Releases: fdarthen/taXaminer
Releases · fdarthen/taXaminer
In preparation for the python package was changed to
New features:
- taxonomic assignment is addable to GFF with script (see instructions here)
- Mapping improvements: state read orientation and max + min insert size in config file (see Configuration parameters for options)
- added percentage of matches (pident) between query and best hit sequence to report and plot
- support of protein extraction based on special GFF sources (see details here)
- basic taxonomy summary: how many outside of query lineage and which superkingdom, kingdoms, phyla and classes are present
- number of threads used by Bowtie2 and DIAMOND can be adjusted in config file (see Configuration parameters for options)
Cosmetic updates:
- MILTS.slurm creates only one logfile
- removed coverage related info from output when not given
- rounded values in final output to two digits (except e-value and percentage of assembly length)
Bug fixes:
- partial genes are skipped and gene ID written to log
- matched index of coverage related parameters between config file and output
- symlink to protein fasta file is created in report directory (for GUI)
- bug fix: computing of multiple PBC files from BAM or read data would only create one file thus creating duplicated coverage information
- slurm script now also globally accessible
- added dependency to setup of conda environment
- conda environment milts gets automatically activated and deactivated when running
- updated handling of multiple coverage sets: paths are specified with numbers to make them distinguishable
- default values for config parameters: minimal require parameters has reduced to
- specific version requirements for R packages were dissolved
- 3D plots:
- html file was made self-contained
- title of html was changed to species name for easier handling of multiple plots
- to accomodate newer versions of R packages, the html file is modified to keep text selectable
- MILTS can now be called from outside of its directory
added possibility to select different source types in GFF for reading
new config parameter gff_source -> options:
- default (reads all gene, mRNA and CDS features)
- maker (reads gene and mRNA features from source 'maker', gene-protein linking via ID/Parent matching in mRNA feature)
- augustus_masked (reads match features from source 'augustus_masked', gene-protein linking via Name and ID attributes in match feature)
- path to parsing rule file (see information required in Wiki [coming soon])
reordering and renaming of some config parameters:
- tax_id -> taxon_id
- nr_db_path -> database_path
- only_plotting -> update_plots
- reads_1, reads_2, reads_un -> merged into 'reads' (see information on this in Wiki [coming soon])