- python 3.7.5
- torch 1.3.0
- torchvision 0.4.1
- apex 0.1
- CamVid : It is a automotive dataset which contains 367 training, 101 validation, and 233 testing images. There are eleven different classes such as building, tree, sky, car, road, etc. while the twelfth class contains unlabeled data, which we ignore during training. The original frame resolution for this dataset is 960 × 720. We use 480 x 360 images in SegNet-Tutorial.
- SUNRGBD : The SUN RGB-D dataset has 10,335 densely annotated RGB-D images taken from 20 different scenes. It also include all images data from NYU Depth v2 dataset, and selected images data from Berkeley B3DO and SUN3D dataset. Each pixel in the RGB-D images is assigned a semantic label in one of the 37 classes or the ‘unknown’ class. It has 5285 training/validation instances and 5050 testing instances. If you want to train your segmentation model with depth information.
- Cityscapes : This dataset consists of 5000 fineannotated images, out of which 2975 are available for training, 500 for validation, and the remaining 1525 have been selected as test set. It contains 19 classes and an unlabel class. The raw resolution is 2048*1024.
- ADE20k: ADE20K dataset is a challenge scence parsing dataset providing 150 class dense labels, which consists of 20K/2K/3K images for training/validation/test.
- training on 4 taitanxp GPUs
- miou on validation set, use model trained after the last epoch to evaluate
- msc miou means using multi-scale images (0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75) and their flip version for evaluation
model | miou | msc miou | params size(fp32) |
unet | - | - | 51.14MB |
segnet | - | - | 117MB |
LinkNet | - | - | 44.07MB |
FC-DenseNet103 | - | - | 35.58MB |
ENet | - | - | 1.34MB |
DRN-C-26 | 0.671 | 0.702 | 78.67MB |
Deeplabv3+_resnet50 | 0.746 | 0.765 | 153.94MB |
Deeplabv3+_resnet101 | - | - | 226.39MB |
- data augmentation: colorjit + randomhflip + randomscale + randomcrop
- input image normalize: ToTensor + Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
- loss function: CrossEntropyLoss + class_weight
- 150 epoch, Adam optimizer, initial_lr=5e-4
# train on 4 GPUs
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 train.py --config configs/cityscape_drn_c_26.json
# evaluate
python evaluate.py --logdir [run logdir] [-s]
# Moreover, you can add [your configs].json in run_tasks.sh
sh run_tasks.sh