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User Documentation

Felix Hilgers edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 5 revisions



You can find the latest build of the userspace daemon and android application in the github releases. They are built for both x86_64 and arm64-v8a, so you have to choose the right version depending on the architecture of your android device/emulator.

Android Emulator

For running the daemon you can use any recent android system image (versions 14 and 15 should work fine). The easiest way to install this is to use sdkmanager or the tools available in Android Studio. For running the daemon you need a custom system image with a kernel supporting syscall tracing.

After acquiring the system image, you have to create an avd. The easiest way to do that is to install the Android SDK and use avdmanager:

avdmanager create avd -n myemu  -k 'YOUR SYSTEM IMAGE NAME' --device automotive_1080p_landscape

Running this newly created avd can be done through emulator @myemu.


After the system is set up, you can install the application with adb install path/to/app.apk.

The daemon has to be run as root. You can push the binary to the emulator using adb push path/to/daemon /data/local/tmp/. /data/local/tmp is used as an example, as this directory is typically writable on an emulator. Any directory that can be written to suffices.



Start the backend daemon as root, you can use adb for that:

adb shell su root /data/local/tmp/daemon

Android App

The app can be used like any other android app. Just open it from the device launcher.


Demo video



This screen offers visualizations for different kinds of events. You can select the package you want to inspect, the kind of metric that interests you and time intervals.



The configuration screen allows you to select options per process.



This empties the configuration and allows for a clean restart.