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Local installation

José Gómez-Dans edited this page Oct 1, 2024 · 2 revisions

A local installation is also possible. Two options are available:

  • If you DON'T have Mamba/Conda/Anaconda installed on your system
    • Go to point 1 below!
  • If you DO have Mamba/Conda/Anaconda installed on your system
    • You can start at point 3 below!

You don't have Mamba/Conda/Anaconda installed on your system

  1. There is information on installing mambaforge.
  2. But this mainly boils down to: a. Download the install box, which you can read in here: b. Run the install package
OS Architecture Minimum Version Download
Linux x86_64 (amd64) glibc >= 2.17 Miniforge3-Linux-x86_64
OS X x86_64 macOS >= 10.13 Miniforge3-MacOSX-x86_64
OS X arm64 (Apple Silicon) (***) macOS >= 11.0 Miniforge3-MacOSX-arm64
Windows x86_64 Windows >= 7 Miniforge3-Windows-x86_64

From here, you have happily installed Mamba/Conda on your system, and can continue from point (3) below!

You already have Mamba/Conda/Anaconda installed on your system

  1. Download and unpack the course contents into a folder (you can download them from here)

  2. Go into the course contents and type the following command: conda create env -f environment.yml (or mamba create env -f environment.yml).

  3. This will start the mamba/conda utility start thinking about what packages it needs etc.

  4. After a while, it will download and get installed

  5. Once it's done, restart the shell (close and open the terminal window), and type mamba activate pangeos_uq

  6. Go to the notebooks folder, and type jupyter lab

The browser will probably launch with the contents.