• Added an option to fail CxOSA scan if any error occurs while performing the scan.
• Added an option to provide custom CxOSA dependency “.json” file.
• Added an option to provide a location where to store CxOSA log files which would contain errors as seen on a command line.
• Added an option to provide a comma separated list of FSA configurations.
• Added an option “overrideProjectSetting” which will decide whether project settings can be overridden from config as code feature .- Fixed the issue to change default list for CxOSA Extractable archives.
The following third-party libraries have been upgraded
• Library “io.netty:netty-codec-http” to 4.1.77.Final.
• Library “io.netty:netty-code” to 4.1.77.Final.
• Library “net.lingala.zip4j: zip4j” to 2.10.0.