Releases: adafruit/Adafruit-SSD1331-OLED-Driver-Library-for-Arduino
Releases · adafruit/Adafruit-SSD1331-OLED-Driver-Library-for-Arduino
1.2.2 Bump version in
1.2.1 - Updated CI Actions versions
Update CI action versions
1.2.0 - Moved repository to GitHub Actions, updated doxygen documentation
Added GFX Demo from NeoMatrix / RGBPanel
Added GFX Demo which was ported from NeoMatrix / RGBPanel by @marcmerlin
Added Display Enable/Disable Option
Added Display Enable/Disable Option to prevent burn-in. Thanks @Paraphraser.
Updates and Fixes
- Updated library to use sendCommand for better code
- test example now works with the GFX library
- Tested and working on Arduino, ESP8266, and Teensy 3.6
- bmp example removed
Now subclassing SPITFT for big speed increases!
1.1.0 bump for release!
Fixes swap()
1.0.2 Add GitHub issue template
1.0.1 minor bug fix release
Minor bug fix release with support for ESP8266.
1.0.0 release for Arduino
Automated initial release for Arduino library system.