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JimiIT92 edited this page Jun 15, 2017 · 2 revisions

Flags are used to determine the Region behavior. All players who have permissions or are the owner of a Region will bypass most of this flags (when they refers to a player activity). Here below is a list of all the current implemented flags and what they do. You can see the list of all flags and their use by using /rg flaghelp in game

build: Sets if non-members can place/break blocks in the region

pvp: Sets if players can pvp in the region

mobdamage: Sets if mobs can deal damage to players in the region

expdrop: Sets if mobs can drop experience in the region

creeperexplosions: Sets if creepers will break blocks in the region when they explode

otherexplosions: Sets if explosions will break blocks in the region

endermangrief: Sets if enderman are allowed to break/place blocks in the region

enderpearl: Sets if non-members are allowed to use enderpearls in the region

enderdragonblockdamage: Sets if the enderdragon will break blocks in the region

sleep: Sets if non-members are allowed to sleep in the region

tnt: Sets if tnt explosion will break blocks in the region

lighter: Sets if non-members are allowed to use lighter in the region

chests: Sets if non-members are allowed to open chests/trapped chests in the region

waterflow: Sets if water can flow in the region. This also enable/disable water buckets at all

lavaflow: Sets if lava can flow in the region. This also enable/disable lava buckets at all

use: Sets if non-members are allowed to use containers in the region. This will not consider crafting tables, anvils and enchanting tables

vehicleplace: Sets if non-members are allowed to place vehicles in the region

vehicledestroy: Sets if non-members are allowed to destroy vehicles in the region

leafdecay: Sets if leaves will decay in the region

sendchat: Sets if non-members are allowed to send chat messages while in the region

potionsplash: Sets if non-members are allowed to thrown potions in the region

falldamage: Sets if players can take fall damage in the region

walldamage: Sets if players can take suffocate in walls in the region

drown: Sets if players can drown in the region

cantp: Sets if players can use the /region teleport command while in the region

canspawn: Sets if players can use the /region spawn command while in the region

hunger: Sets if players will loose hunger points while in the region

enderchests: Sets if non-members can open enderchests in the region

animals: Sets if non-hostile mobs can spawn in the region

mobs: Sets if hostile mobs can spawn in the region

tntdamage: Sets if players will get damage from tnt explosions

otherexplosionsdamage: Sets if players will get damage from other explosions

invincible: Sets if players are invincible in the region

cactusdamage: Sets if player will receive damage from cactus in the region

firedamage: Sets if player will receive damage from fire/lava in the region

mobpvp: Sets if players can damage mobs in the region

animalspvp: Sets if players can damage animals in the region

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