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Releases: gundam-organization/gundam

GUNDAM v1.8.8 Patch Release

06 Mar 21:32
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Changes relative to 1.8.7

Feature (Merge #767): Expose an interface to load the data from a histogram to the user YAML file. This can be used to test specific
toy models, or to run specific fake data studies.

Issue #760 (Slopes with single point graphs): There was an unprotected array access when the slope was calculated for single point graphs. The slope is now set to zero.

GUNDAM v1.8.7 Patch Release

11 Dec 19:37
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This patch release adds output message fixes, more testing, function input value checks, and build system improvements.

Fixes relative to 1.8.6

Propagation: Make sure that the event breakdown output includes the effect of masking.

JointProbabilty: Add more informative messages for both infinite and negative chi-squared values. These are informational since both infinite values and negative values can occur for a correct likelihood, but the user should verify that the results are correct. An infinite value will most likely happen for non-physical input parameters (often seen when using MCMC). Negative chi-squared values are not uncommon during an "Asimov" fit as it approaches the minimum since the chi-squared will be calculated as the difference of two moderately sized numbers (so the round-off can be slightly negative).

CalculateGraph: On the CPU only, add careful checks of the CalculateGraph inputs and stop if there are invalid inputs are found. If bad inputs are found, it indicates a problem with how CalculateGraph is used, so a lot of diagnostics are printed and then GUNDAM exits.

Extended Tests: Add more detailed tests for the interpolation/extrapolation code.

Build Fixes: Don't require ROOT to declare MINUIT2 which is now the default minimizer for modern ROOT, and may not be flagged as a compilation option. Always enable the regression tests, but disable developer unit tests by default. Use CMAKE_DL_LIBS so that dlopen gets included in a machine/system independent way.

Full Changelog: 1.8.6...1.8.7

GUNDAM v1.8.6 Patch Release

31 Oct 18:49
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This patch release marks the state of GUNDAM after the completion of T2K validation against previous near detector fits.

Fixes relative to 1.8.5

Fix (Merge #681): Handle over sized graphs and splines. The number of points that can be handled in a spline/graph has been increased, but that needs to be used carefully since large splines and graphs will make fits run more slowly. Note: Using linear interpolation with more than two knots is explicitly forbidden by MINUIT since it introduces a discontinuous derivative. MINUIT may still run, but the results are undefined (that means the answer could be useful, or could start a thermonuclear war. Both outcomes are formally correct).

Fix (Merge #676 and #665): Make usage of GTest unit testing optional. The full testing suite can be disabled by setting the CMake option ENABLE_TESTS to OFF. Just the unit tests can be disabled by setting SKIP_GOOGLE_TESTS to ON. Warning messages during the CMake build are now actual warnings that should be noticed by the users.

Issue #674: Change termination behavior when DialInputBuffer finds an invalid parameter. Previously it would throw, and it has been changed to print a descriptive message and the exit with failure. This is because the most common way that there will be a bad parameter value in DialInputBuffer is from a bad user configuration file (or other user inputs).

Issue #673: Fix linear interpolation when there are more than two knots. Interpolation for two knots was working correctly.

Issue #615: Fix discontinuities in the JointProbability for the MC and data in a histogram bin. The joint probability calculation has to be correct over ~620 powers of ten, so there is a lot of room for numeric issues. The probability is cleaned up so that it has all of the right limits, and "never" fails numerically (never means we haven't found anymore corner cases). The new implementation numerically matches the OA2021 when the OA2021 implementation is valid, and is smooth outside of that domain. Options are added to reproduce the old bugs.

Fix (Merge #620): Fix an infinite loop when parameters are being drawn from a global convariance.

Issue #621: GPU normalization weight was not being checked for validity before being applied to the event weight. This only caused problems in corner cases, but when it caused trouble, you could end up with negative expectations. It was found while torture testing the detector systematics. The normalization now handles invalid inputs.

Full Changelog: 1.8.5...1.8.6

GUNDAM v1.8.5 Patch Release

21 Aug 11:21
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This patch concentrates on making sure that the parameter values always honor the user set minimum and maximum bounds. It also improves checks that the input configuration files are describing a valid likelihood, and that the likelihood definition is not changed during the fit.

Fixes relative to 1.8.4

Issue #582: Safely check parameter limits during fits. The old method for checking parameter validity during fits depended on first setting an invalid value, and then checking the validity. Queries are added to check validity before setting. This also adds checks for the GPU that the likelihood has not been changed since initialization. If there is a change, a log message is generated, and the calculation falls back to the CPU. This should only happen during debugging.

Issue #578: Apply cleanups to make sure that eigen decomposition and parameter throwing honor the parameter boundaries.

Fixes: Guarantee that all parameter value access is through the setter and getter so that the validity checks are correctly applied.

Full Changelog: 1.8.4...1.8.5

GUNDAM v1.8.4 Patch Release

03 Jul 17:34
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This patch includes fixes to : 1) substantially increase the efficiency of summing the histograms when using the GPU; 2) Add validation the reweighting and check that caching used by CPU calculation correctly updates; and, 3) add a collection of quality of life fixes (particularly, fewer warnings during compilation).

Fixes relative to 1.8.3

Issue #545 : Make the handling of ROOT config information portable between linux and macos. This no longer assumes how ROOT is installed, and uses root-config safely.

Update (Related to #540): Strengthen the NaN trap in the JointProbability calculation. An NaN there means the fit cannot continue, so throw an error. Continue to allow INF.

Update (Prompted by #541): Make compilation less alarming by quieting warnings. They were originally part of debugging.

Issue #536 : Add control over the size of a "kick" when starting a fit. The starting point can be fluctuated around the prior, and the size of the step is controlled by an optional argument to --kickmc

Issue #534 : Backport CPU and GPU calculation backing from main, and add validation that the two calculations agree within machine precision.

Issue #530 : Fix an inefficiency in the summation of the event weights on the GPU and double the speed of the likelihood calculation using the GPU.

Issue # 524 : Apply the global event weight cap when using the Cache::Manager to calculate the likelihood.

Full Changelog: 1.8.3...1.8.4

GUNDAM v1.8.3 Patch Release

31 May 16:34
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This patch includes fixes to : 1) Stop output of disabled parameters; 2) fix parameters using the configuration file; 3) reduce the number of compilation warnings with CUDA; and, 4) substantially increase the efficiency with a GPU.

Fixes relative to 1.8.2

Associated Fix: The CalculateGeneralSpline and CalculateGraph functions have been changed to use a brute-force binary search in place of the linear search for the correct index. This results in a speed up of about 50% for those routines.

Issue #510 : Make the CacheManager calculation much more thread save when being run on the CPU. This isn't the normal mode, but is an important cross check. The CPU now uses (lock free) atomic addition, multiplication and value setting.

Issue #513 : Fix JointProbability so that an infinite log likelihood produces a warning, but does not terminate the program. Infinities are valid (e.g. a zero probability). This does produce a warning since they shouldn't occur often during a normal run.

Issue #506 : Fix output statement in ParameterSet.cpp to remove duplicated output.

Issue #505 : Add the "isFixed" option for parameters in the configuration file.

Issue #508 : Improve error checking for Cache::Manager. This makes sure that LogThrow is preferred to std::runtime_error. There is an issue filed for simple-cpp-logger to make sure that the output is flushed before throwing, so that should make the error output much more readable.

Issue #502 : Update the validation code. A validation failure caused by the recent corrections to the monotonic spline calculation (#486 and #494) has been fixed. The expected result has been updated. Unit testing with GoogleTest has been added and used for the HEMI GPU interface code. Further tests are being implemented.

Issue #492 : Fix compiler warnings from NVCC. This is removing some unused variables. It also fixes a "fix" that applied some correct C++ conventions to code that is aimed at the GPU (the fix produces inefficient code on a SIMD processor, and was primarily aesthetic.

Issue #490 : Don't set the value for disabled parameters in the output histograms. This will prevent uninitialized values (i.e. NAN) from appearing in plots.

Full Changelog: 1.8.2...1.8.3

GUNDAM V1.8.2 Patch Release

13 May 13:13
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Fixes relative to 1.8.1

Issue #499 : Update to a new version of the cpp-generic-toolkit submodule. The cpp-generic-toolkit fix sets the branch status to enable branches that are used for the data.

Issue #494 : Rearrange the application of the Fritschle-Carlson criteria so that it can be tested. This also applies a fix to Fritschle-Carlson so that the end of the spline are handled in a more reasonable fashion.

Issue #493 : Add tests for ComputeGeneralSplines to the validation suite. As a special bonus it also adds tests for CalculateUniformSpline.h, and resolves unused variable warnings for both those functions.


Full Changelog: 1.8.1...1.8.2

GUNDAM v1.8.1 Patch Release

01 May 11:02
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Fixes relative to 1.8.0

Issue #485 : A job will correctly continue when the likelihood returns an infinite value. The job will stop if the likelihood returns a NaN.

Issue #486 : Fix the Catmull-Rom splines so that they have symmetric behavior. This changes the extrapolation behavior for both Catmull-Rom and Catmull-Rom,monotonic splines. The Catmull-Rom monotonic splines are updated to use the full Fritsche-Carlson criteria so that the interpolation is smoother.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.8.1

GUNDAM v1.9.0

05 Apr 11:55
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GUNDAM v1.9.0 Pre-release

This is a development, and cannot be considered validated

Improving class structure and better defining herarchy and ownership (see figure bellow). This is primarily a development release and will not receive long term support.

As usual, backward compatibility of config files is ensured! This version ended up around twice faster than the previous one. 😄


  • Adding multiparameter dials
  • Adding Formula and precompiled dials
  • Adding app to compare fit results (sensitivity studies for instance): gundamFitPlot
  • Not throwing an error when a NaN values is propagated in the reweight pipeline.
    • Migrads might explore these regions while adjusting the step size
  • Using ordered JSON unfolding
  • CMake option DISABLE_ZLIB to compile without Zlib (this library is only used to make the propagator cache faster)


  • Fixed gundamRoot with latest versions of ROOT
  • Fixing event-by-event dial loading with multiple datasets
  • script now properly updates the submodules

Full changelog of 1.8.0-> 1.9.0

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 17 39 03

Gundam v1.8.0

11 Dec 20:23
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The 1.8 series has been designated for long term support, and will be patched as bugs are found, but new feature are going to be avoided.


  • Every event variable can now be custom defined thanks to variableDict
  • Adding dialIndexFormula in order to allow the user to select a given entry of a TClonesArray for event-by-event dials
  • Adding branch commit number to the displayed version displayed and stored by GUNDAM apps
  • Adding globalEventReweightCap to apply a maximum value to the weight an event could get.
  • Adding commit hash + git branch on GUNDAM version printout when not on tagged version
  • gundamCalcXsec can now be ran on priors covariance matrix
  • gundamCalcXsec support arbitrary binning
  • Better multithread support with proper signal wait
  • Changed pbar to display GUNDAM intead of T2K since it is beeing used outside of T2K
  • Additional prinouts for breaking down parameters and sample before the fit


  • Various misleading printouts
  • Better CMake support
  • Proper handling of nan values in JSON parsing for old versions
  • Optimized data loader

Full changelog of 1.7.2-> 1.8.0