Releases: gundam-organization/gundam
Releases · gundam-organization/gundam
Gundam v1.2.8
- Fixed prior value override when specified in parameter config
- Added app "gundamConfigUnfolder" which forward every sub-config file, and write the global config in a single json file
- gundamFitter now writes infos about the runtime (gundam version, command line args, unfolded config) in the output rootfile
Gundam v1.2.7
- Fixing buggy progressbar
- Don't scan fixed parameters
- Swapping header order (to better identify missing includes)
Gundam v1.2.6
- Fitter parameters can now be linearly transformed in a normalized scale: centered at 0, std dev at 1.
- Fixed conversion of eigen <-> original fit phase space
- Now computing chi2 in the eigen phase space if enabled (faster)
- Can specify the maxNbEigenParameters (instead of the max eigen fraction)
- Add option fixGhostEigenParmetersAfterFirstRejected
- Decomposition of the post-fit error matrix / output Hessian to plot the contribution of each Hessian eigen parameter of each fit parameter
- Add fillStyle option for plot generator dictionnary
- Limit the number of entries in the legend of each generated plot (unspecified plots are set to gray)
- ENABLE_DEV_MODE cmake option to provide the line number/file of each printout
Gundam v1.2.5
- Extracting post-fit eigen composition of the Hessian
- Changed post-fit errors plots to see the prior value
- Fixed throw correlated parameters for Asimov and Mc before fit
- Adding custom binning definition for plot generator
Gundam v1.2.4
Erratum for 1.2.3:
- Shift normalization weight when the prior is not 1 -> NO!
Gundam v1.2.3
- Add fake data weight
- Shift normalization weight when the prior is not 1
- Decomposition of the output Hessian is now optionnal
Gundam v1.2.2
- Fixing event by event splines
- Adding graph dials
- "additionnalLeavesStorage" option in dataset
- Faster event loader
- removing mutex lock -> using atomic instead
- faster LLH calculation (var buffer are defined as members)
- Printing initial chi2
- Disabling default chi2 scan
Gundam v1.2.1
Minor revision:
- Mostly printouts and minor debugs
- Scan steps now set into the fitter engine
Gundam v1.2.0
Several improvements and stability features were implemented:
- OpenMP now fully optional
- Better Yaml-CPP finder
- Install instruction for CCLyon
- Fixed memory leak in plot generator
- gundamFitter: adding options
- Can now load data from external files
- Writing sample events in dedicated TTrees
- Optimized dial indexing
- A lot less RAM is required to fit with big data sets (only keeping the necessary variables in memory)
- Fixed several memory issues appearing while running with parallel threads
- Faster plot generator (using a bin cache)
- Displaying sample breakdown when loaded
- Fixed eigen decomposition
- Spline dials now store shared_ptr of TSpline3 (no more memory leaks)
- Event-by-event splines
- Auto write bad splines when preventing negative response
- Adding config option to scale parameter step
- Other various improvements...
Gundam v1.1.0
Several improvements and stability features were implemented:
- Fixed Yaml-cpp cmake find_package
- Less RAM is required to run the fitter (dial indexing is now done within the data loader, leaving unncessary branches out of memory)
- Event-by-event splines
- Simplified data reader
- Explicit minuit returned status (convergence state value + meaning)
- PhysicsEvent now handles clonning of pointer leaves
- Renamed packages