An efficient goal-conditioned reinforcement learning environment for fixed-wing UAV velocity vector control based on Gymnasium.
The policies are trained by "Iterative Regularized Policy Optimization with Imperfect Demonstrations (ICML2024)". Code
pip install flycraft
git clone
pip install -e fly-craft
import gymnasium as gym
import flycraft
env = gym.make('FlyCraft-v0') # use default configurations
observation, info = env.reset()
for _ in range(500):
action = env.action_space.sample() # random action
observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
if terminated or truncated:
observation, info = env.reset()
# 1.use default configurations
env = gym.make('FlyCraft-v0')
# 2.pass configurations through config_file (Path or str)
env = gym.make('FlyCraft-v0', config_file=PROJECT_ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "NMR.json")
# 3.pass configurations through custom_config (dict), this method will load default configurations from default path, then update the default config with custom_config
env = gym.make(
"task": {
"control_mode": "end_to_end_mode",
# 4.pass configurations through both config_file and custom_config. FlyCraft load config from config_file firstly, then update the loaded config with custom_config
env = gym.make(
config_file=PROJECT_ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "NMR.json",
"task": {
"control_mode": "end_to_end_mode",
Please refer to fly-craft-examples.
- Examples based on StableBaselines3 and Imitation:
Xudong, Gong, et al. "VVC-Gym: A Fixed-Wing UAV Reinforcement Learning Environment for Multi-Goal Long-Horizon Problems." International Conference on Learning Representations. ICLR, 2025. [Paper]
Xudong, Gong, et al. "Iterative Regularized Policy Optimization with Imperfect Demonstrations." Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning. ICML, 2024. [Paper]
Xudong, Gong, et al. "Goal-Conditioned On-Policy Reinforcement Learning." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. NeurIPS, 2024. [Paper]
Xudong, Gong, et al. "V-Pilot: A Velocity Vector Control Agent for Fixed-Wing UAVs from Imperfect Demonstrations." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. ICRA, 2025.
Dawei, Feng, et al. "Think Before Acting: The Necessity of Endowing Robot Terminals With the Ability to Fine-Tune Reinforcement Learning Policies." IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications. ISPA, 2024.
Here is an example of the configuration, which consists of 4 blocks:
The configurations about task and simulator, including:
- control_mode Str: the model to be trained, guidance_law_mode for guidance law model, end_to_end_mode for end-to-end model
- step_frequence Int (Hz): simulation frequency.
- max_simulate_time Int (s): maximum simulation time, max_simulate_time * step_frequence equals maximum length of an episode.
- h0 Int (m): initial altitude of the aircraft.
- v0 Int (m/s): initial true air speed of the aircraft.
The configurations about the definition and sampling method of the desired goal, including:
- use_fixed_goal Boolean: whether to use a fixed desired goal.
- goal_v Float (m/s): the true air speed of the fixed desired goal.
- goal_mu Float (deg): the flight path elevator angle of the fixed desired goal.
- goal_chi Float (deg): the flight path azimuth angle of the fixed desired goal.
- sample_random Boolean: if don't use fixed desired goal, whether sample desired goal randomly from ([v_min, v_max], [mu_min, mu_max], [chi_min, chi_max])
- v_min Float (m/s): the min value of true air speed of desired goal.
- v_max Float (m/s): the max value of true air speed of desired goal.
- mu_min Float (deg): the min value of flight path elevator angle of desired goal.
- mu_max Float (deg): the max value of flight path elevator angle of desired goal.
- chi_min Float (deg): the min value of flight path azimuth angle of desired goal.
- chi_max Float (deg): the max value of flight path azimuth angle of desired goal.
- available_goals_file Str: path of the file of available desired goals. If don't use fixed desired goal and don't sample desired goal randomly, then sample desired goal from the file of available desired goals. The file is a .csv file that has at least four columns: v, mu, chi, length. The column 'length' is used to indicate whether the desired goal represented by the row can be achieved by an expert. If it can be completed, it represents the number of steps required to achieved the desired goal. If it cannot be completed, the value is 0.
- sample_reachable_goal Boolean: when sampling desired goals from available_goals_file, should only those desired goals with length>0 be sampled.
- sample_goal_noise_std Tuple[Float]: a tuple with three float. The standard deviation used to add Gaussian noise to the true air speed, flight path elevation angle, and flight path azimuth angle of the sampled desired goal.
The configurations about rewards, including:
- dense Dict: The configurations of the dense reward
- use Boolean: whether use this reward;
- b Float: indicates the exponent used for each reward component;
- angle_weight Float [0.0, 1.0]: the coefficient of the angle error component of reward;
- angle_scale Float (deg): the scalar used to scale the error in direction of velocity vector;
- velocity_scale Float (m/s): the scalar used to scale the error in true air speed of velocity vector.
- sparse Dict: The configurations of the sparse reward
- use Boolean: whether use this reward;
- reward_constant Float: the reward when achieving the desired goal.
The configurations about termination conditions, including:
- RT Dict: The configurations of the Reach Target Termination (used by non-Markovian reward)
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- integral_time_length Integer (s): the number of consecutive seconds required to achieve the accuracy of determining achievement;
- v_threshold Float (m/s): the error band used to determine whether true air speed meets the requirements;
- angle_threshold Float (deg): the error band used to determine whether the direction of velocity vector meets the requirements;
- termination_reward Float: the reward the agent receives when triggering RT.
- RT_SINGLE_STEP Dict: The configurations of the Reach Target Termination (used by Markovian reward)
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- v_threshold Float (m/s): the error band used to determine whether true air speed meets the requirements;
- angle_threshold Float (deg): the error band used to determine whether the direction of velocity vector meets the requirements;
- termination_reward Float: the reward the agent receives when triggering RT_SINGLE_STEP.
- C Dict: The configurations of Crash Termination
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- h0 Float (m): the altitude threshold below which this termination triggers;
- is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left Boolean: whether calculate the reward (penalty) based on the max_episode_step and the current steps;
- termination_reward Float: the reward when triggers this termination under the condition of 'is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left == False'.
- ES Dict: The configurations of Extreme State Termination
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- v_max Float (m/s): the maximum value of true air speed. when the true air speed exceeding this value, this termination triggers;
- p_max Float (deg/s): the maximum value of roll angular speed. when the roll angular speed exceeding this value, this termination triggers;
- is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left Boolean: whether calculate the reward (penalty) based on the max_episode_step and the current steps;
- termination_reward Float: the reward when triggers this termination under the condition of 'is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left == False'.
- T Dict: The configurations of Timeout Termination
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- termination_reward Float: the reward when triggers this termination.
- CMA Dict: The configurations of Continuously Move Away Termination
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- time_window Integer (s): the time window used to detect whether this termination condition will be triggered;
- ignore_mu_error Float (deg): when the error of flight path elevator angle is less than this value, the termination condition will no longer be considered;
- ignore_chi_error Float (deg): when the error of flight path azimuth angle is less than this value, the termination condition will no longer be considered;
- is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left Boolean: whether calculate the reward (penalty) based on the max_episode_step and the current steps;
- termination_reward Float: the reward when triggers this termination under the condition of 'is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left == False'.
- CR Dict: The configurations of Continuously Roll Termination
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- continuousely_roll_threshold Float (deg): when the angle of continuous roll exceeds this value, this termination condition is triggered;
- is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left Boolean: whether calculate the reward (penalty) based on the max_episode_step and the current steps;
- termination_reward Float: the reward when triggers this termination under the condition of 'is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left == False'.
- NOBR Dict: The configurations of Negative Overload and Big Roll Termination
- use Boolean: whether use this termination;
- time_window Integer (s): the time window used to detect whether this termination condition will be triggered;
- negative_overload_threshold Float: when the overloat exceeds this value for at least 'time_window' seconds, this termination condition is triggered;
- big_phi_threshold Float (deg): when the roll angle exceeds this value for at least 'time_window' seconds, this termination condition is triggered;
- is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left Boolean: whether calculate the reward (penalty) based on the max_episode_step and the current steps;
- termination_reward Float: the reward when triggers this termination under the condition of 'is_termination_reward_based_on_steps_left == False'.
Cite as
title = {VVC-Gym: A Fixed-Wing UAV Reinforcement Learning Environment for Multi-Goal Long-Horizon Problems},
author = {Gong, Xudong and Feng, Dawei and Xu, kele and Wang, Weijia and Sun, Zhangjun and Zhou, Xing and Ding, Bo and Wang, Huaimin},
booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations},
year = {2025}