Escape From 2020 1.0.1
- Increased the amount of Redstone Ore, Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore, and Goo generated in the world
- Edited tooltip colors
- Added Sugar Cane as a drop when breaking most grass
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed crash when using a Silent's Gear tool after it's durability is zero. This requires re-enabling other tools to break when their durability runs out. This will hopefully be changed later on to allow for all mechanics to work together
Mods Added:
- Wither Skeleton Tweaks (1.16.3-5.2.1)
- Enchant with Mob (1.16.4-1.8.2)
- Dungeons Gear (1.16.4-3.0.1)
- Hud Compass (1.16.4-0.1.0)
- Bookshelf (1.16.4-9.1.9)
- Herd Mentality (1.16.4-5.0.1)
- Coloured Tooltips (1.16.4-10.0.2)
- Gateway to Eternity (1.16.3-1.0.1)
- Enchantment Descriptions (1.16.4-6.0.2)
- Chunkloaders (1.1.1-mc1.16.4)
Mod Updates:
- Forge (35.0.7 - 35.0.18)
- Artifacts (1.16.3 - 2.6.0 - 1.16.3 - 2.6.1)
- Oh, the Biomes You'll Go (1.1.4 - 1.1.5)
- FastWorkbench (1.16.3-4.4.0 - 1.16.3-4.4.1)
- Item Physics (1.4.7_mc1.16.3 - 1.4.8_mc1.16.4)
- Repurposed Structures (1.16.3-2.2.11 - 1.16.4-2.3.0)
- SilentGear (1.16.3-2.3.5+170 - 1.16.3-2.3.7+176)
- Simpletomb (1.16.3-1.0.1 - 1.16.3-1.0.2)
- TheVeggieWay (1.16.4-2.2.9 - 1.16.3-4.3.0)
- Xaeros_Minimap ( - 20.27.3)
- XaerosWorldMap ( - 1.11.1)
- Waddles (1.16.4-0.8.11)