Backup and Restore functionality for Yii2 applications.
This extension is based on:
- yii2-backup by Ivan Orlov,
- yii2-backup by Ellera.
- php-sqlite-dump by ephestione
- extract-folder-content-using-ziparchive
- loading-sql-files-from-within-php
I combined those sources and made a more powerful and easier to use extension.
Supported databases:
- MariaDB (via MySQL driver)
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
Supported compression methods:
- Bzip2
- Gzip
- Zip
By default the backup files is a tar file with sql dumps and folders.
Current limitations:
- Requires a linux system.
- Currently only MySQL on localhost is supported.
- Currently only MariaDB on localhost is supported.
- Currently only PostgreSQL on localhost is supported.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist amoracr/yii2-backup "*"
or add
"amoracr/yii2-backup": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, add it in your config file:
Basic config/console.php
Advanced console/config/main.php
Minimal Config
'components' => [
'backup' => [
'class' => 'amoracr\backup\Backup',
// Path for storing the backups
'backupDir' => '@app/backups',
// Directories that will be added to backup
'directories' => [
// format: <inner backup filename> => <path/to/dir>
'images' => '@app/web/images',
'uploads' => '@app/web/uploads',
Advanced Config
'components' => [
'backup' => [
'class' => 'amoracr\backup\Backup',
// Name for the backup
'fileName' => 'myapp-backup',
// Maximum age in seconds for a valid backup.
// Older files are considered deprecated and can be deleted.
// Minimum age is 86400 secs (1 day).
// Maximum age is 31536000 secs (1 year).
'expireTime'=> 86400 * 3,
// Path for storing the backups
'backupDir' => '@app/backups',
// Database components to backup
'databases' => ['db', 'db1'],
// Compression method to apply to backup file.
// Available options:
// 'none' or 'tar' for tar files, backup file is not compressed.
// 'bzip2' for tar.bz2 files, backup file is compressed with Bzip2 compression.
// 'gzip' for tar.gz files, backup file is compressed with Gzip compression.
// 'zip' for zip files, backup file is compressed with Zip compression.
'compression' => 'zip',
// Directories that will be added to backup
'directories' => [
// format: <inner backup filename> => <path/to/dir>
'images' => '@app/web/images',
'uploads' => '@app/web/uploads',
// format: <inner backup filename> => array('path'=><path/to/dir>,'regex'=><regular/expression/>)
// Key 'path' for setting the directory to include
// Key 'regex' for setting the regular expression for selecting the files to include
'pdf' => [
'path' => '@app/web/documents',
'regex' => '/\.pdf$/',
// Files to avoid in backup accross all directories
'skipFiles' => [
You can use this component in a console command.
namespace console\controllers;
class BackupController extends \yii\console\Controller
public function actionBackup()
$backup = \Yii::$app->backup;
$databases = ['db', 'db1', 'db2'];
foreach ($databases as $k => $db) {
$index = (string)$k;
$backup->fileName = 'myapp-part';
$backup->fileName .= str_pad($index, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$backup->directories = [];
$backup->databases = [$db];
$file = $backup->create();
$this->stdout('Backup file created: ' . $file . PHP_EOL, \yii\helpers\Console::FG_GREEN);