then_taut_repl_in_imp ((repl_in_F p (·p0) φ⋀·p0)) ψ p0 p
simp only [repl_in_F, beq_self_eq_true, ↓reduceIte] at this
rw [repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ _ p p0 ?_] at this
apply this
Expand All @@ -139,8 +76,23 @@ theorem beth (φ : Formula) (h : φ.implicitlyDefines p) :
· assumption
have ip_two_p : tautology (ψ ↣ (φ ↣ ·p)) := by
clear ip_one
-- idea: apply something like `non_occ_taut_then_repl_in_taut` to ip_two
have := non_occ_taut_then_taut_imp_repl_in (~ repl_in_F p (·p1) φ⋀(~·p1)) ψ p1 p
simp only [repl_in_F, beq_self_eq_true, ↓reduceIte] at this
rw [repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ _ p p1 ?_] at this
apply this
-- rest is same as in ip_one_p
· intro p1_in_ψ
specialize ip_voc p1_in_ψ
simp [p0_neq_p1] at ip_voc
rw [repl_in_F_voc_def] at ip_voc
· intro p_in_ψ
specialize ip_voc p_in_ψ
simp at ip_voc
by_cases Sum.inl p ∈ φ.voc <;> simp_all [repl_in_F_voc_def]
· assumption
· assumption
intro W M w w_φ
simp at w_φ
specialize ip_one_p W M w
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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions Pdl/Substitution.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,6 +263,86 @@ theorem repl_in_disMap x ρ (L : List α) (p : α → Prop) (f : α → Formula)
simp only [List.map_map]

/-! ## Cancellation of replacements -/

/-- Replacing `p` with a fresh `q` and then replacing `q` by `p` results in the same formula. -/
lemma repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ p q : Sum.inl q ∉ φ.voc →
repl_in_F q (·p) (repl_in_F p (·q) φ) = φ := by
intro q_not_in_ψ
cases φ <;> simp_all
case atom_prop q =>
by_cases q = p <;> aesop
case neg φ =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ p q
case and φ1 φ2 =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ1 p q
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ2 p q
case box α φ =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ φ p q
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α p q
/-- Replacing `p` with a fresh `q` and then replacing `q` by `p` results in the same program. -/
lemma repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α p q : Sum.inl q ∉ α.voc →
repl_in_P q (·p) (repl_in_P p (·q) α) = α := by
intro q_not_in_α
cases α <;> simp_all
case sequence α1 α2 =>
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α1 p q
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α2 p q
case union α1 α2 =>
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α1 p q
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α2 p q
case test τ =>
have := repl_in_F_cancel_via_non_occ τ p q
case star α =>
have := repl_in_P_cancel_via_non_occ α p q

/-! ## Replacement of atoms in tautologies -/

/-- Replacing an atom in a tautology results in a tautology. -/
lemma taut_repl φ p q :
tautology φ → tautology (repl_in_F p (·q) φ) := by
intro taut_φ
intro W M w
have := repl_in_model_sat_iff p (·q) φ M w
simp [vDash, vDash.SemImplies] at this
rw [this]
apply taut_φ

/-- A special case of `taut_repl` for the proof of `beth`. -/
lemma non_occ_taut_then_taut_repl_in_imp (φ ψ : Formula) (p q : ℕ) :
Sum.inl p ∉ ψ.voc → Sum.inl q ∉ ψ.voc →
tautology (φ ↣ ψ) → tautology (repl_in_F p (·q) φ ↣ ψ) := by
intro p_not_in_ψ q_not_in_ψ taut_imp
intro W M w; simp only [evaluate, not_and, not_not]; intro w_φ
have := taut_repl _ p q taut_imp W M w
clear taut_imp
simp only [repl_in_F, evaluate, not_and, not_not] at this
specialize this w_φ
clear w_φ
rw [repl_in_F_non_occ_eq] at this <;> assumption

/-- Another special case of `taut_repl` for the proof of `beth`. -/
lemma non_occ_taut_then_taut_imp_repl_in (φ ψ : Formula) (p q : ℕ) :
Sum.inl p ∉ ψ.voc → Sum.inl q ∉ ψ.voc →
tautology (ψ ↣ φ) → tautology (ψ ↣ repl_in_F p (·q) φ) := by
intro p_not_in_ψ q_not_in_ψ taut_imp
intro W M w; simp only [evaluate, not_and, not_not]; intro w_ψ
have := taut_repl _ p q taut_imp W M w
clear taut_imp
simp [repl_in_F, evaluate, not_and, not_not] at this
apply this
rw [repl_in_F_non_occ_eq] <;> assumption

/-! ## Simultaneous Substitutions -/

abbrev Substitution := Nat → Formula
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