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Zero Instrumentation Observability for Android™1 (AMOS WS 2024/25)

Kotlin Version Rust Nix GitHub Actions Workflow Status REUSE status forthebadge

Product Mission

ZIOFA (Zero Instrumentation Observability for Android) aims to implement observability use cases relevant to performance specified by our industry partner using eBPF. Examples include tracing long-running blocking calls, leaking JNI indirect references or signals like SIGKILL sent to processes, all without instrumenting the observed application itself.
The eBPF programs are loaded and unloaded using a backend daemon running as root that will collect metrics and send them to a client. For displaying these metrics to the user, we are implementing an on-device UI that can display visualizations for these use cases and allow for configuration of the enabled use cases, but using a decoupled Client SDK so that future work may easily make the data accessible the external processing.


The easiest way to get all dependencies is to use the provided development shell in flake.nix. For that you will need Nix. Additionally you can use a tool like direnv to automatically load the environment for this repository.

The shell will setup:

  • The rust nightly toolchain (nightly is required currently for ebpf because of the unstable build-std feature)
  • The bpf-linker
  • The Android SDK and NDK
  • The cargo-ndk package for compiling for rust for android
  • The protobuf programs for generating grpc server and client code

Build & Deploy

Emulator Setup

As we need a modified version of Android, we cannot use the standard system images that come with the default Android SDK. To make development easier, a custom Android SDK is loaded into your environment using the nix development shell.


The Android SDK shipped with the shell is built of the standard parts with everything necessary for building Android Apps. The only "custom' part is the system image, which was build externally and is currently hosted on S3. The image can be also downloaded manually from with its manifest stored in package.xml. You can also download and unzip the system image to $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/system-images/android-VanillaIceCream/android-automotive/x86_64 manually and copy the package.xml to that directory as well.

This sdk includes the automotive system image, which is built with a custom kernel having CONFIG_FTRACE_SYSCALLS=y set. To create an emulator using that image, you can use the avdmanager tool also provided with the SDK:

avdmanager create avd -n YOUR_AVD_NAME  -k 'system-images;android-VanillaIceCream;android-automotive;x86_64' --device automotive_1080p_landscape

This can be started with the emulator tool like this:

emulator @YOUR_AVD_NAME


The simplest way to build and test everything is the following command inside of frontend/ (this will take a while):

./gradlew build

The apks for each build configuration are located in frontend/app/build/outputs/apk/.

To install the application using the real backend on your device or emulator, run either ./gradlew installRealDebug or adb install path/to/real/app.apk

There are other flavors available, for example installMockDebug, for a frontend using fake data instead of the real backend. This is mainly interesting for development purposes.

In order to view the full list of tasks configured in gradle, run

./gradlew tasks


All in one deploy

If you'd like to build and run the daemon all in one command, you can use

cargo xtask daemon

This will ask you for root privileges to run the built executable.

By running

cargo xtask daemon --android

the executable won't start on your device but instead on an adb reachable android device or emulator by pushing it to /data/local/tmp/backend-daemon on the device and running it with root there.

Do it youself deploy

To just build the daemon, run the following command inside of rust/ for your desired architecture:

AYA_BUILD_EBPF=true cargo ndk -t x86_64 build --package backend-daemon
AYA_BUILD_EBPF=true cargo ndk -t arm64-v8a build --package backend-daemon

You can then proceed to copy the executable (rust/target/debug/backend-daemon) to wherever you like and run it. You need root privileges in order to run it.


The app can be used like any other android app. Just open it from the device launcher.

Demo video



This screen offers visualizations for different kinds of events. You can select the package you want to inspect, the kind of metric that interests you and time intervals.



The configuration screen allows you to select options per process.



This empties the configuration and allows for a clean restart.

Technical Design

To view more information on our technical design, please check our Wiki


To generate the html documentation run the following:

asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram Documentation/asciidoc/main.adoc -o Documentation/build/doc/index.html


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  1. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.