Releases: Kneschtie/Relay_Controll
Raspberry Pi Light controll
This repisitory will support Raspberry Pi 3B+ and Raspberry Pi 4B. I didn't tested the other Pi's i didn't tested, they probably also work. I also use a windows pc, so it can diver
Setting up your Raspberry Pi:
Installing the raspberry pi image
If you know how to install a raspberry pi image you can skip this step.
At first go to the Raspberry Pi Website and download the Raspberry Pi Imager:
Now start the raspberry Pi Imager and select the Operating System you want to have for your Raspberry Pi. In our case we will use Raspberry Pi OS (32Bit). After you have selected the right Operating System you have to select the boot device, the raspberry pi should boot of. In most cases you normally just use a standart micro sd card that has at least 8GB of storage. Then you have to click onto write and wait a little while
Setting up SSH
To connect to the raspberry Pi without using a screen we have to set up SSH. This step is pretty easy. You just have to create a file with the name ssh without a ending and drag it into the sd card.
If the Sd card doesn't show in your Explorer, eject it and put it back in.
After adding the file SSH to the micro sd card you can insert the sd card into the Raspberry Pi connect a LAN cabel and boot it up.
Connect to the raspberry Pi using the IP address
start cmd and type in ssh pi@(Ip Address of your pi) press enter
ssh pi@(Ip Address of your pi)
when you connect first to the Raspberry Pi you have to agree that you want to connect to the Pi. Write yes and then press enter.
then you have to type in the password, the standart password is raspberry press enter.
At first i recommend changing the password
Changing the password
write passwd to change the password. At first you have to write the old password and after pressing enter you can Type in the password you like.
It doesn't show you the letters or little stars of your password.
Nice now we have setted up the raspberry Pi successfully. Congratulations!!
Installing apache2
You can copy paste the code down below. To insert it into CMD you have to press the right Mouse Button.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt install apache2
Now you have successfully installed the apache Server.
The following comands will start or stop the webserver
sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl stop apache2
normally the webserver starts after every reboot. You can disable and enable it
sudo systemctl disable apache2
sudo systemvtl enable apache2
when you change something you have to reload apache 2
sudo systemctl reload apache2
Testing if the webserver works
use your favourite web Browser and type the ip address of your raspberry pi into the addressline
you can also type in http://localhost
Now it's time to configure the webserver
Setting up a password for your local Website
sudo mkdir /var/www-private
sudo chgrp pi.www-data /var/www-private/
sudo chmode 2750 /var/www-private/
setting up the password
cd /var/www-private
htpasswd passwords.pwd "The name of the user you want to add"
now it asks you to write the password for the new user.
you can add as much users as you want, the only thing is of course to use another username, otherwise it wouldn't work
Adding Code
Adding a folder for the code
We will add a folder named mycode which will be the folder for the webpages.
sudo mkdir /var/www/mycode
sudo chown pi.www-data /var/www/mycode
sudo chmod 2750 /var/www/mycode
cd /var/www/mycode/
Adding the scripts into the folder
cd /var/www/mycode/
sudo nano Hauptseite.php
copy and paste the code down below
<!doctype html>
@import url("style.css");
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1><strong><em>Welcome to the comandcenter</em></strong></h1>
<div class="container">
<p class="bu">
<p>Power strip back</p>
exec('gpio -1 mode 12 out ');
if (isset ($_POST['newstate1'])){
$new = $_POST['newstate1'];
if($new == '0' || $new=='1'){
exec("gpio -1 write 12 $new");
$current = exec('gpio -1 read 12');
echo "<p> Power Strip isn't turned on";
echo "<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method = 'post'>
<input type='hidden' name = 'newstate1' value='1'>
<input type='submit' value='stop led'>
echo "<p> The Power Strip is turned on";
echo "<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method = 'post'>
<input type='hidden' name = 'newstate1' value='0'>
<input type='submit' value='stop'>
<p class="bu">
<p>Main Light</p>
exec('gpio -1 mode 16 out ');
if (isset ($_POST['newstate2'])){
$new = $_POST['newstate2'];
if($new == '0' || $new=='1'){
exec("gpio -1 write 16 $new");
$current = exec('gpio -1 read 16');
echo "<p> The main Light isn't turned on";
echo"<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='newstate2' value = '1'>
<input type='submit' value ='start'>
echo "<p> The main Light is turned on";
echo "<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method = 'post'>
<input type='hidden' name = 'newstate2' value='0'>
<input type='submit' value='stop'>
<p class="bu">
<p>RGB LED</p>
exec('gpio -1 mode 18 out ');
if (isset ($_POST['newstate3'])){
$new = $_POST['newstate3'];
if($new == '0' || $new=='1'){
exec("gpio -1 write 18 $new");
$current = exec('gpio -1 read 18');
echo "<p> The RGB Led isn't turned on";
echo"<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='newstate3' value = '1'>
<input type='submit' value ='start'>
echo "<p> The RGB Led is turned on";
echo "<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method = 'post'>
<input type='hidden' name = 'newstate3' value='0'>
<input type='submit' value='stop'>
<p class="bu">
<p>Power Strip 1 </p>
exec('gpio -1 mode 22 out ');
if (isset ($_POST['newstate4'])){
$new = $_POST['newstate4'];
if($new == '0' || $new=='1'){
exec("gpio -1 write 22 $new");
$current = exec('gpio -1 read 22');
echo "<p> The Power Strip 1 isn't turned on";
echo"<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='newstate4' value = '1'>
<input type='submit' value ='start'>
echo "<p> The Power Strip 1 is turned on";
echo "<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method = 'post'>
<input type='hidden' name = 'newstate4' value='0'>
<input type='submit' value='stop'>
<p class="bu">
<p>Power Strip 2</p>
exec('gpio -1 mode 32 out ');
if (isset ($_POST['newstate5'])){
$new = $_POST['newstate5'];
if($new == '0' || $new=='1'){
exec("gpio -1 write 32 $new");
$current = exec('gpio -1 read 32');
echo "<p> The Power Strip 2 isn't turned on";
echo"<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='newstate5' value = '1'>
<input type='submit' value ='start'>
echo "<p> The Power Strip 2 is turned on";
echo "<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method = 'post'>
<input type='hidden' name = 'newstate5' value='0'>
<input type='submit' value='stop'>
<p class="bu">
<p>Relay 6</p>
exec('gpio -1 mode 36 out ');
if (isset ($_POST['newstate6'])){
$new = $_POST['newstate6'];
if($new == '0' || $new=='1'){
exec("gpio -1 write 36 $new");
$current = exec('gpio -1 read 36');
echo "<p> Relay 6 isn't turned on";
echo"<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='newstate6' value = '1'>
<input type='submit' value ='start'>
echo "<p> Relay 6 is turned on";
echo "<p><form action='Hauptseite.php' method = 'post'>