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Releases: idekerlab/cellmaps_utils

Robustness of hierarchies

05 Mar 21:46
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  • Add compute_hierarchy_robustness method to HierarchyDiff class to assess the robustness of a hierarchy
    based on Jaccard similarity across multiple alternative hierarchies.

Utilities for hierarchy creation and comparision plus fixes

05 Feb 23:20
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  • Add HierarchyDiff class with compare_hierarchies method to compare two hierarchies in CX2 format, and output
    a hierarchy with robustness score of each system.

  • Add version bounds for required packages.

  • Add convert_hierarchical_network_to_hcx (utility function that aids convertion of a hierarchical network in CX2 to
    HCX) and add_hcx_members_annotation (adds 'HCX::members' attribute to nodes) to hcx_utils

  • Fixes in IF and APMS tools

Added converters for DDOT and HiDeF

05 Sep 19:17
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  • Add HiDeFToHierarchyConverter, a class to convert a edge list and node list
    in HiDeF format to hierarchy in HCX.
  • Add InteractomeToDDOTConverter and DDOTToInteractomeConverter, classes to convert network in
    CX2 format to DDOT format and vice versa, HierarchyToDDOTConverter and DDOTToHierarchyConverter,
    classes to convert hierarchy network in HCX format to DDOT and vice versa.

Enhance converters support and add utils for handling hierarchies

02 Jul 16:55
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  • Updated provenance utils, added checks in for missing data in input RO-Crate,
    and allowing to continue but logging errors in the process

  • Add HierarchyToHiDeFConverter, a class to convert a hierarchy network
    (in CX2 format) to a HiDeF format nodes and edges lists.

  • Add NDExHierarchyUploader, a class for uploading hierarchy and
    its parent network to NDEx.

  • Updated apmsconverter, ifconverter,
    crisprconverter to support tissue as well as output
    data_info.json file to resulting RO-Crate so subsequent tools can
    more easily get provenance information

  • Updated crisprconverter to consume .h5ad
    files and updated readme.txt file


15 Apr 20:08
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  • Bumped fairscape-cli dependency to 0.2.0

Schema support in fairscape

20 Feb 22:37
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  • Bumped fairscape-cli dependency to 0.1.14 to support schemas

  • Added support for schema to data_dict parameter in ProvenanceUtil.register_dataset()

  • Added --release flag to rocratetable and
    in output table renamed "Name of Computation" to "Name" as well as
    added "Type", "Cell Line", "Treatment", "Gene set", and "Version" to
    table output

  • Set default logging level to ERROR for command

First release

01 Feb 18:45
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  • First release