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TSPARR edited this page Dec 2, 2020 · 9 revisions


A full list of Munki's preference keys can be found at:

When using Munki in the context of jamJAR, the following preferences for Munki should be set.




Set this to either a manifest name that is within the Munki Repo & just contains the catalogs that hold items you wish to deploy via jamJAR, or leave blank to use the defaults of: fully-qualified hostname, "short" hostname, serial number and finally, "site_default".

Should be set to either a value of the manifest in your jamJAR Munki repo, or site_default (with site_default being a valid Manifest as above)

NOTE: jamJAR does not set catalogs in the clients manifest, so create a manifest or edit the site_default to contain the catalogs you wish jamJAR to grab items from.


Set this to True to enable installation of macOS updates with jamJAR 2.0+.

This also relates to notifier_msg_osupdatespending

Can be used with jamJAR 2.0+


Set this to True to enable unattended installation of macOS updates with jamJAR 2.0+ as well as notifications of pending macOS Updates.

This also relates to notifier_msg_osupdatespending

Can be used with jamJAR 2.0+


When a LocalOnlyManifest is defined, Munki will use this over a manifest found within the Munki repo. The manifest that matches the ClientIdentifier is then only used for retrieving the Catalogs to search for items within.

Required for jamJAR. Manifest.plist is fine to use in most situations


Set this to True to stop Munki from launching Managed Software Centre when updates are available or pending.

Optional in jamJAR. Most environments would have this set to True to have jamJAR present the notifications.