Releases: checkmarx-ltd/CLI
Added a new parameter loglevel
Added warning regarding deprecating of parameter AvoidDuplicateProjectScans
Added plugin name and version in headers of api calls
Added support for OpenJdk21
Added changes to use Project Default preset if preset is not specified in the parameters
Vulnerability fixes
v1.1.33 🌈
Upgraded below libraries
• org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk18on to 1.78.1
• org.apache.commons:commons-compress to 1.27.0
• org.mozilla:rhino to 1.7.15
• io.vertx:vertx-core to 4.5.9
• io.netty dependencies to 4.1.112.Final
• org.iq80.snappy:snappy to 0.5
v1.1.31 🌈
- CLI 2024Q3 release related code changes @susmitagorai29 (#140)
- 2024Q3 SCA Vulnerability fix @susmitagorai29 (#135)
Release_1.1.30 🌈
Upgraded below libraries to 32.0.1-android
org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit to
cx-client-common to 2024.1.1
Enhanced to print plugin version in logs.
Enhanced to show policy compliance status in logs.
Fixed the issue of SAST scan getting terminated while waiting for longer duration with Status
Enhanced functionality to avoid duplicate SAST scans for same project if another scan is already running .
Enhanced to use expected versions of SAST APIs.
The following third-party libraries have been upgraded:
org.json:json to 20231013 to 32.0.0-android
io.netty:netty-handler to 4.1.100.Final
org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-archiver to 4.8.0
org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on to 1.70
org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit to
• The following third-party libraries have been upgraded:
o Library org.json:json to 20230227
o Library com.fasterxml.jackson.core: jackson-databind to 2.15.0-rc1
o Library com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat: jackson-dataformat-yaml to 2.15.0-rc1
o Library net.lingala.zip4j :zip4j to2.11.5
o Library org.glassfish.jaxb: jaxb-runtime to 2.3.2
o Removed dependency on org.yaml: snakeyaml
• Added support for Post Scan Action
• Removed mandatory parameters for ScaResolver like -n, -s, --cxserver, --cxuser, --cxpassword
• Fixed the issue where scan was happening incremental instead of full scan if both incremental and force scan were configured.
• The following third-party libraries have been upgraded
o Library to 31.1-jre
o Library org.json : json to 20220924
o Library io.vertx: vertx-web to 4.3.8
Release_1.1.18: Nov22 integration branch (#115)
Plugin Version 1.1.18
Version Content • Fixed issue “Plugin Shows Git Token in Plain Text”.
• Fixed issue “failed with next error 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/lingala/zip4j/core/ZipFile .”
• Fixed issue “Plugin does not work with ScaResolver and Exploitable path”.
• Below are newly introduced features in plugin
o Ability to run a full scan after X incremental scans.
o Project branch support.
o Allow to specify a custom trust store through file.
o Generation of SCA report in different report formats like PDF, XML, CSV, etc.
• Below are newly introduced command line options for SAST Scan
o ‘PeriodicFullScan’ to specify number of incremental scans after which full scan to be performed.
o ‘EnableSASTBranching’ to enable project branching support.
o ‘MasterBranchProjName’ to provide a name of master branch project.
•Plugin Version 1.1.18
Version Content • Fixed issue “Plugin Shows Git Token in Plain Text”.
• Fixed issue “failed with next error 'Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/lingala/zip4j/core/ZipFile .”
• Fixed issue “Plugin does not work with ScaResolver and Exploitable path”.
• Below are newly introduced features in plugin
o Ability to run a full scan after X incremental scans.
o Project branch support.
o Allow to specify a custom trust store through file.
o Generation of SCA report in different report formats like PDF, XML, CSV, etc.
• Below are newly introduced command line options for SAST Scan
o ‘PeriodicFullScan’ to specify number of incremental scans after which full scan to be performed.
o ‘EnableSASTBranching’ to enable project branching support.
o ‘MasterBranchProjName’ to provide a name of master branch project.
• Below are newly introduced command line options for SCA Scan
o ‘generateScaReport’ to enable to generate SCA report.
o ‘scaReportformat’ to provide report file format.
• Config-as-code cx.config file can have new properties “enableSASTBranching”and ‘masterBranchProjName’ to enable branching support and name of master branch project.
• The following third-party libraries have been upgraded
o Library “snakeyaml” to 1.33.Final.
o Library “Jackson-databind” to 2.14.0.Final.
o Library “jsoup” to 1.15.3.Final.
o Library “gson” to 2.10.Final
Below are newly introduced command line options for SCA Scan
o ‘generateScaReport’ to enable to generate SCA report.
o ‘scaReportformat’ to provide report file format.
• Config-as-code cx.config file can have new properties “enableSASTBranching”and ‘masterBranchProjName’ to enable branching support and name of master branch project.
• The following third-party libraries have been upgraded
o Library “snakeyaml” to 1.33.Final.
o Library “Jackson-databind” to 2.14.0.Final.
o Library “jsoup” to 1.15.3.Final.
o Library “gson” to 2.10.Final
- Fixed an issue where duplicate headers were sent during the retry attempt when token expires for a long running scan.
- Upgraded vulnerable libraries
- Added support for override config from config-as-code file
• Added an option to fail CxOSA scan if any error occurs while performing the scan.
• Added an option to provide custom CxOSA dependency “.json” file.
• Added an option to provide a location where to store CxOSA log files which would contain errors as seen on a command line.
• Added an option to provide a comma separated list of FSA configurations.
• Added an option “overrideProjectSetting” which will decide whether project settings can be overridden from config as code feature .- Fixed the issue to change default list for CxOSA Extractable archives.
The following third-party libraries have been upgraded
• Library “io.netty:netty-codec-http” to 4.1.77.Final.
• Library “io.netty:netty-code” to 4.1.77.Final.
• Library “net.lingala.zip4j: zip4j” to 2.10.0.